can't stand this kind of hobbyist...


New member
Nov 15, 2008
I am so pissed right now at you guys. I saw one of my old clients today in yorkville. Once he saw me he walked right up to me and greeted me without any problem. I thought in my mind 'are you crazy?' Luckily my friend wasn't right beside me at the time. So wtf is up with some of these guys that think they have the right to do that. I wouldn't walk up to him. I mean it is obvious however he judged me it was ok in his head to say hi. Turns out I was right too. He asked for my number and wanted to maybe go out sometime. I saw him at most 3 times before so I know he was married. I wonder what he wants? I didn't want any of his moiney so I am sorry that I didn't have the drive anymore to hobby (hooker side of course). It really just wasn't a great experience. I have seen old clients before. One of them is still one of my best friends. Sorry to say this but most of the guys get weird after a while. Sorry that is the truth. But the good clients are what make the job fun and tolerable. But then a guy like the one today is what makes me hate cock. But I guess I had the last laugh because my 'pro' style evading skills kicked in and I told him I just recently got pregnant. Could have sworn I saw the bulge in his pants disappear along with once open wallet. LOL. Anyways just needed to vent a little.

- J

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
As they say, sometimes the past comes back to haunt you. He hadn't seen you in a while, and just wanted to talk/say hi. You did say your friend wasn't beside you, so I guess he thought you were alone.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, even though your past can come back to haunt you it's still really uncool to approach an sp in public, It's one of those unwritten rules. Not to excuse his behaviour but not all guys know this one.

Even though, unless he used your stage name, and you friend was there, where's the real harm? Unless he specifically referred to the biz and your stage name, no one will know a darn thing and to anyone else, he could just be an old acquaintance.


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Well he only knew my work name so that alone told me this guy
must be an idiot to think that was my real name. Never gave it to
him either. And I am sorry but as much as I would like to say that
bumping into old clients is like bumping into an acquiantance, that
must be the old cough syrup talking becuase trust me older guys
talking to a hooch that is not their daughter or their wife just looks
kinda off. I mean I could usually spot it a mile away. Whatever you
guys want to think is up to you. I'm only sharing the girls percpective..

- J


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
calloway said:
If he truly was a respectful hobbyist... this wouldn't have happened.
And there it is right there: Respect. I get that the SP and the client have very different perspectives, and would not assume that they look back on us as fondly as we do. I'd never approach an SP I knew in public, it would be disrespectful. If she's left the business, it's not my place to pry into her new life. I hope guys can wise up and appreciate this.


Hangman said:
And there it is right there: Respect. I get that the SP and the client have very different perspectives, and would not assume that they look back on us as fondly as we do. I'd never approach an SP I knew in public, it would be disrespectful. If she's left the business, it's not my place to pry into her new life. I hope guys can wise up and appreciate this.

I dodged a bullet once. I saw this SP and was going to say hi. Then I saw her child. Then I turned around, and went to a different store.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
ExGFE said:
Well he only knew my work name so that alone told me this guy
must be an idiot to think that was my real name. Never gave it to
him either. And I am sorry but as much as I would like to say that
bumping into old clients is like bumping into an acquiantance, that
must be the old cough syrup talking becuase trust me older guys
talking to a hooch that is not their daughter or their wife just looks
kinda off. I mean I could usually spot it a mile away. Whatever you
guys want to think is up to you. I'm only sharing the girls percpective..

- J
A couple of things: Why would you assume he thought that was your real name?

As for "hooch" if that's what you think of yourself then you have some self loathing issues to deal with, I have never referred to any woman as a hooch.

As for looking off, I think you're a little off. In fact, I was at a club on friday (first time in ages) and I happened to have a couple of ladies 17 yrs my junior hanging out with me. If it looked so off, then they wouldn't have followed me down the bar, invited me to dance with them etc.

I will repeat, it wasn't cool him approaching you but that could just be because he didn't know the rules. I wouldn't have assumed this rule either until I found terb and learned the ropes.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
ExGFE said:
I am so pissed right now at you guys. I saw one of my old clients today in yorkville. Once he saw me he walked right up to me and greeted me without any problem. I thought in my mind 'are you crazy?' Luckily my friend wasn't right beside me at the time. So wtf is up with some of these guys that think they have the right to do that. I wouldn't walk up to him. I mean it is obvious however he judged me it was ok in his head to say hi. Turns out I was right too. He asked for my number and wanted to maybe go out sometime. I saw him at most 3 times before so I know he was married. I wonder what he wants? I didn't want any of his moiney so I am sorry that I didn't have the drive anymore to hobby (hooker side of course). It really just wasn't a great experience. I have seen old clients before. One of them is still one of my best friends. Sorry to say this but most of the guys get weird after a while. Sorry that is the truth. But the good clients are what make the job fun and tolerable. But then a guy like the one today is what makes me hate cock. But I guess I had the last laugh because my 'pro' style evading skills kicked in and I told him I just recently got pregnant. Could have sworn I saw the bulge in his pants disappear along with once open wallet. LOL. Anyways just needed to vent a little.

- J
Good for you! I had the same thing happen to me last year. He started yelling "Angela" all over the place! I was with a group of freinds and they were somewhat confused, as they know me by my real name and have no clue that I work in this industry. To make a long storey short, I called him a little later to let him know how much of an imbecile he was. I love my men as equally as I love my women. You just have to keep the cock in line.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
ExGFE said:
I am so pissed right now at you guys.
- J
There was a thread on terb not long ago where some SPs were venting about some of the weird things that hobbyists do. I can't recall this particular issue being at the top of anyone's list ~ though no doubt it happens from time to time. While this former client was clearly out of bounds, and I know you're just venting some anger, I have to wonder why you would say that you're really pissed off at "you guys" and "most guys get weird" and you "hate cock," because of the actions of one guy who crossed the line ~ unless this is a daily occurrence, which I'm assuming is not the case. Sorry you feel that way, but it seems just a bit bitter to make such sweeping generalizations about hobbyists ... although you did acknowledge that there were some good clients. After all, I've had some bad experiences with 'weird' SPs, but I don't hold it against all SPs.

Now I'm curious ... do most SPs inevitably end up feeling bitter towards hobbyists in general, because of their bad experiences with a few? Should we be feeling some guilt and be apologizing for the actions of the jerks out there? Is it true that most of us get weird, after a while? I sure hope not.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
calloway said:
If he truly was a respectful hobbyist... this wouldn't have happened.
I don't do SPs (but I'm looking forward to it :) ) but when I see a dancer in public the most I'll do is not interrupt what I'm doing and give a quick nod or wave on the down low, and go on about my business. Basically, acknowledge her as a (hot) human being, without giving any context... Some will do the same back, and some have said 'hi' when we're both alone (and told me to get back to where they work).

I live in fear of the day when I'm on a date and 'Busty Betty' comes by for a chat, so I'd never do that to another human being.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
ExGFE said:
I am so pissed right now at you guys. Sorry to say this but most of the guys get weird after a while. Sorry that is the truth.

- J
I would agree with this statement if you change the word "guys" with "gals"


New member
Jan 19, 2006
tboy said:
Yeah, even though your past can come back to haunt you it's still really uncool to approach an sp in public, It's one of those unwritten rules. Not to excuse his behaviour but not all guys know this one.

Even though, unless he used your stage name, and you friend was there, where's the real harm? Unless he specifically referred to the biz and your stage name, no one will know a darn thing and to anyone else, he could just be an old acquaintance.
Basically I agree with Tboy on this one. It was a stupid thing to have done, but I have my doubts that it was done with malice. That said we can all take it as a reminder to be discreet.


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Tboy - If he didn't assume that my working name was my real name, he wouldn't have approached with 'hey ____, been a while, till working?' And sorry if I didn't list the entirety of the attempted pick-up.

Hooch? Geez I bet you were with a bunch of hooches while at the club. Sorry but hooch/hoochie is something I call my gf's all the time. But I will keep it more old fashioned for you tboy. And you know what I should do? I should just call myself a smartass instead. Got to be self-loathing to want others to think I am a bitch or in your case a prick.

Yes you are right, an older man dancing with a couple of hoochies in a club is not weird. I am sure you didn't buy them drinks or weazel your way into their pants. I apologize actually because you might be in your 20 or 30's which would make them anywhere from 3 years old to 13 years old. Did they know you were a smartass hobbyist or just a hobbyist? Nevermind 'look off', how about 'fucked off'!!?

I can't even believe you are saying what you are saying. This is the sex industry. I didn't know about terb before and I still never thought of approaching like that. isn't it common sense to be discreet when participating in the hobby? what if i didn't know the rules and called you by your first name on the board? sorry didn't know the rules? um no....common sense to keep my mouth shut. simple. and if you didn't see that as common sense to begin with then i am afraid you are the kind of hobbyist i can't stand. but since we are online and adults, I can't be bothered arguing and reminding myself of guys like you. thanks for the rest of the members that gave me some love and backups. the rest, sorry for sharing info you may not have heard before for discussion. i shouldn't have shared. jsut thought these forums could use a little more hoochiness. ;)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I dunno, it could go either way.

I guess since you never felt any sort of rapour with him (he didn't know your real name, etc.) he was being naive to think that there was every anything between the two of you.

I have only seen 1 SP in the last several years. I know her real name, I know her story, she knows mine. I like her very much. If I was walking down the street with a group of friends and saw her, I would have no problem stopping to say hi to her. If I was in a line in a restaurant and saw her, I would ask her to join us. I would have no problem with that either.

If however, she had a problem, then I would respect that.

But in either case, I would not be bringing up the hobby with her in public, or any other sort of details.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
What the fuck?!? Don't you guys get it? This hobby is about discretion... give your collective heads a shake! The clock stops the minute that hour is up. Then it's back to reality. Which means a hot young girl who gets paid for sex does not want to be a part of your life.

How the fuck would you like it if an escort came up and said hi and started talking to you with your wife, girlfriend, children, friends or family nearby? I know we'd be reading about what an idiot the SP was the minute you got back to your computers...

The MOST you might try and do is make eye contact and see if there is ANY sort of positive response - then you MIGHT be allowed to say "hi" and nothing more unless she initiates it.

Seriously, I think some of you guys are absolutely batshit crazy and/or completely disrespectful, selfish & insensitive.

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
Etiquette question

Got a SP MPA question on etiquette.

What if it happens the other way?

What if you are a SP or MPA and in walks someone you know looking for a little R&R ?

How should I respond if it is me who walks in and sees that cute girl from the church choir in a robe ?

Must make for some good stories.

Probably an urban legend but the story is a man walks into a legal brothel in Nevada and sees his daughter.

"What are you doing here? " He stupidly asks.

" Me? What are you doing here? " She quickly retorts.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
Captain Fantastic said:
What the fuck?!? Don't you guys get it? This hobby is about discretion... give your collective heads a shake! The clock stops the minute that hour is up. Then it's back to reality. Which means a hot young girl who gets paid for sex does not want to be a part of your life.

How the fuck would you like it if an escort came up and said hi and started talking to you with your wife, girlfriend, children, friends or family nearby? I know we'd be reading about what an idiot the SP was the minute you got back to your computers...

The MOST you might try and do is make eye contact and see if there is ANY sort of positive response - then you MIGHT be allowed to say "hi" and nothing more unless she initiates it.

Seriously, I think some of you guys are absolutely batshit crazy and/or completely disrespectful, selfish & insensitive.
Hey Captian. Did I post this? Or did you?
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