I have been thinking this incident over a lot since it happened and how the cops treated that dude.
How can we be sure that the cops didn’t trigger this guys episode because they were treating him unfair and making him seem like he was doing something wrong when he wasn’t.
You can clearly hear the cops saying you shouldn’t be here and can hear them saying something about some act and other bullshit. As far as I know about that incident that tea shop was open along with others. How do the cops know the guy didn’t buy tea or another product and was not tress passing. How do we know the cops were not bullying him. how do we the the ill treatment of the cops didn’t trigger this.
This is big and if they continue this will trigger more people and push them off the edge.
Now getting to the cops. They are in a hard spot and just doing what their bosses tell them and the politicians that pass the laws and direct them what to do.
Insted of people just knee jerking cops all the time why don’t you go to the root and source of the problem. Go after the politicians, the ones who abdicate and abuse their power and undermine humanity and trigger people and push them over the edge as a result like all the politicians who went down south and were laying on the beach but keep telling us to stay locked down. Why aren’t you guys going after them, defunding them, challenging them, holding them responsible and accountable vs. someone who is just doing their job and being told what to do.
What the cops need to do is push back against the politicians asking and telling them to do this and people need to be there for the cops. If people don’t support the cops especially during resistance this will get even worse and we will show them they can do what they please with us. They are being put in a difficult situation by putting cars on toboggan hills and harassing kids buying bubble tea and struggling businesses and family gatherings of 6 people and letting “protestors” smash up windows and stores because the politicians tell them it’s good to do and this it’s for human rights and corona virus does not exist in these type of protests.
Hold the politicians accountable. This is why we elect them. Go to the root and not a branch or a leaf. Inaction and knee jerking will get nothing solved and the politicians will just see and be laughing from the beach how much they are playing all of you/us as suckers.
Here is the full video...
Here is Joe Warmingtons take on this situation...