Toronto Escorts

Can you blame a guy for a NoShow when cops are in the parking lot?

Is the client still responsible for not showing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • No

    Votes: 52 77.6%
  • Don’t know

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 12, 2017
It just recently happened to me. I was on my way to visit a regular of mine and when I got to the hotel there were police officers in the parking lot.
I messaged her to tell her...She said hold on I will come down. She comes down jumps in the passenger side of the car and said lets take a drive.
I drive a block and notice the police officer following me lights come on pulled me over, tells me that I didn't stop properly at the stop sign and I am asked for License and ownership.
Police Officer comes back to the car and ask what our relationship was I told him "good friends" he hands me back my License and Ownership and tell me to be more careful next time.
I drive back to the hotel and there was NO STOP SIGN between the hotel and where I was pulled over!
I guess it all depends on your tolerance of dealing with trouble. Personally I recommend just drive away let her know what has happened and if it can be rescheduled great, if any real cost were incurred deal with it, but really not worth it for ether side to get into trouble over this
Which area did this happen? Sounds like they’re really looking for a john if:
1. Warns about a stop sign that isn’t there
2. Asks your relationship, really? How’s that their business?

Hope this doesn’t happen to spas.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2019
Walking towards the downtown condo , I text the agency to say I'm approaching the building. I noticed a middle aged guy standing alone out front of the condo eating peanuts eyeballing me for to long as I looked up from my phone while walking . It was a quiet morning, few people around.
I got a instant text back with code and details so walked into the building and proceded to buzz in . Well the guy was now face to the window from outside watching me buzz in.
Something was definitly off and I'm thinking undercover cop for sure. (Brush cut , bomber jacket, blue jeans and black boots) and eating peanuts like a tv cop!
I buzzed in , door opened and I walked towards the elevator.
I thought fuck it as long as he's outside and I'm in here who cares. I'm going to see a freind or whatever.
So I get off at the X floor and proceed to the room # down the winding corridor when I realize I'm going in the wrong direction. So I turn around and walk back ,past the elevators I just got off ,only to see peanut eating guy get off the elevator and head towards the room in the direction I was supposed to be going.
He didn't see me because I was now behind him .
Now I was like 100% something isn't right and I bailed out of there.
Once I got out of the building I got a text from the agency asking where I was.
I texted them back and lied and said there were a few cops at the front desk and it freaked me out.
They said don't worry about anything they have never had issues before.
I figured I'll give it another try and went back up.
Didn't run into the guy again.
All was forgotten when she opened the door!
I was maybe 5 minutes late for my appointment but the agency texted the girl about what was up.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2004
Niagara Region
Any time LE is parked outside of any hotel always makes a customer nervous because they think they might be arrested even though they haven't done anything wrong. If a client walks away from an appointment, he should have the courtesy to txt the SP as to why he's not showing. Common courtesy. Guys should realize if LE is already there, it's for some other reason other then you seeing an SP. As already mentioned just walk in like your staying there.


Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
So I had a client show up last night and there are two cop cars in the parking lot. Parked. Not even in front of the lobby. Don't know why but there were a few cops staying here as guest of the hotel. He mentioned it made him nervous and he was going to text and cancel but said fuck it and just came up.

So it had me thinking. There would be some serious anxiety for some guys if they showed up to cop cars in the hotel.

So what is the protocol here? If he doesn't show to the door because he got scared off, is that his fault? It can't really be can it? It can't be her fault, she has no control over cops. You can't get a cancellation fee out of cops either.

Does this fall into the category of things that suck while escorting and we take it on as part of the job? Ladies, do you blacklist the guy personally?

How does this work?
I wouldn't charge nor be mad for that. We have to protect our clients too.


New member
Sep 23, 2021
Personally, I’d be really paranoid. I’m already there doing some shady shit behind my wife’s back. I could care less about a charge, I’m more afraid of them notifying my wife. Lol The major backlash aside, I have a lot to lose.
I do agree that a client should message the SP to let them know and the SP should be understanding of this. Not everyone is built to live the shady lifestyle.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Right now due to the grey area in the law, I wouldn't care as long as it's not in a hotel.

But if it's really some sort of sweep, the cops won't make themselves look obvious.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I wouldn’t associate seeing cops with seeing a sexworker but fully understand why some might get paranoid and bail.
It’s up to you, but I think it’s the cost of doing business.

Ardy R

Jun 9, 2021
I've cut out and cancelled in this scenario... mind you it was easily identifiable plain clothes cops in unmarked cars on the property and it was a new SP for me so I wasn't taking chances on it being a John sting.
Even if it was someone I'd seen before, who needs the drama of a big takedown in the hotel...maybe they kick in the wrong door, a stray bullet, now how do you explain that to your SO?
But a couple uniformed cops and marked patrol and I know the provider; soldier on. They're probably there to trespass a vagrant or noisy tenant, or it's a quiet lot to meet, have a coffee, and catch up on notes.
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
It really depends. If its my 1st time seeing her..... nervous for sure.... would think twice. Most U/C you would not know if they were or not if truly U/C. If its an advt here on terb, 99% no issue, especially if she is established & well reviewed. LL advt... 1st time.... cold feet. If its someone I've seen before, likely no issue & walk in with 2 coffees. I normally reach out to see if she wants a coffee or tea. Normally never stopped or questioned when carrying something into a hotel. A guy walking in with no luggage or food or anything.... looks obvious to me.
Either way, I would txt saying what's up & go from there. If its a long appt, have her come down to meet you....


Active member
Feb 23, 2021
Unfortunately in this game you win some and. you lose some. It's all a part of business if a client decides to not partake in the session for a legitimate reason as their time ends up being wasted as well. In this case, it's best for all parties just to move and chalk up their losses to bad luck.
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