Ashley Madison

Been Participating for 41 years!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Just realized it's been 41 years since my first dip into this hobby! I had arrived in Sep 1983 for my second year at Ryerson and had a few days before school started. This was long before the internet, cell phones etc so the only type of action I knew about was street walkers. Back then, it was amazing. The area was jumping, Jarvis street was almost elbow to elbow working girls, and there were all types available. Of course in my first year I was too paranoid and chicken to approach any of them , but they were always on my mind. So I decided when school started again, I was going to take the plunge. Back then, you could walk from about Yonge and Dundas in a circle about to Sherbourne an Wellesley and be propositioned by dozens of beautiful women. Eventually I decided on this girl named Randi, she worked right on Yonge. She was playing a video game in one of those open air arcades and just waited until she made eye contact. I didn't know any of the terms or etiquette so just agreed with whatever she said. We walked over to some shittly hotel on Bay street, I paid her and off to the races. She was probable early 20's , brunette and a real GND. Will never forget when she started taking off her clothes and got down to business. Soon enough it was over, and we were on our way. Been at it ever since, although not nearly as often as I used to.

People now will never know the thrill of the old street scene. It might have been more risky, but it was fantastic. You never knew who would be out there, and how it would go. My hearts thumping just thinking about it. There were the stereotypical hardened street walkers, all the way to the small town first timers. One of the best times I ever had was with a girt named Trudy, who I only ever saw out there one time, and believe me I looked after. Enough reminiscing, thanks for letting me re-live this!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
44 years ago when I started.
I started the hobby in 1980. My first SP was a street walker that I picked up from the "Track". She gave me a BBJ in the washroom of a nearby small hotel, the "Selby". I didn't know the protocol regarding a BBBJ, I came in her mouth, she pulled off immediately and I apologized. I did repeat with her a few times . From then on I was hooked on this scene, at least once a week I would drive and cruise the track , was always nervous about LE, never got busted though.
Although covered BJ was the norm, I did get my fair share of BBBJ. There was this facially stunning hooker that would do CIM in a parking lot stairwellI, between clients she would go into a house across the street to brush her teeth and rinse with Listerine. I always used a condom for vaginal sex.
The "Track" was a sight to see, especially on the weekends- the "Hooker Harveys"!!!!

Then the agencies started to pop up in the 90's. I abandoned the street scene and from then on used agencies. Service began to open up, I received DFK, BBBJ from most of these SPs., and sometimes CIMSW.

The 2000's saw more and more europeans at the agencies and I believed they started doing the BBBJ and eventually the CIMSW.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
60 years for me!

My first experience with a sex worker was in the summer of 1964. She was a good looking black girl I met at a known escort bar in Calgary.

I was nervous and had trouble getting it up. She was no help whatsoever. I was so young and inexperienced I didn't even know to ask her for a bj to get my motor running.

She even wanted to charge me extra to take her bra off.

It turned me off to escorts, so it was civvies only until I moved from Winnipeg to Montreal in 1972, with a lot more experience with sex by then.

And at that time in Montreal, apart from civvies, it was mostly the many streetwalkers on St. Catherine Street, east of St. Laurent Blvd.


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
33 years for me. And I lost my virginity with a 44 year old milf in the north end of Toronto. For months would scan the ads in NOW magazine , too afraid to call any of them, then one day saw an ad specifically aimed at "first timers". I called. Woman picked up. Asked if i was a virgin, do which I sheepishly replied yes. It was not cheap. 550 dollars! And this is 1991. However I believe it was a 90 min or.2 hr session, can't remember. Showed up at a private residence, met by an older woman who introduced me to her friend "Catherine" who looked like Kay Parker of the Taboo porn flic. We sat, chatted, made me feel more comfortable and then she led me upstairs
Totally new to this, she asked me upstairs about the donation. So embarrassed now thinking about it, I pulled out my wallet and counted it for her there on the bed (would never do that today lol).
The rest is history. We kissed (I never even kissed a woman bf this) and she let my hands feel her ass. She was wearing a pencil mini skirt business attire with grey stockings and heels. Best investment of my life. If I hadn't lost my virginity I would never had had the confidence to talk to girls in my twenties. Have girlfriends or get married and have kids. .
To this day I wonder what happened to this beautiful woman. She told me she did it part time, had a regular job and two teenagers (at the time) and was divorced. If alive today she would be in her late 70s!


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
33 years for me. And I lost my virginity with a 44 year old milf in the north end of Toronto. For months would scan the ads in NOW magazine , too afraid to call any of them, then one
The rest is history. We kissed (I never even kissed a woman bf this) and she let my hands feel her ass. She was wearing a pencil mini skirt business attire with grey stockings and heels. Best investment of my life. If I hadn't lost my virginity I would never had had the confidence to talk to girls in my twenties. Have girlfriends or get married and have kids. .
To this day I wonder what happened to this beautiful woman. She told me she did it part time, had a regular job and two teenagers (at the time) and was divorced. If alive today she would be in her late 70s!
This is what I call POGO - Power of God Okay. TO see where or what happen to women who broke my virginity or ex girlfriend. Just observe like a drone and not interact.
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Active member
Feb 19, 2024
This is what I call POGO - Power of God Okay. TO see where or what happen to women who broke my virginity or ex girlfriend. Just observe like a drone and not interact.
Believe it or not I remember the house vividly and found it on a real estate listing a few years ago and was able to have a peak inside on one of the virtual listings. Was all modernized from the early 90s but remember the layout vividly and none that changed. The side entrance, the living room, the stairs leading up to the bedroom and the bedroom itself.
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
For me it was strip clubs from 1985 to 2019, on a regular basis. No escorts or massage parlours. My first experience as a 19 year old was Brass Rail on Yonge St. Back then it was very different. The Brass Rail seemed smaller and much less glamourous. No VIP or lap dancing. Dancers walked around with a little wooden box if you wanted a dance at your table. I think it was $5 a dance. If you were lucky enough to sit at a table next to a guy who got a table dance you basically saw everything he saw for free. Girls were plainer, more down to Earth. Then, I discovered Zanzibar, Bremuda tavern, and House of Lancaster. The world changed in the 1990's with the intrduction of lap dancing and the popularity of VIP lounges. MDS, Fantasia, Bunnies, Manhatten Striip, all raised the bar. Since then, if I visited a strip club and didn't get at least a CBJ I considered it a bad night. In the 2000's I dicovered Club Pro and Kennedy's. I recall how my heart would start to race as I approched the enterance to each club. I wish I could do it all over again.


Active member
Dec 12, 2023
For those of you that have been in the game for a while, what’s the number one advice you have for someone new to the hobby? Or any life lessons you’ve learned or wisdom gained that you’re able to share?
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
For those of you that have been in the game for a while, what’s the number one advice you have for someone new to the hobby? Or any life lessons you’ve learned or wisdom gained that you’re able to share?
It's an addictive hobby. Be careful with your spending on it.

You don't want your money to die before you do...


Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
So last week did a stay one night road trip to the old home town of Orillia and stayed in a very basic hotel for the night.
Knights Inn.
I realised it was a reworking of the idle building that was left after the strip club that built it closed.
And thought that the room we were staying it was about where I was sitting when I went when it was a strip club and I was home on a break from Uni in 86 or 87.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
47 years for me.

I was still a virgin in '77 when I did a 9 week trip to Europe where I vowed to lose my virginity.

I was in Paris and found out one of their red light districts. I was wandering around and saw a beautiful mulatto girl working a corner. I walked toward, got closer and closer, then walked by as I couldn't muster the courage. I walked a block, turned around and came back from the other direction. Same thing.

This time I stopped at a little cafe, ordered a bottle of Burgundy, 20 minutes later a bottle of courage allowed me to approach her and we went up to her place. We did it, I came and I felt so proud of myself as I walked out the door. She called out to me.

Sure enough, I was walking out the door without my shoulder pouch which contained my passport, money, Eurail Pass and plane ticket home. LOL. I learned then that many SPs were good people.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
So continuing with my story, eventually I noticed there were ads for massage parlours in the Sun paper. Randomly chose one, and it became my next step in the journey. It was called International Health Studio (or close to that) located on the second floor of a building at Bloor and Christie. Very first time there I very apprehensively walked up the stairs , and opened the door. Was greeted by a very nice looking attendant who happened to be the only one available, so I said ok. There was no shower, so Crystal filled up a wash basin with warm water and proceeded to tell me to get naked , and she hand washed my bits. Great massage followed by a terrific BBBJ. Loved the whole experience. Totally different vibe than the whole street scene, felt safer, more intimate and less rushed. It was pretty expensive as I recall, but a great time.
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Fritz the Cat

Roaming Cat
Sep 13, 2004
In a back alley smoke doping
So many memories from the olden days. In New York and Washington, DC in the early 1980's where they had private booths with a small sliding door/window that would open for a few minutes based on the amount of money you would put in a slot, like at the laundromat. Several booths would all be around a room with several naked women. Once the door was open, you could finger the woman in front of you, and then get a HJ, a BJ, or even get CFS. Totally crazy. In Montreal, there were parlours with shows where no touching was allowed, but instead, the naked woman would spread herself in front of you and masturbate, often with a toy, while you jerked yourself off. And of course strip clubs. In Toronto, there was Le Strip on Yonge with very nice shows where the women would allow to be touched. And I remember one visit at Fantasia around 2000 where everything was on the menu. Totally wild. I eventually graduated to massage places and also escorts. So, lot of fun adventures spanning over 40 years.
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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
My next step was discovering incalls via Now and Eye Magazine ads. The trick was deciphering the words, like rubenesque for example. I would narrow the list down to a few, and then the actually phone them. Hearing their voices also helped the process, making a mental image , then finally making the appointment. Loved that nervous anticipation while going to their place, would they be how I imagined? More often than not , my mental image was quite different than reality. I did find a great incall lady, Sabrina, who had a house on Berkely St. She was a bit older than me, but was quite pretty, and always wore great outfits and had fantastic service. One thing I do remember back in the 80's was how few tatoos the girls had. Great memories

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
Incredible stories gents - I wish I started earlier in this hobby as it has provided me with amazing experiences. Nov 12th will be 4 years since @SultrySofia broke me and sent me to the heavens where I have been floating ever since.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts