Buffalo Police Shove An Elderly Man To Ground Unconscious And Bleeding


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I ain't the one making chump change doing a low skilled job with ambitions to become a cop, I do not need a gofundme you do. My first job when I was 13 was delivering groceries and medicine on the weekends, it is sad that you are relegated to doing jobs that are only fit for kids to do and see it as a point of pride.
Will you donate to me?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


I only asked because you brought up the point that they were out past curfew. For arguments sake, let's say that the man was out well past curfew and did attack the cops and that's good enough reason for pushing him. That still doesn't excuse the cop for not checking on him or calling for medial assistance even though that's part his job. If it was a fellow cop on the ground he would be checking on him right away.

A lot has been said about the man who should be responsible for his actions. If that's the case, the cop then who did the pushing also needs to take responsibility for his actions. I realize that he might not have the first aid equipment to deal with incident, but like I said earlier, it takes little effort to check on the man to make sure he's breathing, if there are any other injuries and call in his colleagues. Instead, he just silently walked past.
As noted a few post above :" A little reading on the matter would tell you that when the gentleman fell, the tactical officer who immediately seemed to offer aid was pulled away. The reason was that immediately behind the first wave of tactical officers is a medical team. You can clearly see one of the tactical officers immediately get on his microphone to alert the medical team of the need for assistance. The tactical team has a more focused duty to clear the area. The medical team, which is part of the unit, tends to medical issues like these. The officer who attempted to help lost focus and forgot right behind him were highly trained medics more suited to attend to the gentleman."

Another poster pointed out the medical help that was called arrived in less than 20 seconds. Hope that answers your questions.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As noted a few post above :" A little reading on the matter would tell you that when the gentleman fell,....
Interesting phrasing. Just like the police said he tripped before the footage came out.

Also keeping the cohesiveness of their line would make sense of they were engaged with a crowd but according to video that's not the case. There might have been a crowd further down the street but the police would have been under zero threat if the one guy stopped at that point.

And they did a shit poor job of keeping their line intact anyway.
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