When a news organization as venerable as the BBC censors the reportage of a story as important as the assassination of Benzir Bhutto --a highly visible critic of Bush/British policy with regard to the "War on Terrorism" et al --it is fair to ask: who is the BBC protecting? Are they covering up the motive for her murder? Are they protecting the regimes that engineered her assassination?
Here is the original, unedited version in which Bhutto states that Bin Laden had been murdered.
Bhutto herself has exposed a the motive for her murder. Solving the case is a matter of finding the gunmen thought by Hilary Clinton to be among Pakistani troops.
CLINTON, Iowa - Hillary Rodham Clinton waded into Pakistan's volatile internal political situation yesterday, raising the possibility the country's military might have assassinated Benazir Bhutto because the killing took place in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.
Clinton's remarks came as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's government seemed to reject a call for an independent international investigation of the murder that Clinton and John Edwards proposed on Friday.
During a question-and-answer session at an elementary school here, Clinton offered a detailed prescription for the troubled country, suggesting that the U.S divert aid away from its military to social welfare programs.
And for the second time in as many days, she cast doubt on Musharraf's contention that the suicide bombing that led to the death of the country's most popular opposition leader was masterminded by al-Qaida.
"There are those saying that al-Qaida did it. Others are saying it looked like it was an inside job - remember Rawalpindi is a garrison city," she said.
--Hillary: Pakistan troops might have killed Bhutto
Isn't it interesting that it was Secretary of State Condoleezsa Rice who brokered Bhutto's return to Pakistan when even Bhutto knew that her life would be endangered? I smell the work of an axis of evil: neocons, Bush, and his puppet Musharraf.
Bhutto herself has exposed the fraudulent nature of the Bush/Blair "war on terrorism". If Bin Laden is dead, as has been reported, then the various tapes that he is alleged to have made are all phony. The war on terrorism itself is a callous, calculated fraud perpetrated by a murderous Bush regime, a murderous Blair regime, a murderous puppet regime of Musharraf.
That's why Bhutto was murdered. She was the woman who knew too much. Bhutto exposed the fact that US policies cause terrorism and she has stated the various ways in which groups inside the US and Britain benefited politically and materially from this phony war. Bhutto posed a threat to them. She was murdered. And the BBC has has been caught censoring the most important piece of the puzzle. If Osama is dead, the war on terror is a bloody fraud!
Uncensored video: