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CDN Restaurant Refused to Serve a Man Wearing a MAGA Hat, now Its Yelp Score is ruine


Apr 14, 2014
Because we’ve apparently learned nothing and are doomed to relive the same news cycle over and over, Yelp has once again become the home for airing political grievances. This time, a Canadian restaurant was made the target of negative reviews after the manager asked a man in a “Make America Great Again” hat to leave.

According to the CBC, the restaurant in this incident was the Teahouse in Stanley Park, a popular tourist restaurant. And like the Red Hen before it, the business received wave after wave of one-star reviews after manager Darin Hodge refused to serve a man wearing Trump’s signature hat.

Here’s how the whole thing played out, per accounts provided to the CBC: A man wearing a MAGA hat came into the restaurant and was seated on the patio. Hodge, the floor manager for the shift, confronted the man and asked him to remove the hat. The man refused, saying he had a right to wear it. Hodge informed him that he wouldn’t be served if he wore the hat, so the man left.

Hodge, who had been working at the restaurant for 18 months, was fired over the incident by the Sequoia Company—the venture capital group that owns the Teahouse—for violating the business’s “philosophy of tolerance.”

For his part, Hodge apparently has no regrets in regards to the incident. According to the CBC, he posted on Facebook saying, “I stand by my decision.” He explained: “The MAGA hat has come to symbolize racism, bigotry, Islamophobia, misogyny, white supremacy, [and] homophobia.”

While that seems like it should be the end of the story, it, of course, isn’t because on the internet, nothing is an isolated incident. Once word got out that a man in a MAGA hat was refused service at a restaurant, the Trump backers showed up in full force to the Teahouse’s Yelp page, armed with one-star reviews.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
No one is going to take those reviews seriously. And who tf reads Yelp anyway, especially for a tea place???

In Vancouver, the % of anti Trump folk probably outnumber the % of MAGA-men 10:1 in any event.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
The guy who, despite being fired, is still standing by his decision to not serve the man wearing the hat clearly should not be working in customer service. The increasing intolerance of those on the left is becoming an epidemic. This is a democracy sometimes your candidate doesn't win. Live with it FFS.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
They should sue the business. That's not reason to refuse service.
Somehow I don't think it's the business's policy to refuse service for MAGA hat wearers. Which is why the manager was fired. I don't see why the business should be sued when they took the right corrective action. I also don't see why they should be heckled by Trump supporters. If anything I thought this story would be about supporters of the manager heckling the restaurant because they fired him.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
They probably got bad reviews for firing the guy who refused to serve the Trumptard who thumbed his nose at Canadians during a tariff war initiated by the orange turd. I know I'm boycotting.


Active member
May 22, 2011
What happened is the guy got fired because reviews became negative. If the manager didn't serve the Trump guy and everyone praised the restaurant for standing up to a US President supporter, he would still have his job.

People in general shouldn't be so self-righteous. Canada is a great country and all, but let's face it. The second the Brits and French came over, the Natives basically got punted to the middle of nowhere into shitty communities and "White Guy Government" took over.

So where's all the politically correct people telling Canadian PMs to do more for the Native population?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
For some reason, Canadians seem entitled to get involved in US politics. It doesn't matter who's president down there; all the heavy breathing and foaming at the mouth is not going to make Trump leave office, or affect the coming congressional mid-term elections.

Americans including the MSM are not advocating the removal of Shiny Pony Trudeau, so why would Canadians want to same for Trump, as though some people here seem to assume that they have a vote in the US elections.


Feb 23, 2017
For some reason, Canadians seem entitled to get involved in US politics. It doesn't matter who's president down there; all the heavy breathing and foaming at the mouth is not going to make Trump leave office, or affect the coming congressional mid-term elections.

Americans including the MSM are not advocating the removal of Shiny Pony Trudeau, so why would Canadians want to same for Trump, as though some people here seem to assume that they have a vote in the US elections.
It's not about getting involved so much as having an opinion. IMO, Trump is an idiot. The American electorate elected a wild cannon who clearly doesn't understand that pissing off others with his decisions will eventually come back to bite him and his country. Honestly, no one would care if his actions were limited to his own people/country but his policies are now affecting other countries, Canada included.

I believe restaurant's have the right to refuse service for any reason. That seems to be a generic motto of the industry. Similar motto in the massage industry. However, it's clear some reasons are more acceptable than others. If an establishment refuses to serve black customers, it's a rights issue and a business will get in trouble. Can't refuse based on race, religion, etc. So now it comes down to refusing because the server/manager doesn't want to and the reasons don't have to be made known.

If I was the manager I just would have asked the person to leave. Mentioning the hat was stupid. And asking the customer to remove it was even more stupid - can't do that. So he should have been fired for being stupid. Funny thing is a restaurant in the US refused to serve a member of the Trump administration and I don't think they got the bad press this Canadian restaurant did. However, the news is being used to make the Trump administration look good/innocent.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The guy who, despite being fired, is still standing by his decision to not serve the man wearing the hat clearly should not be working in customer service. The increasing intolerance of those on the left is becoming an epidemic. This is a democracy sometimes your candidate doesn't win. Live with it FFS.
Yeah, right! And I'm going to drive around Texas or West Virginia with a "Fuck Trump!" sign on my car?? What would happen from your "tolerant righties"??!!

Intolerance cuts both ways and started around the time of Julius Caesar when they lynched Christ. So save me your sanctimony!


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
They probably got bad reviews for firing the guy who refused to serve the Trumptard who thumbed his nose at Canadians during a tariff war initiated by the orange turd. I know I'm boycotting.
And you guys find offensive and childish when I call you libtards? You are a joke!


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Trump successfully tapped into something in America society and is polarzingly popular still. In Canada Trump has the highest approval rating in Alberta not surprisingly, lots of derision for Trudeau there too. Economically, it is dangerous to antagonise a prickly, narcissistic guy like Trump who is in charge of the most powerful nation in the world. Trump is not eternal and can be waited out, but the seething problems will continue. In Lotus land BC, Trump is seen as a pariah by many. The server who got fired likely didn't value that job anyway.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Do you refuse to service libtards for coin? ?
Depends. If you bring me 250 piece loonie or 125 toonie I'm ok with it. This is the difference between us. I don't refuse service just because you have different political opinion. I leave this "privilege" for you guys.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Ya this no service thing is terrible, and this sanctimonious bs will be how the dems blow the unblowable midterm elections. Its like not serving a gay couple...the same problem, its just the right wing version of the left wing problem described above.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Are you sure about that? You sound like the GOP crying crying about 'civility'.
Nope you missed the point, or maybe as likely i was not clear lol. I'm only predicting what will happen, not wishing for what will happen. GOP has always been more effective at messaging, and they got more $, and some of their own networks, so despite the worst offender being in the white house, they'll figure a way to make this about liberal incivility, and make it seem worse than their own. The GOP does this better than Dems by setting the frame of these issues, and unfortunately the Dems tend to accept their frame thus end up fighting issues on the GOP's terms. Not saying i like it, just making an observation. After all, the GOP got a lot of rich guys to think that they are the true victims of society. I think harassing people in their private time is wrong whether it is Sarah huckabee or a doctor who provides abortions. There are other ways to express one's outrage.
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