Who says that we Canadians are entitled . Canadians are only giving their opinion of US politics . Nothing wrong with that . Yes it does matter who the President is down there . Just talk to the people in Canada who have been laid off because of the new tariffs . I'll bet if you got laid off you'd be yelling and screaming about the President .
Trudeau's policies have not affected the Americans ( until now ) so why would they want to get rid of him. With these new tariffs that have been applied to the US they will be foaming at the mouth along with heavy breathing when they will be loosing their jobs . Even companies like Heinz are asking Canadians not to blame or boycott them .
What Canadians say or do does make a difference even though you think we're not entitled .
Giving your opinion is one thing. But kicking someone out because he wears a Trump hat is definitely not conducive to debate. And that's the whole point. You're not engaging in rational discussion when you tell someone to clear off because his politics are different than yours. That means you're self entitled and convinced you're right and nothing is going to change your mind, about Trump's politics, or about why people actually voted for him. In the latter case dismissing them as deplorables. And then the idiot progressives wonder why so many people voted for Trump, not understanding that they just insulted enough people to get him elected, from the deplorable hick towned flyover States.
In any case, you don't go to a restaurant to debate politics with the staff. A proper host is gracious enough to accommodate all his valued GUESTS and make them welcome, whoever they are.
The restaurant owners were justified to fire their manager, as a restaurant is there to make money, and not engage in profit-damaging polemic.
I'm tempted to get a Trump had and wear it, as a symbol of free expression, even though I don't really support his movement.
What Canadians say on the international scene is not even noticed. We're still a dull place where nothing happens from the US and UK perspective.... except when Trudeau plays dress-up and makes his foreign hosts cringe and becomes a laughing stock to the local press. You can be entitled all you want, but internationally, nobody gives a rat's ass what Canada says.