awkward question


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
This dude is definitely creepy......

And Acutus? YOU said repeatedly that body adornment is gay and wrong, so by your own admission, YOU are gay and wrong.

Must be weird living in this guy's world. I think either we have a definite psycho on our hands or he is playing us......

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
angelinamassage said:
Keeping yourself trim and clean everywhere IS basic hygeine. Not only that but it's common courtesy and respectful towards the person you will be intimate with. If you prefer it a certain way does not make it bad, just your preference. Unhealthy? 95% of the men I meet in and out of the business are trimmed. If they are not it's because they have barely any hair at all (or they don't want to make the wife suspicious with the "sudden" change, or else they would) Extreme? do you shave your face? cut your hair? trim nose hair? wear cologne? clip your nails? clean under your foreskin? what's the difference? you do it to keep your body clean and tidy. Someone who puts effort to keep themselves so is VERY attractive. And not just to me....I read somewhere that people in general also like clean and neat people, go figure! But what do I know, I shave, dye my hair, have earrings, date women, and as you can see from my pictures, I'm pretty Freaky Deaky and extreme!! :p

Perhaps then you are one of the only few and rare "sane" men on the planet.
Don't fool yourself with this guy, he is as un-kept as they get. He looks like a dirty Tommy Chong from Cheech and Chong.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

tboy said:
This dude is definitely creepy......

And Acutus? YOU said repeatedly that body adornment is gay and wrong, so by your own admission, YOU are gay and wrong.

Must be weird living in this guy's world. I think either we have a definite psycho on our hands or he is playing us......
What I find amusing is the number of people who have been unable to respond to another individual's perspective, without attempting to make insulting personal remarks. You may find as you grow up in Life tboy, that not every individual that you encounter will share your point of view. Best of luck. Sincerely, Jon .

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
acutus said:
Homosexuality is a topic that clearly interests you Mr. Judas H ; so I would suggest that you seek out any clarification that you feel you need with regard to that issue, with someone who knows about that lifestyle. By the way, 'Jewelry' is actually spelled correctly as Jewellery. Sincerely, Jon .
Don't avoid the topic, is wearing jewelry gay or not?

Pointing out my spelling and grammar errors, doesn't make you less freaky.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Judas H said:
Don't avoid the topic, is wearing jewelry gay or not?

Pointing out my spelling and grammar errors, doesn't make you less freaky.
...You and I have had this discussion before, in the Political/News section: You cannot seriously expect an intelligent 'converstion' from me, if you are going to become hostile and abusive, Son. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Feb 10, 2005
acutus, you are usually a polite and sincere guy but it's disrespectful to associate "gay" with something you find unpleasant. I know most guys here are heterosexual but many have friends, acquaintances or relatives that are gay and quite normal. Many SPs here are bisexual and we shouldn't find anything offensive about that private part of their lives.
Try opening up your mind to some realities like others have in the last few years.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
LOL, hey Mr. Acutus, you're ability to make friends on all the boards is astounding. Keep up the good work.

BTW, piercings, tattoos and whatever are an individuals decision. It does not make them freaks, queers or anything like that. I trim my nutsack once a week. I wear a ring on my middle finger because it accentuates the 1 finger salute that I give to people like you. :p


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Thank you for your civil tone, Mr. Svend...

Svend said:
acutus, you are usually a polite and sincere guy but it's disrespectful to associate "gay" with something you find unpleasant. I know most guys here are heterosexual but most have friends, acquaintances or relatives that are gay and quite normal. Many SPs here are bisexual and we shouldn't find anything offensive about that private part of their lives.
Try opening up your mind to some realities like others have in the last few years.
I would disagree with the notion that I can not be free to be offended at what offends me. I have the Freedom to be offended, just as you, and others, have the same Freedom to be not offended by something. In my view, Freedom is not achieved nor expressed by attempting to force everyone to agree with the same perspective. True Freedom is allowing everyone the opportunity to speak their mind, even those whose perspectives we do not agree with. Sincerely, Jon .

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
acutus said:
...You and I have had this discussion before, in the Political/News section: You cannot seriously expect an intelligent 'converstion' from me, if you are going to become hostile and abusive, Son. Sincerely, Jon .

I'm confused? please help me, is wearing jewellry gay or not?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

ruck said:
LOL, hey Mr. Acutus, you're ability to make friends on all the boards is astounding. Keep up the good work.

BTW, piercings, tattoos and whatever are an individuals decision. It does not make them freaks, queers or anything like that. I trim my nutsack once a week. I wear a ring on my middle finger because it accentuates the 1 finger salute that I give to people like you. :p
...The friends that I make and wish to keep are the individuals that can respect a point of view other than their own. By the way...if you take a moment and make the effort to read my posts, you'll see that I agree that an individual can make up their own mind as to what is right for them. I'm sorry for you, if you and others are experiencing hurt feelings because another member here does not share your perspective, Mr. Ruck. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

angelinamassage said:
Absolutetly true! I agree with you 100%

But name calling, rude comments and tagging people with homosexual references, is no longer you having the freedom to be offended and offering your "opinion", it's taking away the freedom of others to enjoy what they want without harsh judgment and critisism.

I hope I don't sound crass, but I am a firm beleiver in expressing who you are however it makes you feel comfortable and I think that negative judgment on others for NORMAL behavior is very negative to our society and causes unwanted hatred in everyones lives.
...and who has been 'name calling', making 'rude comments' or 'tagging people with Homosexual references' on this thread, Ms. Angelinamassage? How does criticizing another individual's choice or behaviour deny them their Freedom? In your view, if I understand you correctly, Homosexual behaviour is normal. In my view, it is not. So how is anyone's Freedom denied by this exchange of perspective? The very test of Freedom, is to allow everyone the opportunity to express their point of view, even if that point of view is different from your own point of view, Ms. Angelinamassage. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Yes..You are correct, Ms. Angelinamassage...

angelinamassage said:
Perhaps you misunderstood me. What I think is normal or unnatural is irrelevant. I just don't agree with you catagorizing people you don't know in such a way. You don't have to think homosexuality is normal, just don't call people homos because you don't think that straight men should shave there pubic area. Have you seen a gay mans pubic area?? How are you even aware of what grooming procedures gay men go through?

And the fact that you used the term homosexual in a derrogatory manner was uncalled for. You are promoting hate against people. What would you have to say about me if I was to tell you I am a white girl dating a black man? Would that also stir up your "extreme, and unnatural" opinions?
...In that I don't understand your meaning. How have I 'categorized' people?; and in what way have I categorized them? Where and when did I call an individual a 'Homo'? Please show me the 'fact' that I used the term Homosexual in a derogatory manner? Why can I not have my own perspective on what it means for me to be masculine? How, by expressing my opinion that I do not believe that Homosexuality is normal, does that promote 'hate' against anyone? How does your example of a black and white couple dating, relate in any way to this discussion? How are my opinions 'extreme' and 'unnatural'?; Because they differ from your views, which you now claim are 'irrelevant'(to this discussion),and that of others? Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

angelinamassage said:
lol, nevermind. Trying to explain to a closed minded person will get me nowhere. You're free to your opinions, just be nice about it, okay? It's got nothing to do with my views, just the manner in which you choose to voice your opinions.
I am, virtually never, accused of having a 'closed mind' in real Life. If you or indeed anyone were to take the time to re-read this thread in its entirety, you would discover that I have expressed my opinion in a reasonable manner; and, have defended everyone's else's Right and Freedom to express their point of view, as well. Perhaps, Ms. Agelinamassage, you and I and others here could agree to disagree on this issue. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

angelinamassage said:
REASONABLE!?! You compared them to homosexuals. You said their choices were uhhygeniec, extreme and mentally unhealthy???? You also inadvertently put me into that category too.

Like I said, live and let live.
(I'll let you live with hairy balls, you let me live licking the smooth balls of well groomed STRAIGHT men!) :D
I respect your emotions Ms. Agelinamassage; and the emotions of the other members here who have strong personal feelings on the issue. By the way, I'm a straight man and I don't have hairy balls. Lol...Enjoy Life. Sincerely, Jon .

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
acutus said:
I respect your emotions Ms. Agelinamassage; and the emotions of the other members here who have strong personal feelings on the issue. By the way, I'm a straight man and I don't have hairy balls. Lol...Enjoy Life. Sincerely, Jon .
Come out of the closet Acutus, is it gay to wear jewelry such as a bracelet? Yes or no?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
acutus said:
About two years ago, when I was facing a bullshit assault charge, and was being told that I might have to do a little bit of time; I started to wear a very plain and simple and small solid copper bracelet on my right wrist.
First off, I admit I'm bored this evening or I wouldn't pursue this. As somebody else asked, though you left it unaswered, exactly why did you think wearing a copper bracelet would protect you from an assault charge or doing a bit of time?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Asterix said:
First off, I admit I'm bored this evening or I wouldn't pursue this. As somebody else asked, though you left it unaswered, exactly why did you think wearing a copper bracelet would protect you from an assault charge or doing a bit of time?
...I didn't think that Mr. Asterix. At the time it was just a small gesture of protest at the injustice that Life can present to us from time to time. The matter was resolved with me not doing any time nor having a criminal record. I wrote a dissertation that expressed my perspective on the incident which was several pages in length and was hoping that it would be submitted to the Judge for his consideration in the matter. That didn't happen. However, I am certain-without having any 'proof'- that the prosecution read it and, as I said, the matter is now resolved and closed. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Jul 12, 2003
I'm loath to admit that I somewhat share acutus' misanthropic views with respect to the jewelry, ( I don't think a man should wear an earring, unless he's a pirate), but that's just for me; how other people adorn themselves is their business.

On occaision, especially before dates, I like to shave the shaft and sack, and leave the upper area alone. I use a Gilette Good News razor with lubrastrip, (always a brand new one!), with soap in the shower. As mentioned by angelinamassage, it makes one look bigger, and I've had nothing but compliments from the ladies who've seen or felt it. I've also received better service that I probably would otherwise have had, if the pubes were less hygienic. Most of the men here prefer that their SPs have a smooth crotch, and I think a lot of the ladies prefer it on a man for the same reasons that we do.

Leaving the top part alone prevents locker room talk, because if someone notices at the gym, They're also admitting that their glance lingered a bit too long.
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