Monsignor Leone’s exposé of the Jesuit “Secret Plan” of domination took the 19th century by storm. Was Jacopo Leone a sincere clerical whistle-blower? Let the damage of his work speak for itself.
Were he an agent of the Papacy or of the Company of Loyola, itself, it wouldn’t be the first time Rome over-played her hand of disclosing truth in an effort to divert or distract.
It is certainly plausible that Father Leone arrived at the Santa Margherita Chieri monastery, desiring nothing more than to take his service to the next, and perhaps, ultimate level as a Jesuit, only to be shocked to learn that the most powerful, dedicated order in the Catholic Church was neither benign nor Christian. The machinations that were exposed to him shocked him into action: he must expose this terrible insurgency.
The inversely-named “Society of Jesus” isn’t a renegade cloister; it is the ultimate expression of Catholic domination. The agenda of Loyola is the agenda of Rome: to subjugate all humanity—body and soul—under the authority of the “Successor of Saint Peter” and, if that successor proves unworthy of his office, he, too is removed by any means necessary.
As you examine Monsignor Leone’s claims, how the Jesuits control from Corsica to China, you will draw the same conclusion: they are simply taking the agenda of the Fourth and Final Beast—the Great Harlot of Babylon—to its ultimate conclusion.
~ Giovanni ‘Johnny’ Cirucci, former Marine, Army officer and Iraq war veteran; author and researcher of Vatican history and inter-government manipulation.
General Lorenzo Ricci, eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, on a request from the French King Louis XV to change the structure of the Jesuits in recognition of the newly formed Gallican Church recognized by the French state replied “Let them be as they are, or not be at all.” The Abbate Leone’s work on exposing the Sunzutian grand plans of the Jesuits give one great insight into the current geopolitical landscape in the 21st century.
Knowing that the Jesuits themselves say that they never will change, the grand plot for world conquest exposed by the Abbate Leone becomes a necessary read for understanding the current paradigm. The ambitions of the Jesuits are boundless, as Claudio Aquaviva, fifth Superior General, said "Why are there not regions beyond the stars, that one might be able to conquer other worlds than that pertaining to earth?”
~ Eric Bowman, self-educated scholar (future author), Vatican geopolitical researcher, B.A. in economics, Youtube channel - Eric 777