Awesome Statement By Ben Stein


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
MuffinMuncher said:
Jazzy, dont worry.... at some point before the end of this thread's second page, it will cease to be a critique of Ben Stein or political correctness and instead it will all be blamed on George Bush and the Americans. LOL

I'll never understand why so many people on this board cannot discuss and debate a topic or an issue without trying to turn it into an opportunity to blame it on someone.... Ben Stein, George Bush, American, whoever.

And that, to me, is the root of this problem. Before you worry about what someone else said, did or thinks..... look in the mirror. Are you just as guilty? Are you going to be part of the solution, or just a cog that perpetuates the problem? That sense of responsibility is what we used to have, even if it was through discipline. I fear for our society 50 years from now, when this "but Ben Stein is such a rotten person" mentality is the rule rather than the exception.

Keep in mind that some people are here for the expressed interest in BUSH BASHING. and AMERICA-TRASHING. These folks have a history of hating Bush and America and will mount a personal attack on anyone who shows them for what they are.


Jan 16, 2004
wadsab said:
I was hoping you show a better proof than an obscure web site claiming that Ben did not say this or said that.
I wouldn't exactly call Snopes obscure. It's widely acknowledged as the site to go to in order to debunk hoaxes (or at least it has been as long as I've been on the net)


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
wadsab said:
I will not force my Christianity on you if and only if: You do not prevent me from celebrating Christmas, in public or private places, the way it has been celebrated for ages; You will let me call a Christmas Tree and all the symbols which come with it by their names and no other artificial names; otherwise it is an all-out war to preserve Christmas identity and holiness, the way they should be.
Call it a Christmas tree if you like - you will be surprised to discover that no government authority will fine you or put you in gaol.

The continuous snivelling and whining about the imagined "attack on Christmas" is getting tiring. No police officer or government agent will stop you from celebrating Christmas.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
jazzy_doll said:
This so-called "attack on Christmas" (though I think of it as a controversy) is not a figment of the Christian's imagination.
Last time I checked Christians were free to celebrate their religious holiday in the manner they see fit without interference from the agents of the state.

If other free citizens choose not to join you in said celebration, this is not an attack.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Hail, Victory!

jazzy_doll said:
I know that "freedom of religion" includes the freedom to not believe if one so chooses (atheism). I am simply addressing the rights of the faithful being taken away, or sometimes, stepped on.
And exactly what rights would those be, hmm?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Jazzy: Don't worry about the demented ravings of weber. He will be gone soon, his village called, they want him back.

I'll bet you're secretly reading this weber, some ignore , EH!


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
jazzy_doll said:
In answer to your question: the right to freely believe in whatsoever a person chooses, (even if he/she chooses to believe in Mermaids, his/her perogative), without people like you, trying to interfere, and little by little, in your sneaky under-handed way, trying to strip innocent people of their rights, which was once granted, BTW. Why can't you just post your views? Don't come in here with your audacity, asking, "what rights?", when it's clearly laid out in the constitution.
Name one single government measure in the U.S. or Canada that interferes in--your words--the right to freely believe in whatsoever a person chooses.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
MuffinMuncher said:
I think alot of what he says is dead on. The young people of today (teenagers) have no respect for anything, they have this amazing sense of entitlement without having to put in the sweat and effort.

Somehow religion became evil, discipline and order became punitive and strict parenting became abuse. We became so uber-sensitive to political correctness that we can no longer define the boundaries of acceptable conduct. As a result, we creep ever closer to chaos... behavior without consequence because WE (all of us collectively) find it easier to turn a blind eye rather than stand up for what we believe to be right.

So next time you ask "what is the world coming to", remember that you (we all) have some responisibility in finding that answer.
I agree with a lot of this .......except for the Ann Graham bit. God staying out of your space doesn't wash.

Religion didn't become evil but certain elements of all organized religions I did I think. Radical Muslims, Christian fundamentalists that preach hate etc etc. Having said that, I too am tired of being pushed around by the politically correct crowd. Merry Christmas everyone.

While spanking your kid wasn't perfect it beats what's happening now. The only ones that have stopped are the parents that wouldn't have abused the process in the first place. Turning back the clock 50 years wouldn't solve anything however as the world has changed.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
LancsLad said:

Since this is a Ben stein thread, should not the PC term be.....;)

Happy Hanukkah



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
WoodPeckr said:
Since this is a Ben stein thread, should not the PC term be.....;)

Happy Hanukkah

May the Peace of Our Lord Be upon you and your family.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Making the Baby Jesus Cough & Cry

jazzy_doll said:
Please excuse me, I overlooked your "exact" request.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Fundamental Freedoms
2a) Freedom of conscience and religion
In other words, the right to believe in whatsoever a person chooses.
Er, sure; but what existing laws INTERFERE with your/the freedom of religion?



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
maxweber said:
Er, sure; but what existing laws INTERFERE with your/the freedom of religion?


You won't be reading this because you say I am on your ignore list , but everyone else can.

In future why don't you try to restrict your empty headed, mindless and obviously lib/dem bias to matters solely regarding the US. We care even less about what you have to say up here in Canada than the American members of TERB do. Yah, I know hard to believe that something so small could be measured , but hey, they have even been able to measure the integrity level of Teddy K, modern science is just that good.:D


Active member
Oct 12, 2005

jazzy_doll said:
There are no laws to interfere, only idiots, who say, 'Making the Baby Jesus Cough & Cry!", etc.

PS Didn't someone say that the village called?
Right; (mis)quoting the phrase coined to denounce your pal Bush, you not only fail (for the third time) to answer my question, but directly contradict what you said earlier. As you admit here, there IS no legal restriction on the exercise of belief and religion. You thick-skulled Christers have nothing whatsoever to complain about, save the ridicule your preposterous beliefs bring down on you from your (rational) fellow citizens. And THAT ain't illegal!



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
jazzy_doll said:
Weber, I find you very entertaining. I did answer your question. The law clearly states that we are free to believe. You are "knocking" the believers in this thread. We are not fighting the law; just the thick-skulled idiots who try to interfere. Noone in this thread is trying to convert you. If you are an atheist, so be it. Respect.
I just re-read this thread and I don't see anything that max posted attacking your right to believe, only his opinion that some peoples beliefs are full of it. That is the thing about freedoms; you are allowed to believe what you want and he can believe what he wants. (or are freedoms only for people who believe what you do?)

Any freedom in our culture stops the instant that your freedoms interfere with other's rights to their freedoms.

My personal opinion is that the rights that Christians have for their religious events to be statuatory holidays should be extended to all religions. A few more vacation days never hurt anyone.

BTW, This Friday (the 8th) is Bodhi day for all of our Budhist friends. Tell your boss you need the day off to honour your colleages holy days.


Yule/solstice - Dec 21-22
Zarathosht Diso in honour of cyrus - Dec 26
Waqf al Arafa (Hajj Day) - Dec. 30
Hanukkah - Dec 16-23

If we work hard enough in honouring other people's religions the same way we treat our own, we can really cut down the work week (or get double time for working holidays).


East end Hobbiest
jazzy_doll said:
Weber, I find you very entertaining. I did answer your question. The law clearly states that we are free to believe. You are "knocking" the believers in this thread. We are not fighting the law; just the thick-skulled idiots who try to interfere. Noone in this thread is trying to convert you. If you are an atheist, so be it. Respect.
And are we also not free to believe what we want as well? Why is it that this "freedom to believe" only protects your beliefs?

Look, your "religion" is "protected", but that doesn't mean that your personal opinion is unquestionable, or that religion is above criticism. You can believe what you want to believe, and the constitution protects your right to believe that the rest of us are all wrong ... but that protection works both ways .. we are free to believe that Christians are all wrong ... we can't outlaw your religious "beliefs", nor can you outlaw our "religious" beliefs.

"Christians" are free to believe whatever nonsense they wish ... they can believe in your silly sacred Christian symbols, such as decorated trees, fat guys dressed in red suits delivering PS3's, elves in pointy shoes,
shopping from US Thanksgiving Day till Canadian Boxing Day being a religious sacrament, or that wishing someone a happy holiday season in late November, is knocking baby Jesus. That is their right ... just as it is equally a right to criticize anything we wish in a democratic society, EVEN religion.
Mar 19, 2006
woolf said:
"Christians" are free to believe whatever nonsense they wish ... they can believe in your silly sacred Christian symbols, such as decorated trees, fat guys dressed in red suits delivering PS3's, elves in pointy shoes,
shopping from US Thanksgiving Day till Canadian Boxing Day being a religious sacrament, or that wishing someone a happy holiday season in late November, is knocking baby Jesus.
Santa Clause, shopping and elves are not Christian symbols.
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