Well, since someone is curious, first of all I'm Canadian, from Toronto, and I've never worked in media, radio, tv, or government. And believe it or not I have never in my life felt any desire to work in that kind of environment. If you don't believe it, fine. Don't care.
Anyway, like all arguments there's one side, there's the other side, and maybe somewhere in the middle is the truth. And if it's me in this case versus 200 CBC people I'm comfortable going down that road. I'm not going to drink at some vat of purple Reverend Jim Jones CBC Kool aid just because everyone wants me to.
Believe it or not I am flexible and at the end of the day I roll with what feels like the truth to me. It's just that so far no one has put forward a position against Billy Bob that I feel I can get behind. If that means I'm stupid and don't get it then, la de da, I'm fine with that.
Anyway, I don't think Billy Bob's side of the story has been heard. Believe it or not when a person goes on TV or radio to promote a business enterprise or in this case, some new music thing, the people being interviewed often negotiate before hand with producers to steer the discussion in the direction they want discussed.
In this case it sounds like Billy Bob went over it, and over it, and over it, again, and again, and again with CBC producers to keep the discussion locked in to what they are currently promoting, in this case the band.
If the CBC doesn't like those terms they have complete liberty and freedom to say Billy Bob, screw you, we are not going to confine the discussion to the parameters that you want to contain it to and we aren't going ahead with the interview.
But in the end the CBC agreed to Billy Bob's conditions.
So, one tenth of a second after Billy Bob sits down for the interview the CBC drops a 5 gallon pail of wet diarrhea on top of Billy Bob accumulated from the collective CBC sphincter in the sky.
They do this by going on and on and on about Billy Bob, Billy Bob, Billy Bob and more Billy Bob and his prior acting career instead of focusing on the band as was agreed to beforehand.
So, Billy Bob is fuming and blows a gasket over being lied to by CBC producers. I'm sure it's like groundhog day for him because he's had this done to him many times by media while he's promoting the band.
To me he's trying to defer attention away from himself and not suck all the oxygen out of the room because he is labeled as a "Hollywood movie star". He wants focus on what is right here, right now and that's the band and what the band is up to and he wants to focus on his band mates and their talents.
But CBC media people have blinders on their eyes and all they want to see and talk about is Billy Bob and his acting career even though they agreed with him before hand not to go down that road.
To me Billy has a right to be angry. CBC broke the promise and commitment they made to him.