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City Hall Racist Ad

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
The comments so far on this thread shows that this ad is unnecessary and divisive. No need for it. Another example of politicians and special interest groups dumping their agenda on us.
I don't find the ad appropriate.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Perhaps we're due for a bit of islamophobia. Every time THEY do something outrageous they scream islamophobia, right after. I remember my neighborhood mosque hiring cops to protect them on September 11. I think I don't care for Muslims, much.


Mar 12, 2004


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The term and usage of the word Islamophobia came from the extreme right wing, largely from the US, though also from France and Britain. Linking its usage with the largest demographics of right wingers is just identifying where its coming from and targeting the ad to hit that demographic.

If the shoe fits, you're going to have to wear it.
Actually, that's not true. The term Islamophobia was invented by the Muslim apologists and propelled to today's popularity by CAIR.


Active member
Jul 17, 2014
Remember that unless you are of First Nation heritage you are an immigrant.

Sadly, this ad with a different ethnic face or religious background could have been used many times in the past for each new wave of immigrants. This is just the newest chapter. Vietnamese boat people,Tamils,Sikhs,Eastern Europeans,Irish Africans.....the list goes on.

I have a third generation American academic friend of Vietnamese heritage who has endured this same line multiple times. Her response: I'm from California. It shuts them up.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
$80,000 for an ineffectual campaign that may even have the opposite effect of what they intend.

There will always be outliers who exhibit hatred towards certain groups of people. Those people are not going to be swayed be these ads.

The more important factor here is that "Muslim" is not a's a religion. It's a choice. You weren't born Muslim, it's a practice. As a choice, why wouldn't someone be critical of a person who supports a violent religion? Christianity had the same deal in days long ago, and should rightly be called out on it. But that religion has certainly reformed. Hopefully the Muslim world will do the same sooner than later.


Active member
May 22, 2011
When it comes to any sort of ad or government supported program, their intentions are good I guess, but they are racist. You know why?

Because whatever ad it is..... race, drinking and driving, abuse, an addicted gambler etc..... the bad guy is a white guy probably 99% of the time.

The easy way out for the government because white guys typically don't complain. Now a more balanced way of doing it would be to spread it out so some ads have this person or that person, a man, a woman etc... But in most social ads, it's usually a white man (somewhere around 30-40 years old) that is pigeon holed as the creep.


Active member
May 22, 2011
The irony is that if they used government workers as the basis for their demographics, there would be one white guy and forty minority women in the ad.
LOL. A more accurate ad would be someone saying "Get to work you lazy ass". The other person responds, "No. I'm part of a government union. By the way, I'm leaving for home at 2:30"


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just so that I understand your point, you're telling us that right wing individuals (female as well???) are solely responsible for "Islamophobia" and that linking this demographic provides you with everything you need to know about this issue? I guess you feel that all "right wingers" are white males. No left leaning individuals are capable of such behaviour?

You seem quite happy to generalize and point fingers at a pretty wide swath of society. This is just bigotry while using politically correct ideology as your cover. Why don't you try that shoe on for size???
Here, let me do some more measuring for that shoe you're going to wear for a long time.
Lets take a look at Trump's poll numbers, as an example of support for far right, neo-fascist, racist views.

According to a Washington Post poll, Trump has startlingly high negatives, being viewed unfavorably by 77 percent of women, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of African-Americans.

Trump wants to ban Muslims from coming to the US, recently said an American of Mexican descent couldn't judge evenhandedly and generally is just a racist, almost fascist, poster boy for the extreme right wing.

So who does like him?
Trump is viewed negatively by every major demographic group except non-college educated white men (who view him favorably, 56-42).

City Hall could target that directly to stupid and/or uneducated white people for maximum effect.

Did you want to try the left one on as well, or are you happy with your right measurements only?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I may agree with you on climate change, but your views here are completely stupid, and somewhat racist...and btw, I hate Trump too. Being a white male doesn't make me a Trump lover or racist.
Its not racist to say that the far right wing is racist. I'm not saying that Islamophobia is an entirely caucasian problem, I'm just noting that according to the polls of Trump supporters and critics, that Trump is perceived as being racist as well as a far right winger. And according to those polls the only group in which he has favourable responses from are now down to uneducated white males.

Trump is viewed negatively by every major demographic group except non-college educated white men (who view him favorably, 56-42).
Trump is viewed as right wing and racist, and he's backed mostly by uneducated white males.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Here, let me do some more measuring for that shoe you're going to wear for a long time.
Lets take a look at Trump's poll numbers, as an example of support for far right, neo-fascist, racist views.

Trump wants to ban Muslims from coming to the US, recently said an American of Mexican descent couldn't judge evenhandedly and generally is just a racist, almost fascist, poster boy for the extreme right wing.

So who does like him?

City Hall could target that directly to stupid and/or uneducated white people for maximum effect.

Did you want to try the left one on as well, or are you happy with your right measurements only?
You seem to have a very limited view of who forms the "right wing". Donald Trump represents no one but himself. Just because he is a crazy nut bar does not make him the poster boy for all of those on the right side of the political spectrum. Our own mayor, John Tory, would be considered right wing in Canada given that he was the leader of the provincial Conservatives. Using your own distorted logic, John Tory, the right winger, is an extremist islamophobe. Give it up. You're only making yourself look foolish. Are you on the Grade 10 debating team???

Thanks for the cool links, though. It makes it a lot easier for you rather than creating your own position. Just keep on using those articles about the crazies who thrive in the U.S. political system. As far as I know, Trump represents absolutely no one in Canada, so how do you build your argument that his rants are cover for running this horrid ad in Toronto?

See zoobots reply to your commentary. You can learn a lot from him...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You seem to have a very limited view of who forms the "right wing". Donald Trump represents no one but himself. Just because he is a crazy nut bar does not make him the poster boy for all of those on the right side of the political spectrum.
Trump is the presumed Republican presidential nominee, he is the head of the right wing in the US right now.

Canadian conservatives for the most part are much, much more moderate. We are talking the extreme right wing that caters to racist and stupid people. The only Canadian equivalent would have been the racist and crackhead, Rob Ford, who campaigned as a right winger but was also hated by most conservatives.

So maybe you are right, maybe those city hall ads should go out to the Ford nation first and foremost.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
This thread is a refreshing reminder of why I am so thankful to have moved out of the GTA after 30 years. I'm sitting on the deck having a beer with my farmer neighbour, talking about this years' crop, loving a picture perfect sunny day. Laughing about how 100 acres is now trading for about $1.6M 'round these parts. The topic of Muslims and their insanity did not come up. I am hopeful it remains that way 'round these parts.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
Having said that there was a day when I roamed wild on Bay St. and fired guys like FrankenWhatever on a regular basis. Why? They produce nothing. I do miss that. If he is in fact employed I would be tempted to make a call just to see his ass bouncing down the street, empty bag attached to a stick. BTW the "farmer neighbour" has 1750 acres, now that IS funny!

This thread is a refreshing reminder of why I am so thankful to have moved out of the GTA after 30 years. I'm sitting on the deck having a beer with my farmer neighbour, talking about this years' crop, loving a picture perfect sunny day. Laughing about how 100 acres is now trading for about $1.6M 'round these parts. The topic of Muslims and their insanity did not come up. I am hopeful it remains that way 'round these parts.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Terrible ad. If a problem doesn't exist, politicians will generate one.

Whichever political hack is responsible for this campaign is probably being rewarded somehow - accolades, financial kickback. What a waste of $80k.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Having said that there was a day when I roamed wild on Bay St. and fired guys like FrankenWhatever on a regular basis. Why? They produce nothing. I do miss that. If he is in fact employed I would be tempted to make a call just to see his ass bouncing down the street, empty bag attached to a stick. BTW the "farmer neighbour" has 1750 acres, now that IS funny!
Enjoy the livestock, well, not too much.

Had no idea there were outposts of the Ford Nation in the field.
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