Cancelling an Appointment At Door


New member
Jan 4, 2003

can someone please offer some advice of what is the best technique/protocol of cancelling an appointment for an outcall because you simply don't think she is what you thought/want her to be. I do not mind paying a small cancellation fee, or should I just say I changed my mind? Thanks.


New member
Dec 1, 2002
The best way to cancel a call... if you changed your mind call back asap if you dont and waite till they get to your door some sp's requier a cancelation fee cause of the gas they spent on to get there.

Samantha Jones

?Does this General question not belong in the Lounge?

Tell the truth. The only way anyone is ever going to learn from their minuses is if they hear the real reason.

If a menu item you order at a restaurant comes incorrect, or poor quality unless word gets back to the kitchen the same mistake can be reporduced time & time again.

My policy personally has always been to ask the client when I arrive and tell him that I will gladly leave if I am not just what he expected. It has only ever happened twice.

On the other hand I also will tell a client if He has mis-represented himself that I cannot stay. This has occurred, with my leaving- approx a dozen times.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Re: ?Does this General question not belong in the Lounge?

Samantha Jones said:
My policy personally has always been to ask the client when I arrive and tell him that I will gladly leave if I am not just what he expected. It has only ever happened twice.

On the other hand I also will tell a client if He has mis-represented himself that I cannot stay. This has occurred, with my leaving- approx a dozen times.
This seems extremely fair to me as neither party should ever feel pressure to do anything they do not want to do. Unfortunately, not all SPs and agencies are this ethical or professional.

When I decide to contact an SP, and arrange an appointment, I am prepared to pay the quoted rate provided that the information provided to me is true. I don't feel I should be charged for something I was not expecting or wanting. The restaurant analogy applies very would never pay for lobster if the waiter brought a hamburger!

I have had my share of hassles with bait and switch situations. Sometimes it was prudent to pay a cancellation fee to avoid uneeded hassles. I'm not prepared to host a screaming match on my front porch (no matter how entertaining this might be for the neighbours) and some agencies or SPs are (apparently) prepared to do anything to squeeze some cash out of dissatisfied customers.

The best approach I've found is to try to find more reputable SPs and agencies to deal with. This forum has been a big help as have others like it. There are still no guarantees but you get better odds when you don't go in blind.

My two cents...


Samantha Jones

Thank you. Apology accepted.
Sorry I may have read you post incorrectly. As some here know I have had slanderous comments made in the past and I am a sensitive person.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
kiarra said:
Best thing to do it ask what the cancellation policy is for that SP or agency before you book.
This is good advice. Not all agencies are rip-off artists after all!

Unfortunately, there is a big difference between this business and a restaurant. The legal and moral grey area of the Escort industry means that both customers and SPs do not have the same legal recourse as we would in other situations. None of us want to make a bad situation worse by involving more people in such a dispute (let alone the law!).

Unfortunately, there are those SPs and agencies out there that are prepared to exploit this fact by making unreasonable demands at the door. They think that they can get away with it because we'll be afraid to make a scene. Often this is true. We can't stop unscrupulous agencies from operating this way...we can only warn others to avoid them.

I'm not prepared to make an extended issue out of a bait-and-switch incall. The whole point of the experience is supposed to be pleasant and fun, not nasty and confrontational (at least for me that's what it's about). I admit that there are times when I've paid-off more than I wanted to just to get out of the situation. I'm not happy about that but I felt I had no choice. Unfortunately, these experiences for me were all pre-TERB and I don't have any of the details anymore; otherwise I'd post them.

I think that part of being active as a client in this hobby is that there are risks to every encounter. Usually, I think the SPs face much more danger than we do - it only takes one psychopath to ruin your whole day.

Still, there are ways to improve your odds and TERB is a good tool to use to help with this goal. I've found some gems through this site and also stayed away from some potential disapointments...thanks all!


Samantha Jones

zog said:
This is good advice. Not all agencies are rip-off artists after all!

I admit that there are times when I've paid-off more than I wanted to just to get out of the situation. I'm not happy about that but I felt I had no choice.
I have even Paid the client for his room when I felt totally uncomfortable to stay with him.

I think that part of being active as a client in this hobby is that there are risks to every encounter. Usually, I think the SPs face much more danger than we do - it only takes one psychopath to ruin your whole day.

There was a man I met when I first started with Select at the Inn on the Park. Began by tellling me how he had worked with the CIA, FBI, KGB, helped the Beatles achieve fame,and was in on the Cuban missile crisis. More manic than many of my psychiatry patients i have worked with!
I managed to leave , had to wait outside the hotel about 45minutes for the driver to pick me up.
A warning was put out about him and the following week I was told he had pulled a knife on an escort, her driver -huge- got her away safely.

I think honesty is best -if at all possible. What is the point of telling the girl she is fine, then turning around and posting otherwise? If you tell her or the agency the truth they can follow-up on the problem and try to rectify it. If they don't then you know they are not reputable.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Valid complaints

I think that we should remember that there are many valid complaints that we may have as a customer.

When they happen, they usually involve misrepresentation of the SP or service being offered. I think it is completely acceptable to post negatively if we have encountered deception, unexpected extra-charges, bait-and-switch, or poor service.

On the other hand, we should also remember that each SP is entitled to make her own decision about what she offers on her "menu". If you don't receive an "extra" that was not previously agreed-upon, that's not necessarily bad service and it certainly is not deception. You can still post the experience but, to be fair, it should not be in the form of a flame. After all, you don't go to an Italian restaurant and expect specialty French food to be offered; That does not mean that the restaurant is no good, it just means the menu is not to your taste.


My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002

I think this thread is drifting a little....

What he asked was if you could cancel an appointment with a SP when she comes at your door and not prior to the "rendez-vous".

There is some interesting material However posted by a lot of beautiful SP's Here....
My question would be that :

1. If a client tells you (at the Door) that you are not what you say you are (height, Weight, Eye color...whatever reason but a valid one) you accept to Leave?

2. If when asked for a small fee ($20 for Gas...etc) the client says NO because it also costed him the Hotel Room? (and the disappointment) what would be your reaction?

IMPO, I think I would have no worries in Telling a Lady that she is not what I expected. Now, I have to say I would not make a big deal if she is pushy about a campensation fee. I will just not book her anymore and make sure others don't as well.
I understand SP's have costs in getting to their appointments by car...but the client have costs as well : having to book time out of the busy schedule, book a hotel, pay for the room etc...

If you ladies would be kind enough to let us know what you would do?

Thanks a million to all for making this board what it is.

Frenchy (THE Leading Bâstard)


Aug 30, 2002
Re: ?Does this General question not belong in the Lounge?

Samantha Jones said:
Tell the truth. The only way anyone is ever going to learn from their minuses is if they hear the real reason.

If a menu item you order at a restaurant comes incorrect, or poor quality unless word gets back to the kitchen the same mistake can be reporduced time & time again.

My policy personally has always been to ask the client when I arrive and tell him that I will gladly leave if I am not just what he expected. It has only ever happened twice.

On the other hand I also will tell a client if He has mis-represented himself that I cannot stay. This has occurred, with my leaving- approx a dozen times.
If only all sp's had this type of class. Alas......

Samantha Jones

Re: HUH?

Nic Frenchy said:
My question would be that :

1. If a client tells you (at the Door) that you are not what you say you are (height, Weight, Eye color...whatever reason but a valid one) you accept to Leave?

Yes, in fact I tell the client right from the start that if during our converstion/the first 10 minutes or so he changes his mind that I personally would prefer to leave than stay with a man who has the look of "I wish she wasn't here" in his eyes!

I have never asked for any compensation in this case as feelings/pride are priceless and I am the person I have to live with & respect .
I do realize/ have been told that this is not the norm, but since you asked nicely for a reply here is my honest reaction.
I have on 2 occasions called an agency & arranged for another escort to come to the client in my place.

I appreciate and expect a respectful client and I in turn believe that is what the client deserves from me in return.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
If it's a true bait and switch you ought not to pay any cancellation fee. The best recourse is likely to pretend you have no idea why someone would be knocking on your door, and did they get the wrong address, etc.

The agency/girl will leave and then probably call you back to find out what the correct address is. At that point, over the phone, explain the situation to them. It's devious, but so were thay, and now they're not on your doorstep yelling but rather somewhere else.

If, on the other hand, the person who shows up is as described but somehow still not what you wanted then that's basically your fault for not asking more questions and you really ought to pay all the costs involved.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Re: Re: HUH?

Samantha Jones said:
I appreciate and expect a respectful client and I in turn believe that is what the client deserves from me in return.
If everyone pacticed this approach we wouldn't need review boards.

But I hope we'd still have them for fun.



Legend in my own Mind
Jan 3, 2003
just inside her G spot

I am in full agreement that if you order the steak dianne and you get Kraft Dinner you should not be obligated to pay
If you order KD and you get KD you are obligated
A little bit of thought by the client is necesary
A little bit of honesty by the Agency is expected
A little bit of decency on both parties SP and Hobbyiest would be

.... Kiarra Thanks for Friday afternoon
I was happy to be you TERB party

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
I has happened only once with me

I think agencies and indys can regularly update their web sites to recent pictures and avoid on the door cancellations. Once, I happened to see a SP, ahd she had extremely poor hygine. Either that or she has seen several clients before me and did not shower. I did let her in, got a cbj and let her out with the money in about 20 minutes. I did not cancel on the door because I don't engage in this hobby that often and feel bad for SPs.

I did not call that agency again or see any SP. The SP was in Canada for six months before she went back to her country so her identity is not relevant now.

I do admit that my strategy is not perfect, but to expect that every SP that comes to my door is of my type is not appropriate either.

Since it has happened only once, I don't mind at all. As long as it is three-sigma in terms of quality, I will not send the SP back. It is just me, I value human relations above money.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Re: I has happened only once with me

Big Daddy said:
Once, I happened to see a SP, ahd she had extremely poor hygine. .... I did let her in, got a cbj and let her out with the money in about 20 minutes.
I'm all for fairness but it goes both ways.

I make an effort to be clean and presentable when I see and SP and I expect her to do the same.

I don't want or enjoy any kind of contact from someone who is as unhygeinic or as unclean as the woman you described.

I did not cancel on the door because I don't engage in this hobby that often and feel bad for SPs.
That does not explain why you allowed this dirty/smelly person to touch you. If you felt bad, you could have given her a part of her fee and a bar of soap.

I did not call that agency again or see any SP.
Oh, did you retire from the hobby?

The SP was in Canada for six months before she went back to her country so her identity is not relevant now.
But if you never saw her or any other SP again, how do you know she didn't stay and keep working?

I do admit that my strategy is not perfect, but to expect that every SP that comes to my door is of my type is not appropriate either.
If you call an agency (or independent) and don't ask about appearance, personality, or type, you might be right.

However, if you are requested (and were promised) a certain type of woman, you have every right to expect that you will get what you were promised!

Big Daddy, you're not here to support the SP industry on your own. You have the same right to try to get the most bang for your buck as any other consumer in North America.



Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
hoeman said:
can someone please offer some advice of what is the best technique/protocol of cancelling an appointment for an outcall because you simply don't think she is what you thought/want her to be. I do not mind paying a small cancellation fee, or should I just say I changed my mind?
Hoeman, it's certainly easier to break an appointment with an incall, given that you are not forced to stay, but a bit more difficult when a lady has actually shown up at your home with a driver.
I have done this on one or two occasions (for valid reasons), and always offer to pay a small cancellation fee or tip - whether it's an outcall or incall - usually without any hassle or awkward situations.
The last time this happened I was asked by the lady to pay a $60 fee, which I did simply to avoid any trouble and make it worth her while. She left happy and I felt relieved at not having spent much more than that.


New member
Oct 21, 2002
That's a really good attitude Legmann.
I totally agree with you, and I did the same when I decided to cancel an appointment.
The girl spends her time to come over and it's cost her a taxi to come, or a driver to drive her over.
And it doesn’t matter if it was an independent or from an agency!!!
Not a lot of people will act the same way, I personally heard about a lot of cases that people refused to pay something for cancelling.
Most of the people are cheap, very cheap.


My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002
garzen said:
And it doesn’t matter if it was an independent or from an agency!!!
Of course it does matter!!! If it is an Indy, you know SHE fooled or tried to Fool you by not being honest about something (Physical, Personnality....) as opposed to an agency, where the Ladies get sent to appointments without knowing what exactly the Client asked for (or know whatever the agency told them).

garzen said:
Not a lot of people will act the same way, I personally heard about a lot of cases that people refused to pay something for cancelling.
Of course!! This does not mean you disrespect the Lady here!
You pay for a service YOU requested! now, if I talk to an independant SP that is not honest in describing herself and is not the person she said she was when she comes at my door : Thanks but no thanks and no Fee. See ya later.
But if it is a SP from an agency, then it is different, I would accept to pay the Fee because it is not the Lady's Fault.
Most SP's here are very honest and respectful of the Hobbyist, thus will not try to scam.

garzen said:
Most of the people are cheap, very cheap.
What about you?......I think you are a little confused here.
It is not about being cheap or not, it is about being fooled.
It is about being taken for an idiot.
Money is not really the issue here since the Person was ready to spend average $250 for the SP Experience Correct?

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