I oringinally was going to post this last night but thought I wait and see what other board members though about this thread.
Drafted...October 12, 11:30 pm...
Nice try Brit, read again... nothing rude has been said, but then you only see and hear what you want. If you take the time to read the messages about you, you will see that the reoccurring theme is that all the people you hurt still care about you and hope that you get help with your issues and hope that you find peace in your life, but not at the expense of others.
I wont use this forum to air your dirty laundry, that`s bettweenn you and I but let`s put an end to this "shillyness". I was dumb enough to play your game and tried to help you drum up business when you changed your name last spring. Thankfully my reputation for doing so was not too tarnished, as I came forward to any one who confronted me, I was the perfect dupe as I was not a newbie but a selective poster. I had some street cred, if you will.
But you`ve done this to many times now for anyone to belive you, face it you`ve burned to many bridges here, move along.
Odd that GNR registered on here October 6 the day after I last spoke to Brit about a personal matter yet to be resolved, Then Octotber 11, GNR who has never posted before tonight; pm`s me out of the blue to inquire about Brit, claiming to have met with her on several occasions but can`t get a hold of her. Perhaps in the hopes I might say something bad about her,which i wont stoop to that level. Then suddenly after no one can get an appointment or a return call from her, a total newbie to the board not only get`s an appointment with her but is quick to hop on to defend her. Reminds me of when she came on here as Womanontop back in August. Let me refresh your memories....
I don`t know man, if it walks like a duck,then it`s a duck. GNR/Brit...whoever you are be sure to have her call me.. she knows why....