This is not a shot, just curious, there are hundreds of assets to park your money in to 2x - 5x, why choose crypto that's so frustrating to trade/follow and it's possible
the bottom can fall out at anytime ? Are you good at musical chairs and running to exits ?
Three reasons:
1)Bitcoin, to me, is the safest of all cryptos. With greater rewards with alts, there is more risk. Just look at how eth has underperformed, or how Shiba and other alts have just crashed. BTC is predictable and stable.
2)I can purchase BTC ETFs. Since I am investing a rather large sum, I enjoy the security and peace of mind, knowing that it can't be hacked, or that an exchange may go bankrupt, or I may lose my keys.
3)BTC gains are all tax free, since I can purchase the ETFs in a TFSA or tax-deferred, since I am also using my RRSP.
4)I have the option of using some of my gains to rotate into alts when alt season starts. BTC is where the seed money is made.