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Can’t do it with my wife ….


Active member
Mar 10, 2023
Women today are entitled, long considered the “prize” in a marriage. The reality is, the men are the prize, we bring home the bacon, take care of our families. Both people should be views as the prize and treated accordingly. Unfortunately this is not the case. I’ve had so many relationships, now, I don’t put up with that manipulation. If there is no intimacy I am outta there, life is too short and there are women out there who actually enjoy sex and want it. I am so gratefull for the beautiful awesome ladies I see, they care more about pleasing me than any other SO ever has.


Oct 17, 2001
I'll just add this. From what I can tell, all these experiences are all too common, and I'll go so far as to say that they are "normal". In that sense, I tend to believe that monogamy is abnormal and it's just our particular social/religious taboos that pretend otherwise. That's working out about as successfully as you'd guess, considering how commonplace divorce is. By and large I don't see things as black and white and there may be a reason why women end up turned off (or at least not turned on) by the men in their lives. Maybe they're bored too and would like variety, just as much as men do. So why can't we all just admit it and move on. It's just sex, ffs.

There is a reason why even today, after the so-called sexual revolution, which passed most people by so far as I can tell, that porn is still a thing. If guys could get laid pleasurably and regularly, would they be spending time and money watching someone else getting off? I am so damn sick of all the whining about porn in media circles, more Christian Taliban bullshit imo. No one ever asks, why is there a demand?

A guy I knew years ago used to "swing" with his wife. That's how he met her. They were committed to a monogamous relationship, in love, but played with others now and then, referring to it as "sport sex". Makes so much sense. He is the ONLY case I personally know, but I haven't seen him or his wife in 20 years so I don't know if they're still in that space. I hope so. One thing about them, they were always in a good mood with others and with each other.

Back in the day, people died young. Now we live to our 80s and continue to stay horny but we're still often constrained by silly societal constraints that have almost no relevance to our actual lives.

As to the women who regard sex as "icky" and who are reluctant to participate in some activities because of some imagined "yuck" factor, all I can say is "grow the f**k up!" I have no time for prudish 1950s Annette Funicello beach party Hollywood movies. I don't know how much of the bs we're surrounded with comes from pseudo-puritanical US suburban high school sweetheart culture. I wish it would go away, it's too dumb for words.

OTOH, I knew a guy years ago who refused to go down on his long-time gf. His reason, "It's icky, that's where they piss from!" Dumb jackass. She left him for another woman, good on her I say.

All my most adventurous sexual moments were with SPs. In my personal life, I just never met adventurous women, and that's just bad luck. It's possible that some of the women I met socially might have turned out to be "goers", to use the Monty Python phrase, but I never got those signals, if there were any. However, I was never the most interesting or sociable or close to the best looking guy in the room, so the odds were stacked against me in that sense. That's the luck of the draw, but thankfully I met some really nice friendly SPs that made life exciting. Best money I ever spent. I regret only not seeing them more often.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
Honesty kind of sad how many guys on here in a commited relationship or married and visiting escorts. Even in my shitty marriage I never went and paid someone but that’s just me. Just hope that most aren’t hypocrites if their gfs or wives also have some side dick.
call me crazy but sneaking around on someone is just dumb and you should probably just stay single as it’s easier.
Virtue signaling in an escort & massage reviews forum, that's a first. 😂


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
Sounds like a wife who suspects her husband of seeing SW’s because she doesn’t want to “put out” anymore and expects him to be ok with it. I don’t know any guy who would say this lol
I've met a guy or two sadly. Browsing through this person's posts tells you everything you need to know about him. Just a good ol' troll.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I am curious ….

A lot of my clients admitted being more open and comfortable to ask for things they like during our sessions , but won’t with their wives because they think they’ll be judge or she won’t be open to it.
Some of them like Hentai , but will watch regular porn with their wife. Some like prostate play or pegging , but would never even think of bringing up the kink at home.
Same for foot fetish or domination.

I find it interesting to see how reserved some gentlemen are about their fantasy & sexual desires.

What’s the thing you would never try with your wife , but you do with your provider ?
I think in many relationships (especially with guys that see sps) sex becomes a focal point of conflict. Guy wants more and she wants less (but feels like he thinks she’s inadequate for wanting less). The guy is frequently rejected, so is even more hesitant to brink up his fantasies/ kinks and get rejected again. He also is aware that if she denies him his fantasies/ kinks that the cycle of her feeling like she is inadequate will be further perpetuated and she will want whatever little sex they have, even less often than currently. Also the guy may be made to feel like he is a bit of a perv for wanting sex so much, and he thinks he will probably be shamed for asking for something new/ kinky.

William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
I think in many relationships (especially with guys that see sps) sex becomes a focal point of conflict. Guy wants more and she wants less (but feels like he thinks she’s inadequate for wanting less). The guy is frequently rejected, so is even more hesitant to brink up his fantasies/ kinks and get rejected again. He also is aware that if she denies him his fantasies/ kinks that the cycle of her feeling like she is inadequate will be further perpetuated and she will want whatever little sex they have, even less often than currently. Also the guy may be made to feel like he is a bit of a perv for wanting sex so much, and he thinks he will probably be shamed for asking for something new/ kinky.
Sex wasn't the focal point of conflict in my case. Rather, it was her decision to sit on her butt all day and watch game show reruns on TV. While ignoring cooking, cleaning or shopping. That gets pretty old, pretty fast.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Sex wasn't the focal point of conflict in my case. Rather, it was her decision to sit on her butt all day and watch game show reruns on TV. While ignoring cooking, cleaning or shopping. That gets pretty old, pretty fast.
Ya, if one half of the relationship is not contributing (whatever that contribution is) resentment builds up pretty quickly.


Sep 4, 2023
Sex wasn't the focal point of conflict in my case. Rather, it was her decision to sit on her butt all day and watch game show reruns on TV. While ignoring cooking, cleaning or shopping. That gets pretty old, pretty fast.
At least you got to paid for almost everything right

Gotta love those no good for anything but to sit on a couch lazy people lol


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Sex wasn't the focal point of conflict in my case. Rather, it was her decision to sit on her butt all day and watch game show reruns on TV. While ignoring cooking, cleaning or shopping. That gets pretty old, pretty fast.
Maybe she was just 'geographically challenged'... and thought that 'Cooking' and 'F*cking' are just two other cities in China, kinda like Peking and Beijing?
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2021
I divorced around that age. Ex wife did the same thing, no more intimacy. I gave her everything she asked for over the years, stayed in shape, the whole nine. Turned out she was cheating. Together since we were 17, and she was bored of the same old - same old. Meanwhile our sex life while together was very vanilla - because that's what she wanted. Very little experimentation, same two positions, blowjobs hurt her jaw so those stopped entirely, cum was "icky" (didn't even want it on her hand). Crazy thing is she wanted this daily, sometimes more than once. Until it didn't.
Oh yes, the ole “can’t give a BJ because it hurts my jaw” and never not on her period. Add to that constantly watching TV and never happy with anything. As someone said earlier, the only opportunity is when she’s drunk, and when someone is a mean drunk, it’s not that appealing. After seeing some of these posts, I can relate and see why things went down this path.

Sadly, with SW prices sky-rocketing and scams-galore, this is less appealing as well. Average now seems to be $300-400, which is hardly worth it.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
Oh yes, the ole “can’t give a BJ because it hurts my jaw” and never not on her period. Add to that constantly watching TV and never happy with anything. As someone said earlier, the only opportunity is when she’s drunk, and when someone is a mean drunk, it’s not that appealing. After seeing some of these posts, I can relate and see why things went down this path.

Sadly, with SW prices sky-rocketing and scams-galore, this is less appealing as well. Average now seems to be $300-400, which is hardly worth it.
When a service provider is willing to do a couple bbbjcimsw in an hour or so, I am more than happy to pay $300-$400 for's by far my favorite sexual activity.

And, if she can edge me to the breaking point and only do one very explosive one...I happily pay even more.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2008
I find that dynamics changes as relationships progress. Often in the opposite direction. I have a friend who met his GF during an orgy, but as time progresses, their sex life became more and more conservative.

My lady and I started with sex in outdoors and public, doing all the kinky stuff, but as relationships progress into long term, we do less and less till we don't do it anymore.

I'm still kinky, but I think as many ladies mature, they become more reserved, less risky, and confirmation to church norms even if they are not religious.


Sep 26, 2022
I am curious ….

A lot of my clients admitted being more open and comfortable to ask for things they like during our sessions , but won’t with their wives because they think they’ll be judge or she won’t be open to it.
Some of them like Hentai , but will watch regular porn with their wife. Some like prostate play or pegging , but would never even think of bringing up the kink at home.
Same for foot fetish or domination.

I find it interesting to see how reserved some gentlemen are about their fantasy & sexual desires.

What’s the thing you would never try with your wife , but you do with your provider ?
my fantasy is to have a good old fashioned harem


Active member
Jun 21, 2018
I find that dynamics changes as relationships progress. Often in the opposite direction. I have a friend who met his GF during an orgy, but as time progresses, their sex life became more and more conservative.

My lady and I started with sex in outdoors and public, doing all the kinky stuff, but as relationships progress into long term, we do less and less till we don't do it anymore.

I'm still kinky, but I think as many ladies mature, they become more reserved, less risky, and confirmation to church norms even if they are not religious.
I think people just get bored of each other, tbh. In my experience, it's the women who usually get bored of sex first (my personal experience and hearing from friends/others) Not always the case of course, a lot of men get bored of their partners. This board alone is proof of that!

Not to mention that far too many women "use" sex early on to solidify a relationship. I used quotation marks because I believe it's usually subconscious, and part of the coupling phase. Of course we men do similar things, just generally not sex-related. Basically once we land the partner we want, we all tend to start letting things slide, including ourselves lol.

Truly good relationships/marriages are the ones where neither partner stops making an effort with one another, meeting the others needs, etc. The early part of a relationship is learning what their needs are, the rest of the relationship is maintaining those needs. Most people give up after the first part because they figure they've already landed the person so why give the effort anymore? Eventually the other person catches on, and their efforts start to wane because there's nothing coming back to them. And before you know it, you have a perpetual roommate and nobody's needs are getting met.
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