college degree a waste of money?


Jun 6, 2009
Several years ago there was a article in the paper that said that 25% of the homeless people on the street have a college degree.
..... and how many of those were there because of other events beside not finding the right job? It's an interest fat but not what i would call a good reason for not getting one.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Anyone notice........
yes we are obviously more keenly interested in attacking msog right from his very first post, rather than actually reading what he has to say. btw It's "IN THE HOLE"..."not in the WHOLE"

what a doofus you continue to be


Jun 6, 2009
yes we are obviously more keenly interested in attacking msog right from his very first post, rather than actually reading what he has to say. btw It's "IN THE HOLE"..."not in the WHOLE"

what a doofus you continue to be
Considering I didn't type either 'in the hole' or 'in the whole' in that post, wtf are youm talking about?

As far as MSOG is concerned, when he's wrong, he's wrong, no matter when others point it out. There have been a few posts by him where he made sense and no attack was forthcoming, so you're wrong again.

BTW, have you figured out that Kissykissykissy was a girl yet?

Back in your crate mutley.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Several years ago there was a article in the paper that said that 25% of the homeless people on the street have a college degree.
And given other statistics presumably most of those are suffering from mental illness particularly Schizophrenia - so which came first the chicken or the egg?


Mar 20, 2010
And men need to learn to stop identifying them by their job. Jobs are at best fun, at worst a temporary inconvenience that puts food on the table. They do not define you.
I wish my job was fun, lol! Temporary inconvenience? Yes! If you define temporary as 30+ years... if I hope to get a pension, if the company still exists, if the pension fund still exists... lol. Eh my 6-day work week is over, been chilling with the 80s music thread and the videos therein, so... what, me worry? And yep I went to college and have done quite well, so far!

Guess I shoulda planned ahead and found a date for this time. :p


Jul 27, 2011
I had a eureka moment today.

I am prejudiced. I equate educated with a lot of positive traits and intelligence and at least some training in logical though.

I guess I assume that most people who go through the first few years at any good university know that anecdotal evidence is not evidence. I assume they have learnt to see the various sides of a question and understand that "knowing" can be related to facts and understanding OR a decision to blindly believe something.

I always hated jargon but respect the meaning of words and assume people know those meanings.

The prejudiced parts come from the reverse view. I pick up that someone has never been trained in constructive criticism and I realise they were never educated at the level and at a visceral I think of them as inferior. I assume they were uneducated.

I do know some people who apparently did not get an education are quite bright and have an understanding of many topics. My favourite truck driver, Simon, for example can hold his own in any discussion. But I assume people who just fling one liners and deliberately misinterpret others have more to do with high school or even grade school that adult conversation.

I am definitely prejudiced about it.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Several years ago there was a article in the paper that said that 25% of the homeless people on the street have a college degree.

How does that offset the clear statistics that show people with a degree tend to make much more money over their life and are much less likely to be unemployed?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Like I said, if professionals are looking for a career, go to China.

I have a friend who was an electrical engineer working in the telecomm industry in Canada who was making about 140k a year whose job was offshored to China at a fraction of the price. He was offered a pay cut of 75% if he wanted to keep his job. He told them to shove it and is now happily renovating houses for the last 2 years.

If your job can be off-shored (at a fraction of the cost) it will be.


Jul 27, 2011

I have a friend who was an electrical engineer working in the telecomm industry in Canada who was making about 140k a year whose job was offshored to China at a fraction of the price. He was offered a pay cut of 75% if he wanted to keep his job. He told them to shove it and is now happily renovating houses for the last 2 years.

If your job can be off-shored (at a fraction of the cost) it will be.

Well, to quote my neighbour for most of 2011......

"If they want to wear off shore clothing, eat off off shore foods, feed their cats off shore cat food, drive off shore cars and type their complaints on off shore computer parts, I guess they clearly want more off shore jobs."

You sort of cannot have it both ways. Well you can but it costs extra <====== Joke


Dec 11, 2011

I have a friend who was an electrical engineer working in the telecomm industry in Canada who was making about 140k a year whose job was offshored to China at a fraction of the price. He was offered a pay cut of 75% if he wanted to keep his job. He told them to shove it and is now happily renovating houses for the last 2 years.

If your job can be off-shored (at a fraction of the cost) it will be.
lol that story sounds like complete bs. No company would offer an employee a 75% pay cut to keep their job who is gonna accept that. obviously if you can command 140k for your position in canada, there are other companies that need your obviously skilled labour in canada and throughout the world that will pay the same or close enough.


Dec 11, 2011
to touch on what other people have said, there are many booming job markets outside of ontario, most people in ontario are employed by the public sector well over 50% id say. the other big source of employment is the natural resource sector. There is no opportunity in canada and the u.s. like their used to be and its basically all bc of big govt.


Jul 27, 2011
to touch on what other people have said, there are many booming job markets outside of ontario, most people in ontario are employed by the public sector well over 50% id say. the other big source of employment is the natural resource sector. There is no opportunity in canada and the u.s. like their used to be and its basically all bc of big govt.

Well there is a classic example of the value of an education. You learn to think critically, and to not just make up anecdotal numbers. If you have an education you are less likely to sound like an idiot because you do not have the training to think in a structured way and evaluate random ideas and numbers you happen to hear. Thanks for providing a perfect example :)


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
it is a waste of money in the sense that people choose the wrong sectors. If these ppl majored in geology lets say, their prospects for finding a job would be pretty high as the mining industry is booming right now. its basic supply and demand. Now that being said, if you arnt a driven person and believe that simply by getting a college education a job will fall into your lap without hard work and determination than you will fail at finding a good job in your field and this is the mentality of most people.
This. Unfortunately, young people are told that if they go to college/university they'll find jobs that will allow them to live a good life. Not true. Hard work and dedication increases your chances of finding such a job...and college/university is just one (and most common) of many paths that help you get there.


Dec 11, 2011
Well there is a classic example of the value of an education. You learn to think critically, and to not just make up anecdotal numbers. If you have an education you are less likely to sound like an idiot because you do not have the training to think in a structured way and evaluate random ideas and numbers you happen to hear. Thanks for providing a perfect example :)
its called reading books...


Jul 27, 2011
Well there is a classic example of the value of an education. You learn to think critically, and to not just make up anecdotal numbers. If you have an education you are less likely to sound like an idiot because you do not have the training to think in a structured way and evaluate random ideas and numbers you happen to hear. Thanks for providing a perfect example :)
its called reading books...
no hun. Books present you with informations, if you are lucky with facts buried in there. And the first time you create a paper at the university level you start to learn that there is a process to thinking. A process to sift the facts, get rid of preconceptions, organize them, and produce something solid.

If they have never been trained in that, how can we expect rational thought from someone? They spout out nonsense and think it is knowledge. They cannot tell that a book is a repository of information, and that teasing out wisdom is a learned skill.

but your lack of even basic logic skills is at least now easier to understand. :)


Jul 27, 2011
This. Unfortunately, young people are told that if they go to college/university they'll find jobs that will allow them to live a good life. Not true. Hard work and dedication increases your chances of finding such a job...and college/university is just one (and most common) of many paths that help you get there.
There are no guarantees in life. But as posted above, statistical looks at the information are pretty clear. You reduce the odds of being unemployed by about a factor of 3. And you increase your probable income drastically. A University education is not a guarantee of success. It does however stack the odds in your favour. I am taking a post grad distance learning course in probability and statistics. One of my recent assignments was to find ways to express probabilities in a way to make them clear to the average person.

Roughly, if we accept the 2 charts already quoted... If we had 4 people playing poker, and 2 had university educations and 2 did not, it would be like the two without university education had to keep any face card they were dealt but they did not count for winning any combinations. :) They might still win, but the odds are not in their favour.

By the way that is an example, and I did not calculate the odds in this case. But I would be in the ball park. :)
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