Let's be clear here:
I didn't fall in love with her, but I did feel for the situation she was in, or so it would seem. I did develop a friendship with her, again it would seem that way. I wanted to help her improve her business opportunities and her social situation and as our relationship became more of a friendship, where she tested my trust of her on a friendship level and questioned my trust of her, only to betray the trust she tried so hard to create.
Don't get me wrong she's a cutie and does her job well, I've never complained about that. And to this day i would say she'd qualify for one of the best, if it wornt for all the bull %$^@ And I don't agree with some of the hurtful stuff that was said by some of the other members about her supposed hygene issues and other comments regarding her physical attributes that weren't fair as well. Please, don't group me with them.
It's the way she went beyond the bounds of client/provider relationship/friendship that was misleading and decietful and in the end ruined the trust. I'm being vauge about the specifics to protect "Britney" from further shame. I could be more vengfull by posting the explicit details of how she betrayed my trust, or post pictures of her, tell you her real name her address, where her parents live; all things that would hurt her very much. But I won't, because that would be stooping to a level beyond low and I was never out to hurt anyone the way she hurt me and betrayed my trust. Again this isn't an issue of falling for an SP, I'm a big boy and totally understand the seperation of reality and fantasy.
Deep down in my heart I have so much hope for her, but the more she continues this game the less likely that hope is to flower. Simply put she's burned bridges here with some people and that doesn't sit well with me, and I don't want anyone else here to get fooled by the pretty packaging that surrounds her, the alluring smile, the soft touch are all part of the game and if you havent been hurt or decieved there's a good chance that you might get hurt, that's all. I know from speaking with others that I'm not the only one who has been mislead.
My greater concern is that she's going to pull this act on someone less patient, forgiving and tolerent than I've been and apparently fellow board members have been as well. If she upsets the wrong person she may be putting herself, friends and family in jeopardy. I really hope she stops this foolishness and realigns priorities in her life.
This thread is different from other warning threads on here that advise people to avoid B & S agencies, or ugly providers or bad service this is a warning to the good people of this board to be mindful of the trust and freinship you create with this girl should you choose to meet with her. I'm not saying don't meet with her, just becarefull doing so.
I was fooled and don't want the same to happen to fellow terebites.
To GFE Look OUT you said in your post :
"but at the same time both are still people who have lives and who both deserve some repect and patience when things are not going so well."
well, the respect and paitience thing has to work both ways for it to be fair, and after more than enough time, respect and patience on my part to resolve the situation that she created, it still remains unresolved.