just like when sports fans riot in the streets..
The guy at 1:15 of this video is right on. These idiots use this just as an excuse.
you're better than the majority of the GOP who pounce on Obama for every single issue, yet when you mention Bush , it's like he wasn't even president (now that i think about it, it probably was Cheney doing the POTUS' work anyway)When things like that happen, often the times a lot of blame can go around. But too often people just want to focus blame on people they don't like. For example, I didn't vote for Bush, but I really didn't blame on him for that mess in N.Orleans.
And how easy and breezy Condoleeza Rice was in announcing Hurricane Katrina, seems she had a cookout to attend.I thought of the corrupt Levee Control Boards that didn't do their jobs, and the now imprisoned Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin
You in part answer your own question. It was always interesting that in a Federal system of Government, that lack of preparedness and planning by Parish and City officials was somehow the Administration's fault.Since the hurricane was a direct hit not sure what the Leeve Control Boards could have done about it. And the wetlands that buffeted NO from hurricanes had been drained and turned into cul-de-sacs . There was pleanty of blame to go around Aardie.
Let's figure out how much Al Sharpton makes in a year, double it, and take up a collection for that amount to donate to this woman.How about a line of moms to stop the riots.
see my above recommendations.I really don't know how they are going enforce that curfew, without violence!
Yeah, I wish the trouble makers would line up to get arrested, not shot dead. Once bullets start flying, usually the innocent get hurt or killed! Let's face there are a lot of illegal guns in that neighborhood, and some looking for a fight!see my above recommendations.
See post #41. There is a video of her.anyone see the lady who saw her son on the news, went out to find him, and smacked him around? fuck she was hot.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/baltim...s-america-s-real-state-of-emergency-1.3052674That report identified 4,861 formal incidents of police misconduct involving 6,613 law enforcement officers and 247 civilian fatalities for that year alone.
If just a fraction of those fatalities were criminal, then the inescapable conclusion is that more people have been murdered by police in America in the last 10 years than by terrorists.
Of course, we are told, we don't know how many terrorists have been thwarted by vigilant behind-the-scenes enforcement.
Well, true. But given the minuscule number of prosecutions, let alone convictions, neither do we know how many of the people who are supposed to be guarding us have gotten away with murder.