..again, the War was fought, the US did not defeat China in the field. Therefore it was a draw, its really quite simple.
You can make all the excuses you want to, it ended in a draw.
Just like the US lost in Vietnam because they retreated.
End of story.
However, you are wrong Ranger they could not invade Taiwan at the present time because they do not have enough amphibious landing craft. Dont forget Tiawan is a rich country that has modern US weaponry, so it would not be a cake walk.
Last my point was, that if the US did not defeat China on the field of battle 60 years ago, then today with Chinas modernization it would even be harder.
US military supremacy is very over hyped.
Yes the Chineses treated their troops as cannon fodder, Unfortunately that goes back deep in Chinese history. However it was the only weapon they had against the superior American arms.