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Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
slowpoke said:
I think screwge's post is bang on! Yours, on the other hand, is dismissive, overbearing and just plain rude. You might just as well have told him that there was simply no point in expressing his opinion here because:

A) OTB has done it longer, more often and so perfectly that nobody will ever compare.

B) Screwge couldn't possibly have a new or even interesting point of view because he doesn't have anywhere near the required number of posts. Either that or he just isn't welcome to say anything here until he's got a much greater number of posts.

C) Nobody else on terb will pay any attention to screwge's POV because we're all so utterly convinced that yours is the one and only truth.

D) We're all perfectly happy to let you decide what or who we should be listening to. Although we've never formally elected you as the editor of American content here on terb, it is universally accepted that you will act as our spokeperson and protector against all thoughts critical of GWB in particular and the US in general.

E) Screwge mustn't question your supremacy out here in the open forum. Instead he must send you a PM so you can finish the job of dusting him off in private.

Here's a novel idea: We Canadians can welcome screwge and encourage him to continue expressing his opinions here on the TORONTO Escort Review Board.
Breathe a little..........

There, that’s better.

My response was a bit harsh, I will admit. I thought Screwge was just stirring the pot without any desire to understand the other point of view. Screwge did responded and I was wrong, he really was interested so you will notice I spent quite a few words explaining my position to him. I don't represent anyone but myself, never have had a desire to actually.

You Canadians can do whatever you like on this or any other board - or am I a second-class citizen here because I'm an American?



New member
Oct 22, 2004
onthebottom said:
Breathe a little..........

There, that’s better.

My response was a bit harsh, I will admit. I thought Screwge was just stirring the pot without any desire to understand the other point of view. Screwge did responded and I was wrong, he really was interested so you will notice I spent quite a few words explaining my position to him. I don't represent anyone but myself, never have had a desire to actually.

You Canadians can do whatever you like on this or any other board - or am I a second-class citizen here because I'm an American?

Everyone's ideas are welcome here. The operative word is "everyone". I thought screwge's response to your challenge was very mild, considering...


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bush support

y2kmark said:

4. Those who genuinely care little about their fellow human beings or society and think that tax cuts for the rich will ultimately benefit them - regardless of who else may suffer or what the long term consequences are. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and inevitably some day it all comes crashing down - but they don't care since they will already be dead with more toys at the end.

Drunken Master said:
So you don't think tax cuts are good?

Jesus, just why the hell do you vote for Bush?
Bit of room between the two don’t you think?

I care about my fellow human beings and society.
I do think that lower taxes are better for everyone.
I don’t think it will come crashing down, 5.4% unemployment and find a large economy that is growing faster….
I do care about economic issues, you’ve read my posts, I have very strong opinions on economic issues and follow them closely.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
bbking said:
Not to deflate your over sized ego - but I think OTB was referring to the many Governments of the World that approved sanctions because they felt the WMD issue was not taken care of by the Iraq Government.

But not to worry, I'll send a note to the Security Council to remind them to get your advice in the future.

I was really referring to people in power in this (my) government and others, but I should have said Blix and *d* LOL



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
slowpoke said:
Everyone's ideas are welcome here. The operative word is "everyone". I thought screwge's response to your challenge was very mild, considering...
It was a very generous responce and that's why I responded the way I did.



Active member
Aug 17, 2001
bbking said:
Not to deflate your over sized ego - but I think OTB was referring to the many Governments of the World that approved sanctions because they felt the WMD issue was not taken care of by the Iraq Government.

But not to worry, I'll send a note to the Security Council to remind them to get your advice in the future.

The world governments approved sanctions back in '91. Those sanctions and UN weapon inspections lead to the destruction of 95% of Iraq's WMD(actually 100%, 5% wasn't documented). It wasn't just me that thought it odd that with all those weapons being destroyed over the next 10 years, Iraq had suddenly become an imminent threat all over again. As if somehow the event of 9/11 made Iraqi WMD rematerialize. And with weapon inspections near completion, the UN Security Council found this new threat odd as well. If you remember the council disagreed with the US's unilateral move to war.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
*d* said:
The world governments approved sanctions back in '91. Those sanctions and UN weapon inspections lead to the destruction of 95% of Iraq's WMD(actually 100%, 5% wasn't documented). It wasn't just me that thought it odd that with all those weapons being destroyed over the next 10 years, Iraq had suddenly become an eminent threat all over again. As if somehow the event of 9/11 made Iraqi WMD rematerialize. And with weapon inspections near completion, the UN Security Council found this new threat odd as well. If you remember the council disagreed with the US's unilateral move to war.
The council did disagree but I don't remember Germany, Russia or France saying Iraq was disarmed, perhaps you could find a quote. These countries wanted to end sanctions so that they could get paid on their contracts with Iraq, the war has negated those contracts (or at least made it impossible to collect on them).



Active member
Aug 17, 2001
onthebottom said:
The council did disagree but I don't remember Germany, Russia or France saying Iraq was disarmed, perhaps you could find a quote. These countries wanted to end sanctions so that they could get paid on their contracts with Iraq, the war has negated those contracts (or at least made it impossible to collect on them).

5% of WMD were unaccounted for and the SC wanted the inspections to continue. Blix did say that weapon inspections were within weeks of completion, just before the US decided to go in. But you answered your own question. France, Germany, China etc wanted the sanctions to end. Because there was no Iraqi threat -and to continue business as usual.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
bbking said:
The point *d* was that the World Governments believed Iraq still had WMD - hence the be nice to the inspectors or else resoultion. And as far as I know - there was no resolution even tabled to the security council acknowledging a disagreement about the US's unilateral actions. Stop re-writing history - you may disagree with the reasons the US went to war that's fine, and there is plenty to disagree with but we can do without a history lesson according to *d*. I personally believe that it is entirely possible that left alone, Sadaam would have re-armed - along with the problems with the Saudi bases, the US would no longer be able to contain Iraq when they had to leave Arab bases. I am not alone in this view that a re-armed Iraq along with a growing and strong Al-Quada would be a huge menace to the World and I have no doubt that Sadaam would have used the Jihad movement to further his ambitions. If 9/11 had not occured - I firmly believe that the Bush administration would have invaded Iraq anyways.

You can kick and scream all you want but people have gone to war for less. Wasn't WW2 started with some phoney Polish attack on Germans in the Danzig.

I remember the council discussions very clearly. The speeches from France and Russia especially voiced their disapproval of any unilateral move to invade Iraq. Any resolution to invade, tabled by the US or any other country, would have been vetoed. As for Saddam re-arming --a hypothetical assumption. Saddam, to be sure, would have been watched, US bases in Saudi or not. In fact after sanctions ended the SC could easily agree to keep spot check weapon inspections going.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
*d* said:
I remember the council discussions very clearly. The speeches from France and Russia especially voiced their disapproval of any unilateral move to invade Iraq. Any resolution to invade, tabled by the US or any other country, would have been vetoed. As for Saddam re-arming --a hypothetical assumption. Saddam, to be sure, would have been watched, US bases in Saudi or not. In fact after sanctions ended the SC could easily agree to keep spot check weapon inspections going.
Of course you failed to mention France and Russia were involved in shady dealings with Sadaam.


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
langeweile said:
Health care
Social Security
Those just for starters
And just how are those decisions desired to be taken out of your hands and dictated by government? In a way that Americans, as a collective whole, could do better?


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
langeweile said:
I might add
Drug use
Farm subsidations
I am still thinking
Abortion and drug use? I'm guess it's the liberals who are trying to take those options from government and put it back in the hands of the people. Farm subsidies? And just how is that a decision that's taken out of your hands?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Health care
Forcing a national healthcare plan down my throat. The result will be rationalization and lowered standards see Canada, Germany, France and others

My tax dollars are being taking from me to support an American education system that has failed. While funding has gone up, the overall quality of public schools have gone down.
Give me myt taxes collected for schools and let me decide were I am going to send my child.
The largest liberal lobby is the teachers union.

Social Security
Another failed goverment program. The monies collected are not there,it is a box of IOU's ,hat is bankcrupt.
Liberal solution, let's raise taxes and throw more good money after bad money.
The money that will be paid out is barely enough to live on.
Solution, let me decide on how to invest my money. At least when I screw up i can only blame myself, now i don't know who to blame, for this mess.

Bad momey is being spend on this issue.
1) To pay for abortions??
2) To promote abortion.
3) to not promote abortion.

Why should i have to pay for this? People have to take responsibilites for their own actions.

Legalize it and let people do what ever they want, BUT if you get sick or die because of your own stupidity, you are on your own.
We spend so much money in law enforcement, drug rehab etc.. save the money and hold people accountable for their own actions.

Farm subsidies (I should have added ALL subsidies)

Why do we spend millions of dollars subsidizing industries? Which maybe have no business to be around anyway. Mom and PPOP farms, airlines etc.
If the goverment would let the market decide it would be alot better in the long run.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
And don't forget to build lots of churches where people can pray to stay healthy and employed etc.


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
langeweile said:
Health care


Social Security
In other words, can't afford health care? Tough. Then die. Can't afford education? Tough beans. Be stupid. Old people? Go rot, losers.

You're a piece of garbage. If i had my way, i'd let you keep your freakin' tax money. Far as i'm concerned, you can shove it up your no good freakin' ass. You're nothing but one lucky, priveleged, elite bastard who goes around thinking he works harder than anybody else. I got news for you Mr Iworkharderthaneveryonewhomakeslessthanido. I can name 500 jobs off the top of my head that you wouldn't work if they were the last jobs on earth AND they paid $2mil a year. Yet there are people who work them at $20,000. $30,000. Some even less. The reason you have it so good is because there are people who are willing to work those jobs. Go out and get a bite to eat. Imagine what the world would be like if waitresses acted like you'd act if you had to work for minimum wage. Join the military. Stick your arse in downtown Baghdad if you think you deserve how much you make.

Here's a clue OTB, you're one gene away from having downs syndrome. Act like a human being. Act like you understand that concept. Not everyone is as lucky as you. And it's not because they're lazy. Or stupid. In a lot of cases it's because of dumb freakin' luck. So go make your money. Enjoy it. Spend it how you please, on things that make you happy. But give back. Give back and shut the f*ck up about it. There's a 19 year old punk from Raleigh NC somewhere in Iraq. That punk has never met you. Wouldn't know you from Adam. But he's in Baghdad doing you the biggest favor anyone could ask someone to do. And how do you repay that 19 year old punk? By bitching about having to help take care of his grandmother. Or having to help put his kids through public schools. By bitching about having to make sure he has health care.

But go ahead. Vote for the guy who's gonna cut your taxes. Says more about you than it does about George Bush or John Kerry.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Ickabod said:

Here's a clue OTB, you're one gene away from having downs syndrome. Act like a human being. Act like you understand that concept. Not everyone is as lucky as you. And it's not because they're lazy. Or stupid. In a lot of cases it's because of dumb freakin' luck. So go make your money. Enjoy it. Spend it how you please, on things that make you happy. But give back. Give back and shut the f*ck up about it. There's a 19 year old punk from Raleigh NC somewhere in Iraq. That punk has never met you. Wouldn't know you from Adam. But he's in Baghdad doing you the biggest favor anyone could ask someone to do. And how do you repay that 19 year old punk? By bitching about having to help take care of his grandmother. Or having to help put his kids through public schools. By bitching about having to make sure he has health care.

But go ahead. Vote for the guy who's gonna cut your taxes. Says more about you than it does about George Bush or John Kerry.
Was it something I said or did you forget to pick up your medication?

Please show me where I've said people who have less than I do are lazy or stupid. While there are lazy and stupid people (many of the ones I know make 6 figures) that is not always a determining factor in economic success.

There is a 19 year old kid in Iraq, and I am truly grateful he's there, will pay anything I need to make sure he's as well armed and safe as he can be.

You've found no bitching by me on Social Security, while I think it should be privatized ( a portion of if for younger workers) this would in no way lower the payments to this fictional grandmother.

As for his kids (hopefully at 19 he doesn't have any yet but hey, it happens) I'm a big supporter of public education, I supported the NCLB act and the massive (50%) increase in Federal spending for education. I voted this year for an increase to my taxes for our public schools in Ohio. I've NEVER voted against a school levy - I've campaigned for them, even when the need was dubious. I think if you look at the facts you will see that we spend as much or more per student than anyone. I would also let poor kids (like your fictional child) take his / her public money to any school that can give him / her the best education.

Healthcare is a very complex issue in the US, Americans are just not willing to accept anything but outrageously expensive and luxurious care - we don't wait and we don't settle for second best. As a public policy it probably doesn't make sense but you will never find the US public willing to compromise on this. That 19yr kid will have excellent healthcare, his grandmother will have Medicare (and Medicaid if she's poor), his children will also have excellent medical care, they will go to the best hospitals in the world and have the best technology and highest paid doctors work on them.

Now, go take your medication.



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Ickabod said:
In other words, can't afford health care? Tough. Then die. Can't afford education? Tough beans. Be stupid. Old people? Go rot, losers.

You're a piece of garbage. If i had my way, i'd let you keep your freakin' tax money. Far as i'm concerned, you can shove it up your no good freakin' ass. You're nothing but one lucky, priveleged, elite bastard who goes around thinking he works harder than anybody else. I got news for you Mr Iworkharderthaneveryonewhomakeslessthanido. I can name 500 jobs off the top of my head that you wouldn't work if they were the last jobs on earth AND they paid $2mil a year. Yet there are people who work them at $20,000. $30,000. Some even less. The reason you have it so good is because there are people who are willing to work those jobs. Go out and get a bite to eat. Imagine what the world would be like if waitresses acted like you'd act if you had to work for minimum wage. Join the military. Stick your arse in downtown Baghdad if you think you deserve how much you make.

Here's a clue OTB, you're one gene away from having downs syndrome. Act like a human being. Act like you understand that concept. Not everyone is as lucky as you. And it's not because they're lazy. Or stupid. In a lot of cases it's because of dumb freakin' luck. So go make your money. Enjoy it. Spend it how you please, on things that make you happy. But give back. Give back and shut the f*ck up about it. There's a 19 year old punk from Raleigh NC somewhere in Iraq. That punk has never met you. Wouldn't know you from Adam. But he's in Baghdad doing you the biggest favor anyone could ask someone to do. And how do you repay that 19 year old punk? By bitching about having to help take care of his grandmother. Or having to help put his kids through public schools. By bitching about having to make sure he has health care.

But go ahead. Vote for the guy who's gonna cut your taxes. Says more about you than it does about George Bush or John Kerry.

What is it with you liberals and your pre-conceived notions about people. Your post is so full of generalization and discrimination and wrongful assunptions, it wanna make me hurl.
Moi, privileged..LOL thats a good one.
My friend i don't even have a college degree. I came to to the USA with two suitcases in 1987 making $16000 oer year, being a short order cook.
Through luck and hard work I moved up the ladder and managed to become a part owner of a business.
Yeah i make now a little more then the average, but nobody has given me shit. I didn't ask for a hand out and I worked my ass off. Sometimes 7 days a week, evennings, weekends,christmas, mothersday, thanksgiving.
Don't give me this shit, that i am privileged, lucky? maybe.
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