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CMJ spa exposed client's pictures on Twitter

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Mar 18, 2013
Well said CMJ. (Ok maybe I'm a little biased). The main thing to get from this long explanation is dont be an Ass Hat and there wont be any issues


SB destroyed
May 12, 2014
Good job CMJ!!


Feb 20, 2018
Common sense not to be an ass especially going to a spa. It look a while for a reply from CMJ. Lesson learned and move on.


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
Thanks for the clarification CMJ. I was sure that an established business wouldn't risk their reputation over only a couple of hundred dollars and that there had to be more to this. Glad the 2 clowns were caught.

Thank you for addressing my concern about running into other clients. I'll be at more ease now going to CMJ :)


Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
In her post, and in responding to comments about releasing private information of members or guests, MyaCMJ said: "Pencil wrote: Yeah, I'm just not comfortable with CMJ being judge, jury and executioner when it comes to my personal information." And Mya replied: "Again, unless you plan on being a complete dangerous asshole, you have nothing to worry about as our 15 years of history speaks for itself."

To this, I note a few things:

1. This situation and CMJ's reply reminds me of the well-known expression (regarding information gathering by governments): "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear". This sentiment has been used to justify spying on the citizens of the former Soviet Union by its government, and the widespread video surveillance of the public in the UK, by the UK government.

2. At the time when he was CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt is known to have said: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place ...."

What I am trying to say with all this is, I certainly understand that CMJ generally, or mostly, tries to uphold high standards regarding customer confidentiality, and I admit that I know very little of the infractions and problems caused by the specific guests. Having said that, I interpret MyaCMJ's response and explanation as being along the lines of "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear", or said differently, "If you do not cause trouble in our club, you do not need to fear the loss of your privacy."

Well, I think it unwise to post the images of the transgressors (or "assholes" as described by MyaCMJ- and some of them must have been assholes). Taking such strong action may be unfair to some of the guests that were identified (were all the outed guests assholes?) Further, it certainly does not help CMJ's reputation regarding privacy.

Just my 2 cents. OK, those who do not agree, fire away at me!


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
It was a complexe situation from the beginning but I believe MyaCMJ had addressed all issues.
Unfortunatelly, there will be always people who will not like the answer, no matter what.

Sorry but not sorry! Just don't be a dick... I have no sympathie for dick heads.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
There's some interesting subtext to this if you've followed the Twitter threads. I suspect it's not allowed to be discussed here, but Mya's post references it if you read between the lines.


The Boss in MP Luxury
Wow! I guess we should check this more often. Unfortunately, due to a complaint that was made about CMJ not being a paid advertiser to the Mod, the CMJ account was suspended. This is why CMJ isn't active on this board anymore and we have focused more on twitter and our events again.

Anyways, on to the matter at hand. First of all, after being in business for over 10 years and having been in the city operating in the massage business for 15 years, Jasmin's and CMJ's reputation and professionalism speaks for itself. A situation like this has NEVER happened prior so with that fact alone you should be able to comprehend the magnitude of the situation and our decision to proceed the way we did.

First and foremost, and ALWAYS, is our commitment to the safety and security of our staff.
Second, is the discretion and privacy of our members and lastly, to our guests.

The only way we would EVER even consider violating the discretion and privacy of the members or guests is if that person, or persons, put the safety or security of our staff at risk. And in our opinion, if you threaten the safety or security of our staff, you deserve whatever consequences are coming your way and for that, WE WILL NOT APOLOGIZE!

There were NO errors, there were NO mistakes in what we did - our reasons to do so were twofold - to warn others of the immediate danger (neighbouring spas, and fellow sex workers) and to have the culprits identified. Once the assholes were identified and the police took over, we removed their photo - its as simple as that! What we find opportunistic and pathetic, is those who have attempted to capitalize on this unfortunate and dangerous situation by attempting to slander us and question our professionalism. Though, the majority of our community all expressed gratitude and support for our actions.

As something that gained little negative traction and ample support on Twitter, a new user with minimal history, with the sole exception of attacking and bashing CMJ as another TERBITE has also pointed out, started this thread in hopes of fulfilling the void left behind on Twitter. The thread also seems to be continuously fueled by other new handles who literally just joined TERB at the same time as the events were unfolding on Twitter ? Odd? We think not - to be honest, it was predictable... and extremely disappointing - but one cannot dismiss the lengths some will go to in their attempts to discredit our success and hopes of derailing the amazing traction our new location has had!

Though, some of the additional commentators have brought up some valid points that we are more then happy to provide clarity.

Rainah wrote: I am concerned that a business that usually proclaimed how well it keeps member's privacy is showing that there are situations in which they would compromise that, without any rules or reassurances. Are there other things they will out people for? What things? We don't know, and that's what concerns me, as well as the vindictive nature of the post.

Please see our statement above as to the ONLY reasons we would ever violate anyone's privacy.

Jazzbox wrote: So how is it that CMJ can legally serve booze? Are they licensed? Outing these guys may have been right in the grand scheme of things but it might well attract some unwanted interest from authorities... Not a smart move.

I understand the motives for posting the pic but I question it from a business perspective. They should have ate the loss and moved on. Now you have people wondering about how trustworthy and secure CMJ and whether it is professional in that it allowed 2 guys to run up a $500 tab. They must have been wasted when they bolted although they were probably buying drinks for some MAs. I can see the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario taking an interest in this and they play hard ball.

I like CMJ but hubris might bite them if they are not careful.

We hold a full time liquor licence at our DT location and are within our legal right to serve alcohol. We also have an outstanding open and
transparent relationship with the Ottawa Police Service and have had so for many many years. They are more then happy to assist us when
we need their services. I this was just about swallowing a $500 loss, we would have easily done so - as money was the last thing on our
minds and we did take the loss that night. We've already discussed the nature of the incident so we don't feel the need to elaborate further.

JohnnyFever wrote:Why were these guys there in the first place, if they weren't members and had nothing booked? If they're letting anyone just come in off the street, then it's not a place I'll be visiting.

We allow guests to come in to discover what CMJ is all about and to see if its for them. Many of the hostesses are in direct contact with
gentlemen from twitter and other places who express interest checking out CMJ. We leave it up to the hostess to decide whether or not they
would like to invite them to the club as their guest and yes, they have to book a specific time to do this. At the DT location, we have a
gorgeous bar and lounge area that is separate from the
rest of the club. This is also where we do our orientations for those wanting to become members. We do not have people "walking in off
the streets" as we have a locked security door and a reception area someone would need to pass before gaining access.
This practice of allowing guests is common and not unique to CMJ - that we can assure you of.

Nesbot wrote: Whatever. If you guys have no issues with their methods of getting even, you have more balls than me. Guess I have more to lose.

We were not "getting even" by our actions - we were ensuring that these two weren't able to continue their abusive and dangerous behavior
elsewhere and needed them to be identified. And unless you plan on coming into our business, abusing and getting aggressive with our
staff and stealing property - you have nothing to "lose".

Pencil wrote: Yeah, I'm just not comfortable with CMJ being judge, jury and executioner when it comes to my personal information.

Again, unless you plan on being a complete dangerous asshole, you have nothing to worry about as our 15 years of history speaks for itself.

Eagartoplease wrote: Until CMJ management comes out and explains all the facts, they are in the wrong on this one. Why were these guys that nobody knew allowed to run up a tab? How were the girls in amy danger (cmj said girls were scared)? Did they leave without paying? Other than leaving without paying, did they do anything else illegal? Please remember that being losers is not illegal. So far it sounds like CMJ management over served 2 patrons and let them run up a huge bill and then the customers bolted. This happens on a nightly basis in bars across the city. So did CMJ post the pics because they lost money? I dont see how any of the girls were affected, they should not have lost amy money and they were not harmed from the sounds of it, so is it just sour grapes from the owners?

What would CMJ do if a girl reported that a client stole money from them in the room? Would CMJ post the image of that client? Or do they only do it if the client steals from the CMJ business itself?

There are details I cannot provide due to the ongoing investigations and pending charges. However, its really not that difficult for two guys
to run a tab or $500 or more. Considering the prices of our membership, sessions and that we offer a variety of premium bottles of wines
and expensive champagne. Secondly, I have already mentioned multiple times the nature of the incident that happened and our reasons for
doing so. Third, please see our rationale and protocols for allowing guests discussed above and know that, guests do not have the same
privileges or access as members. Further, over the many years we have been in business we have swallowed tons of financial loss - from
covering ladies who were accidentally shorted or stolen from by other hostesses, to being stolen from by ladies etc. - if this was just about
money then this would be an non issue

Ebron99 wrote: Imagine all the scenarios where your privacy could be at risk now: What if you said something wrong and insulted one of the girls? what if they miscounted your payment? is your face going to be put on blast then?
With alcohol flowing for both the clients and girls who knows what kind of misunderstandings can happen. `Judge, jury, and executioner` of your privacy is right.

No, there's only one scenario and that includes threatening the safety and security of our staff. Our actions are not uncommon for this
industry - bad and dangerous client lists exist and information, photos etc are readily shared. The key to ensuring you are not part of this,
treat people with respect.

Cuddlebuddy2 wrote: I don't want to meet or see any clients going in or coming out.

Don't worry - as mentioned our bar and lounge area is completely separate and we have our ways to control traffic. Our commitment to
privacy in this regard isn't in question.

Stdoug wrote: Maybe just limit the bar to members. Non members get a tour, pay the extra price for a session with one of the ladies but can't use the bar. I would think most members want to know if they're sitting at the bar they're among fellow members who not only want privacy but will respect your privacy too.

The bar is actually the best place to host non members initially as they are limited in their access to the club as a whole. And the same
goes for the seduction lounge at the west. We would never allow unsuspecting members to walk into the bar area without prior warning of
who else is in the bar area and vice versa for visiting guests.

We apologize for not responding to everyone, but it looks like we were able to cover all concerns and topics covered in our responses above. We will not address the OP, as we know who that person is. Interestingly enough and as a twist of fate - the guys involved happened to leave a phone behind. The content of the phone is also part of the investigation and there may be a chance that this was not a random attack. If we are able to provide more details, we will do so as we love FULL transparency!
All I see here is CMJ playing the blame game and not taking responsibility for their actions.
For them to even insinuate that we or anyone else had anything to do with the incident doesn’t make sense.
No one put a gun to CMJ’s heads and said post a picture of the disruptive client or else.
They willfully posted the picture and then removed it, hoping they would not get caught. But they did get caught.

Post the picture and then call the proper authorities?
They decided to be the judge, jury and executioner.
In my opinion, they don’t have the right to do so, especially since all members sign a privacy agreement that goes both ways.
This is not slanderous. These are the facts behind what happened. These facts are really the only thing we know with regards to the whole incident, to be honest.

Which brings me to my next point. These so called non members being allowed into the club long enough to run up a bar tab and not sign membership forms? Does no one see a problem with this and the lack of hands on from CMJ?

But if you cause any disruption or are an “asshole” according to CMJ and their hostesses your picture will get posted on their twitter, and they are justifying it by saying it’s to protect the community.

Perhaps they should start by taking precautionary measures to avoid this whole situation.
Having a smart serve certified administrator/ office manager on staff at all times would be a good start into putting those precautions in place.

Was there even a smart serve certified paid employee on staff or were the clients allowed to drink themselves to intoxication? Are the hostesses themselves manning the bar? And how often are the hostesses left alone to work at any location? This is a common practice among some spa’s in Ottawa that I personally totally disagree with.

We have several precautions for our ladies that have come into place over this last year.
If CMJ wishes to discuss some of these precautions, we are more than happy to share them to help keep the community safe.

CMJ had an opportunity to really keep the community safe by texting us about the disruptive clients to let us know ASAP since we are after all, neighbouring establishments. But instead, myself and my husband received personal text messages from CMJ’s owner telling us how pathetic we are after the fact.

Of course I had nothing to do with this whole incident. Logically, how could I?
But, that won’t stop CMJ from making up conspiracy theories to cover up what’s really at the heart of the matter.

So on a personal and public note, take responsibility for your actions and your business. Your clients will appreciate you more for it in the long run.

The only thing that I did was manifest CMJ getting caught for posting a picture of a client. I can understand why the owner would be upset with me.
Posting pictures of clients who misbehave is not industry standard.
I felt the need to reiterate this to our clientele. It definitely will not happen at the Brass Club. Mainly, because none of my staff have access to view my camera system's past footage.
I wouldn’t want my own members to be concerned about their privacy at our establishment. Case closed.

Best regards,



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Well, Jessica's post made me worried even more. First, I think photos or personal details should not be posted online under any circumstances, even if the client raped or killed somebody - there is police for that and CMJ is large and powerful enough to involve police in it without posting info online. Second, much more alarming conclusion the I can make: there is some kind of a cold war between Brass and CMJ and I, as a client, worry a lot if such war can go into "hot" phase which may result in LE attention to both clubs and makes clients' privacy and security very questionable. It would be a shame since Brass and CMJ are the best things that happened to Ottawa.
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