awkward question


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
My boys need some cover in the cold weather, but during the summer it is much more comfortable if you shave them completely. As for the rest, just keep the area groomed and trimmed short so your favorite girl doesnt get a short-and-curly stuck in her teeth.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
acutus said:
In my view, it is not appropriate masculine behaviour for a man to shave anything other than his face. As I see it, any man who would shave his genital region for aesthetic or sexual purposes is a Homosexual... Call me old school. Sincerely, Jon .
Old school? There were times when ALL shaving was considered a gay thing. It still is in many traditional Muslim regions.

So why is OK to shave the face, hmm? Because that type of shaving was acceptable at the time of your upbringing?

I don't care too much for cosmetics in either men or women. However, if a guy gets pussy from the girl/girls he likes by waxing, shaving, trimming or whatever - he ain't gay, he's just GETTING PUSSY!

I trim, partly for a tidier look, but also because shedding pubic hair is messy, long hair is scratchy and the area can get hot & sweaty.

As for the operation prep, if you're about to get your groin sliced into with all the possible complications that presents, the last thing you should be worried about is the gender of the nurse who's mowing the lawn!


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
In my World...

angelinamassage said:
A guy who shaves is homosexual?!?! OMG, are we still in the dark ages? I find it to be quite the extreme opposite. What a turn off for a man to be covered in bushes of pubic hair. Not that he has to be completely shaved but some aesthetic trimming makes the man look larger AND it's cleaner... it's so much more fun to play with. Sweat and stink doesn't linger in the pubic hair and it's wonderful to be able to lick a nice smooth set of balls and a shaft with out picking hair out of your mouth. Just my opinion though. :)
Evidently so, it would appear. Fortunately for me, I am not covered in 'bushes of hair', Ms. Agelinamassage. I love the smell of a women's body. I agree that smell can linger in the pubic hair for a time. We all like our partners to have good hygiene, however I prefer my women to shower, say in the morning, and then wait for me in the afternoon. I love the smell of a women's hair, heat, body and breathe. I also do not care much for a woman to shave off all her pubic hair. I like to know that I'm with an adult women...not a 12 year old girl. I prefer my women to be natural fake piercings or dyed excessive jewellery, etc. I don't even like women who wear make up, much. But, like I said, call me old school. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Hard Idle said:
So why is OK to shave the face, hmm? Because that type of shaving was acceptable at the time of your upbringing?
...I suppose so, Mr. Hard Idle. Most of the time I have an extended and trimmed goatee...a mustache and beard that covers just the lower part of the jaw line. Although now, after spending a month or so of lounging around, drinking coffee, smoking and listening to Jazz music, I may trim my beard down, some. Sincerely, Jon .

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Well at least you're honest! Looks like we're into alot of the same things. To me a truly hot girl doesn't need anything, I like her best first thing in the morning, no make-up, parfume, lotions, nail polish or fancy hair.

The crutches of your upbringing are a perfectly legitimate reason for how you do or don't groom, but they're not an intelligent reason to lable others.

I too am annoyed by guys who seem to like themselves alot or have a spa budget. But hey, if I had a shot at a chick I'm nuts about and all it would take was some shaving, I'd be in the bathtub with the razor in a heartbeat. :p


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
acutus said:
In my view, it is not appropriate masculine behaviour for a man to shave anything other than his face. As I see it, any man who would shave his genital region for aesthetic or sexual purposes is a Homosexual. In my World, a man does not adorn his body in any way; no rings; no earings or bracelets or tatoos; and certainly not any piercings of any kind. However, I can be flexible. About two years ago, when I was facing a bullshit assault charge, and was being told that I might have to do a little bit of time; I started to wear a very plain and simple and small solid copper bracelet on my right wrist. I have found that when out socially, women have reached over to gently touch my bracelet and enquire about it. For this reason... only...that women seem to like it... I still wear the bracelet. I would never, under any circumstances, allow another man to touch my genital region. If I required some form of surgery, then I would allow only a female nurse to shave body hair from my person. Call me old school. Sincerely, Jon .
Dude, you scare me......thank god I don't live in "your world".....I live in the world of sane and open minded individuals!

Is it just me or does this guy sound more than a little nuts?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
tboy said:
Dude, you scare me......thank god I don't live in "your world".....I live in the world of sane and open minded individuals!

Is it just me or does this guy sound more than a little nuts?
LOL ...... no comment !
Sincerely, Meister


New member
Oct 18, 2004
first one to say it...

I have been getting my "regions" body sugared for a few years, ever wonder how the really nice FS girls keep it so nice, this is it. It's like waxing but doesnt hurt as much. Tough to find the place to get it done, and really hard to do yourself. But, do it a few times every two weeks, and then once a month is all you need, and it looks great. (Thats not my opinion, its from some "friends")

It will cost you about $40 a sugar, but is so totally worth it, and its "razor" free.

One other hint, ever get nasty ingrown hairs.... Tee Tree Oil... just dab it on it for a few days it dries it out and the hair pops out.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I guess that brings new meaning to the lyrics from that old Def Leppard song:


I just re-read that wingnut's post more carefully and I DO have another question:

WTF does having to do time have to do with wearing a copper bracelet? Did you do that in preparation for going in jail so that, In your mind, you could let all the other inmates know that you were homosexual? Since you stated that any man that wears jewelry is homosexual, that makes you homosexual......


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

acutus said:
I have found that when out socially, women have reached over to gently touch my bracelet and enquire about it. For this reason... only...that women seem to like it... I still wear the bracelet.
Thank you Mr. Tboy for your two posts in response to my comments; and for your assurance that you have re-read my least twice. I'm certain that your confusion is regrettable. Please review the above noted quote from my original post, as required. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

daddy_taz said:
I have been getting my "regions" body sugared for a few years, ever wonder how the really nice FS girls keep it so nice, this is it. It's like waxing but doesnt hurt as much. Tough to find the place to get it done, and really hard to do yourself. But, do it a few times every two weeks, and then once a month is all you need, and it looks great. (Thats not my opinion, its from some "friends")

It will cost you about $40 a sugar, but is so totally worth it, and its "razor" free.

One other hint, ever get nasty ingrown hairs.... Tee Tree Oil... just dab it on it for a few days it dries it out and the hair pops out.
...I don't know about this, Mr. Daddy Taz. However, to each their own. I've noted that you have not attacked me personally simply because we do not share the same point of view. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
'He sounds hairy nuts...'

hugqgy said:
He sounds hairy nuts... very nuts... whatever...

Considering how many men out there WANT a bigger package, and with women telling them they look bigger, I don't see the dilemma. Sure, you can head to church street and start asking men there if shaved pubes makes you look gay, who knows, you might get some...

Me, I like to trim, with the whole 'visual effect' thing, I get a lot of screaming and running away when 'Mr. Happy' makes an entrance...

as least I hope it's because he looks monsterous...
I have no idea what that means, Mr. Hugqgy. I know that many men...younger men in particular...are very concerned about the size of their penis. I'm sure that you're correct in that many men...WANT..a 'bigger package'. I don't see a 'dilemma' in those circumstances either. If a man feels that he has to try visually enhance his genital area to make himself feel better, then I think that that's fine. Sincerely, Jon .

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
acutus said:
Thank you Mr. Tboy for your two posts in response to my comments; and for your assurance that you have re-read my least twice. I'm certain that your confusion is regrettable. Please review the above noted quote from my original post, as required. Sincerely, Jon .
Bracelets are pretty Gay Acutus, you should stick with wearing that Kangol Hat that everyone keeps saying looks good on you.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
angelinamassage said:
In his defence - even though the homo reference was uncalled for, I don`t think it`s nuts. Just his preference. He would be closed minded to judge upon these things, as he did with the homo comment, but It doesn`t turn him on, so be it. I just hope he doesn`t judge everyone based on his own likes and dislikes. Me, having some piercings myself, being bisexual, and trimming and dying my hair the beautiful red that it, I would take offence to such comments. You like it or you don`t. To each there own, but Mr. Acutus, please don`t judge or make harsh reference. Thank You. xoxo

Angelina ;)

You should read what he says about homosexuals in the Movie review section...He thinks all gays are infected with aids.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Thank you for additional comments Ms. Angelinamassage

angelinamassage said:
There is a big difference between keeping a neat and tidy pubic area and looking like a 12 year old girl. Grooming is attractive no matter where you do it on the body. I rarely see men or woman who shave completely anyways. I agree that natural is wonderful, but when men are basking in their ball sweat and it lingers in their shorts from morning to afternoon, it surpasses "natural" and is unpleasant to smell and taste. Of course their nostrils being so far away, men are unaware of how unpleasant it may be. But not only that, even after a shower or if there isn't much hair and smell (cause not all men have odour) it's so much nicer to ba able to play with a man and not get hair in your mouth or get your tounge stuck in it, lol. Also, if you tried it, you would realize how good it feels for you to have a womans tounge running over your smoothed testicles and shaft. :)

What ever your preference is, is fine by me Mr. Acutus. We all like different things. Doesn't necessarily mean you are "old school" But to call it homosexual? There's no need for that. Come-on. Not even all gay men shave. In fact some are hairier than staight men! It was just the reference that made me want to comment.
...This is simply a difference of perspective. As I see it, being particularly concerned about one's appearance beyond basic grooming and hygiene, is not only unattractive as a character trait, but in the extreme...such as shaving one's genital unhealthy, my view. I'm certain that for another individual, shaving or waxing or sugarring their genital area is perfectly normal and their fine with it. For me, that's the gist of it. If you are happy with yourself, with or without any additional alterations then that's fine. Enjoy Life, I say. Sincerely, Jon .

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
acutus said:
...Mr. Judas H ? Sincerely, Jon .
You said wearing jewelry is gay, but yet you wear a bracelet. does that make you a gay?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Judas H said:
You said wearing jewelry is gay, but yet you wear a bracelet. does that make you a gay?
Homosexuality is a topic that clearly interests you Mr. Judas H ; so I would suggest that you seek out any clarification that you feel you need with regard to that issue, with someone who knows about that lifestyle. By the way, 'Jewelry' is actually spelled correctly as Jewellery. Sincerely, Jon .
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