Commander of CFB Trenton charged with murder, sexual assualt, and home invasion


Jan 31, 2005
Wow this is such a delusional comment
Here you criticize my comment. You are wrong, but fine, you are in this case criticizing the point rather than the person, as you should be (although you do so without reference to fact or reason).


Perhaps your life is so pathetic that the only thing that amuses you is to try to get a rise out people.
Here you stray into direct personal insult, which you do again here:

your some loser on the wrong side of an argument
and here

Only a true loser and coward makes this kind of argument
and here

Not really hard when I consider the level of intelligence I'm up against.
and here

Now show us all what a pathetic loser you are and have the last word
I don't have anything to say to someone who behaves this childishly. I won't be drawn in to this sort of infantile behavior either. I will let other people judge you for themselves, everyone has eyes to see what you've done here.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
... Anyways Fugi, I know you're a child, baby, whatever, who has a compulsive need to win and when you don't you throw a tantrum...kf
An accurate description of what fuji has become. He used to provide interesting and well-reasoned input to TERB, but over the past 6 months or so has had some kind of emotional breakdown that has turned him into tboy. There is no longer any point in reading his input here, as he has turned into a simple troll, nothing more. Too bad, but he's broken now.
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