You don't understand how this works.
If you make a claim and can't back it up with facts, evidence, studies or anything other then personal opinion, then its you that needs educating, not me.
Common sense ?
Is that not permitted?
Unless a left leaning sociologist wrote it (publish or perish) you reject it outright.
I do not think so
Re education
Unless you understand how the wealthly and business evaluate capital opportunities (Risk vs Reward) how can you possibly have an objective view on how (much) to tax them?
Glad to hear that you think Justin's plans are the only option.
Absolutely not
He is going to spend, spend and increase our debt. Just like his daddy
Debt which took a generation and the GST to manage down
There will be nothing left in the cupboard to deal with what could be a fundamental and significant change in the workforce .
And to be clear. Justin does not have a plan...... to get back to balance.
That is extremely irresponsible
Yes, we steal all the wealth from the rich, until we are rich. Then, they can take a turn figuring out how to change the tax rules.
Flippant questions demand flippant answers.
Well your objective is to tax the rich in response to inequality, however you have no answer to
a) what happens when they put their money to sleep in order to avoid taxes or
b) they are no longer rich as inequality has been taxed away
Far better to consider Canada and its place on the social/free market spectrum, and where you'd prefer to go.
I noticed you put social ahead of the free market.
Your priorities are not well hidden
economic considerations need to have a priority as a broken economy will not support social objective
I repeat; It is not the governments responsibility to address inequality
And certainly not via taxation
1. It will not work
2. It is extremely risky taking money away from those that drive our economy
Now it sounds like you'd prefer the American model, with higher health care,
They have issues with health care expenses, however we pay a lot more in taxes for that health care
In addition demographics and escalating costs will make the Canadian health care model unsustainable
Lifestyle choices, not tax policy
That's not tax policy
That's not tax policy
and a government of plutocrats making themselves rich.
Our government has its own share of weasels who take care of them selves first
Ottawa is not immune to money changing hands
Our MPS also get pensions the rest of the country will never get
Again, none of this is relevant to tax policy
Me, I'd prefer we trend back to Canadian taxation models a decade or two ago, before the tax breaks for the rich and corporations were put in place or based off more current European models.
I see those as more successful socially and economically.
Again you place the social as a priority and you prefer where others pay more
Not in the best interest of the entire country