College Installs "Cry Closet" As Safe Space For Student Snowflakes"Your comments pls


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Aug 30, 2009
College Installs "Cry Closet" As Safe Space For Student Snowflakes"Your comments pls

College Installs "Cry Closet" As Safe Space For Liberal Student Snowflakes...
Get in here PLease comment on this...LOL..

With finals week well underway at the University of Utah, students walking through the J. Willard Marriott Library encountered a white booth with a door on the front, adorned with a sign reading "Safe Place for Stressed Out Students Otherwise known as The Cry Closet.

After knocking to ensure no other students are utilizing the the tiny safe space, overwhelmed millennial adults can step inside and cuddle with a variety of children's stuffed animals. my school installed a cry closet in the library LMFAOOOOOOOOO what is higher education


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Designed by University of Utah student and visual artist Nemo Miller "in collaboration with Tony Miller and David Meyer," the booth is basically a functional art installation.



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Aug 30, 2009
That said, Utah students who are afraid to come out of the closet will be verklempt after learning that it has a 10 minute time limit. At least students queued up to cry won't have to wait too long before releasing their emotions all over the stuffed animal companions.

One might think Miller and his two co-creators would have finished their booth using proper craftsmanship techniques easily found on YouTube, but no - from the side it looks like a giant unfinished shipping crate for emotionally underdeveloped adults. One might expect some drywall with perhaps sob-absorbing sound deadening material.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Designed by University of Utah student and visual artist Nemo Miller "in collaboration with Tony Miller and David Meyer," the booth is basically a functional art installation.
I think that means that it's a practical joke for gullibles like you to get upset about.


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Aug 30, 2009


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Aug 30, 2009
University of Utah students grieving over finals find ‘cry closet’ in library
APRIL 25, 2018 AT 12:51 PM

University of Utah Senior creates "The Cry Closet" for a class project

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—Finals week officially began Wednesday at the University of Utah with the end of classes, and students who passed through the J. Willard Marriott Library encountered an unexpected space to help them cope with their testing anxiety.

“The Cry Closet” stood in the middle of a busy passageway, ready to greet stressed-out students.

“I think everyone just needs a safe space sometimes—even if it’s in a very public place,” said the artist behind it, senior student Nemo Miller.

Rules for The Cry Closet

The front appeared as if it was cut out of a wall, and the inside space was covered with soft materials and filled with stuffed animals and toys.

Miller created 400-lb stand-alone closet for a class project.

Rules posted to The Cry Closet instructed students to knock before entering, to only go in alone and to limit time spent there to no more than 10 minutes.

Tuesday night, word had already quickly spread around the school through social media and the hash tag, #cryclosetuofu.

Several students stopped by to check The Cry Closet out and spend some time inside.

“I just kind of thought it was funny,” said Christian Hoole.

Stuart Hamill described the closet as “creepy.”

“I mean, it’s like a creepy closet with creepy stuffed animals,” Hamill laughed

Other students, including Corinne Doerner, said they appreciated the concept behind the functional art piece.

“My favorite place to cry is the shower, so I’ll probably use that before the closet, but I like the idea,” Doerner said.

Miller was in disbelief Tuesday night over the large response the project was getting.

“I’m like, ‘oh my God,’ what’s happening right now?” she exclaimed.

Miller said The Cry Closet would remain in place through the end of finals.

Commencement at the University of Utah is scheduled on May 3.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Yes, he actually made it as an installed the art project. But it is not meant to be taken seriously. It is a lampoon. It is meant to be exaggerated and silly. It is a subtle joke.
Only you will find a bullshit excuses to justify stupidity !!!

Artist's Cry Closet Helps Students Cope With Finals Stress

Finals are tough.
Elly BelleAPR 25, 2018 3:48PM EDT
Lydia Ortiz
Have you ever felt so stressed out by life that you feel like hiding somewhere and crying? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Nemo Miller, a visual artist and student at the University of Utah, knows just how common that experience is — so she came up with an art installation called a cry closet. The piece looks like an actual private closet in the middle of a hallway, but its whole purpose is to let you stress-cry in peace.
According to Twitter, the installation is designed to give students 10-minute crying sessions during which they can hide and cry their stress away. The description on the display reads: “This space is meant to provide a place for students studying for finals to take a short, 10-minute break.”

The cry closet is located in the school’s library, according to one Twitter user who attends school at the University of Utah. The closet has rules, including that you must knock before entering and that there is only one person allowed in the closet at a time, among others listed on a sign on the door. According to the Independent Journal Review, the space is also equipped with some stuffed animals for maximum comfort.

It’s well known that stress can have multiple effects on your physical and mental health, including on your ability to think clearly. According to the American Psychological Association, multiple studies have shown that severe emotional stress can trigger “heart attacks, arrhythmias, and even sudden death.” Chronic stress, which is stress that lasts for long periods of time, can cause chronic headaches and even disease, "either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking, and other bad habits people use to cope with stress," the APA reported. In addition, once you’re already sick or dealing with health issues due to stress, that existing stress can also make it more difficult to recover.
And although there are many healthy ways to relieve stress, crying is definitely cathartic and one method to help you feel better during hard times. Many experts agree that the act of crying relieves stress. Tears are not just sadness or frustration in the form of saltwater — they actually contain an endorphin called leucine enkephalin that reduces pain and helps improve your mood. That means crying could help you transform stress into something useful — so it would seem the cry closet is nothing but beneficial.
That said, school shouldn't be so stressful that you find yourself constantly crying. There are a lot of productive ways to cope with stress, and it's important to find one that works for you. But sometimes it's totally true that you just need a good cry.
Related: How to Deal With Stress



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, he actually made it as an installed the art project. But it is not meant to be taken seriously. It is a lampoon. It is meant to be exaggerated and silly. It is a subtle joke.
Pornaddict is pretty easy to fool, just a few days ago he was really, really sure that he was pushing a real cover from Time magazine, didn't even notice the fake website address.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009


Jun 19, 2013
From Vice:

Sure, the cry closet is basically an art installation, with the University of Utah acknowledging that the whole thing is pretty tongue-in-cheek to begin with, but it's still found its share of people whining about weak-ass millennials and how they need to "toughen up." But let's be real, here: Someday—maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow—you might find yourself in a public space with that familiar lump in your throat and an imminent flood of tears, and say, "Damn, wish I had a small box to go sob inside for ten minutes or whatever." The world is currently full of things to cry about, so maybe we could use a few more of these things.
I’m not sure how you couldn’t see this as funny as an installation - or bitingly satirical if you’re into pleonasms. It’s functional art. It’s a statement that wouldn’t be functional unless it was able to serve a purpose. Pretty common on any university campus I’ve been on over the past 25 years - crying AND functional art.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Oh MY! I sincerely hope it won't be used for *alternative* purposes. :Cry: :Cry: :Cry: :Cry:#cryclosetuofu

#cryclosetuofu finna beat my meat in peace before class starts...LOL

Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

When called out on it, the University hedged - saying it "wasn't JUST humor. It is an art installation that is meant to provoke feeling, thought and conversation, which the artist has apparently achieved."

stop pretending that it was humor - you think i can put my pops statue in inside the library without any consequences?
You folks are just pathetic virtue signalling at its finest!

— jilldavis (@Jillrocksyou1)


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Does your college need a 'cry closet'?

Forget puppies, this is the future.

8 hours ago 2,873 Views 4 Comments Share57 Tweet Email
IT’S TOO LATE for UCD thesis guy, but could we start seeing ‘cry closets’ cropping up in Irish colleges?
giphy (1)
University of Utah’s @aJackieLarsen shared a photo of The Cry Closet on Twitter, built by artist and fellow student Nemo Miller. Students can relieve tears for 10 minutes at a time in the library.
Source: @aJackieLarsen

Source: @aJackieLarsen

Source: @aJackieLarsen
Is this what colleges resort to when they run out of stress relief puppies?
Some students thought it was a great idea, suggesting some other departments where one was needed.

Source: sith happens/Twitter
Project Maths is enough to make anyone cry, in fairness.
However, some people speculated on how the closet might be used for other things other than crying.

Source: money make me milly rock ��/Twitter
Miller was pretty happy with the generally positive response to the art installation though

Source: Nemo Miller/Twitter


Active member
Aug 30, 2009


Jun 19, 2013
Oh MY! I sincerely hope it won't be used for *alternative* purposes. :Cry: :Cry: :Cry: :Cry:#cryclosetuofu

#cryclosetuofu finna beat my meat in peace before class starts...LOL]
Do you usually see small, enclosed spaces with stuffed animals and immediately go to “that looks like a place I could jack off in?” I’m glad we don’t work together...

Be sensible. One doesn’t need privacy for a wank in the library.

Ask any homeless person in Toronto where their favourite place is for a nap in Robarts.

Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

I’ve never gotten the impression Nigel likes, let alone understands art.

When called out on it, the University hedged - saying it "wasn't JUST humor. It is an art installation that is meant to provoke feeling, thought and conversation, which the artist has apparently achieved."

On the subject of ‘hedging’ - is the point here that folks like you think this is bad art, that this isn’t art despite being an art installation created by a visual arts major for an art course, or that this is literally a crying closet that’s masquerading as “art.”

It would seem that this entire thread is about you and the good folk at zerohedge doubling-down when you didn’t at-first get the joke.

stop pretending that it was humor - you think i can put my pops statue in inside the library without any consequences?
You folks are just pathetic virtue signalling at its finest!

— jilldavis (@Jillrocksyou1)

Who do you think @Jillrocksyou1 is?

She’s got almost 40 whole followers on Twitter and yet has over 3,500 Tweets, most of them seemingly troll-esq. She doesn’t appear to understand what virtue signalling means, but was almost able to use it in a properly punctuated sentence. Who is her ‘pops’? Is he an artist at the university as well? Does he also have a learning disability?


The thread continues:

Well it wasn’t JUST humor. It is an art installation that is meant to provoke feeling, thought and conversation, which the artist has apparently achieved. And, it made us LOL, which can sometimes be the best stress relief during finals.
art exhibit inside the library? - I doubt anyone would take it lightly after seeing " HATE FREE ZONE" flyers plastered all over the place like some kind of election campaign.
Why yes, we have art exhibits in the Library all the time. Visit the fourth level and there is a CONSTANT STREAM of art exhibits. Libraries are not just places for books to be stored.
In Jill’s defence, she was subjected to all those “hate free zone” flyers. University must be an awful place for a visionary like Jill.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Oh MY! I sincerely hope it won't be used for *alternative* purposes. :Cry: :Cry: :Cry: :Cry:#cryclosetuofu

#cryclosetuofu finna beat my meat in peace before class starts...LOL

Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
Cry closets replace safe spaces. Some American universities have lost the plot.

When called out on it, the University hedged - saying it "wasn't JUST humor. It is an art installation that is meant to provoke feeling, thought and conversation, which the artist has apparently achieved."

stop pretending that it was humor - you think i can put my pops statue in inside the library without any consequences?
You folks are just pathetic virtue signalling at its finest!

— jilldavis (@Jillrocksyou1)
It's an art installation which is there for a chuckle and if someone says "Well, university can really wear on you, I guess.", then the art piece also "provoked feeling, thought and conversation".

That's it, Porn. No one goes in to weep. You're the most gullible guy on this board.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Which explains his global warming position.
Its really funny watching pornaddict explode when he's shown to be gullible.
I expect this thread to be deleted later today and then another dozen started up on either climate change denial or 'snowflake sensitivity'.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Well, I remembered reading this and it squares with what my younger friends who attend universities are in fact telling me....

I think it's more about how universities have started to become too accommodating to a very small number of students who take offense at everything.

But here's the thing, imho, I have the right to offend you.

Anyway, here it is.....

Recently, I had occasion for the first time to be in a recognized “safe space,” that egregious term that generally seems to mean a place where the most delicate among us can vent without any fear of correction or challenge and then be supported up the yin-yang.

It was a panel discussion about the Jian Ghomeshi case held last Friday night at the University of Toronto.

Organized by the University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society (UTMIAS), a registered campus group, and sponsored by the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), the discussion featured two lawyers (David Butt and Richard Litkowski) and me.

The evening itself was fun and spirited.

My fellow panellists are smart, the audience was informed (a show of hands showed that about half had actually read Ontario Court Judge Bill Horkins’ decision acquitting Ghomeshi), Robert Samery, the chair of CAFE, had plenty of coffee on hand, and being Canucks, we were all exceedingly polite, except for me (I swore, but only twice).

What was grating, however, was the 10-minute introductory spiel, wherein several members of UTMIAS and CAFE gently reminded everyone that we were in a safe space, of their belief in fair and equal treatment for everyone, of the need for peaceful and civilized discussion, of the value of the human rights of everyone, of the approach to be taken (inclusive, diverse and affirming) and that the university’s “policy on disruption of meetings” was in effect.

And, as at least two speakers proudly mentioned, these forums were “models for how sensitive topics can be discussed” because “apart from universities,” there are few spaces where such things can be freely kicked around.

Apart from universities? Are you kidding me? Universities are the last places I’d look for vigorous debate, least of all on sensitive topics.

Link to rest:

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