Are men frustrated from not enough sex in our society?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Man.. As long as the tranny kept their dick outta site I'd be down.. What the fuck.. Just close your eyes and use your imagination.. After hours, I guarantee you, you missed out on one hell of a blow job...


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I think a lot more guys would suck cock and take it up the ass if society said it was positive, even a noble thing to do and no longer a taboo. Like Kareena says, I'm not sure if people are born that way and it shouldn't matter except to scientists - we're free thinking animals.
The number of women who will explore eating pussy has gone up in the last decade due to a freer society.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
No way I would let a guy stick anything into any of my holes.
No way in HELL would I find it enjoyable in any way.

I even hate it in pornos when the camera stays on the guys face for more than two seconds.

I must be one of the ultra-hetero guys.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
No way I would let a guy stick anything into any of my holes.
No way in HELL would I find it enjoyable in any way.

I even hate it in pornos when the camera stays on the guys face for more than two seconds.

I must be one of the ultra-hetero guys.
don't blame you... I don't think I'll ever get hard with a guy.. never mind if he's the hottest model or not


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Receiving oral sex is a physical pleasure. I've never been with a guy (not that there's anything wrong with that), but I'm sure if I were restrained and a guy was sucking my dick, I would be arroused because it is oral sex after all. And hate to break it to you, but you'd stiffen up too.

That doesn't mean you're gay or bi, it means you enjoy getting your knob polished .
kudos to you... I could never do that, no matter how good it may feel... I just shudder at the fact a MANLY face is sucking my dick instead of a beautiful, feminine face

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
Wow, you guys are amazing - seriously, you spend more time talking about cock and ass and gayness than any of my gay friends do. Anyone ever wonder why that is? Sheesh.

Some things to consider:

- Men (and women) are having a lot more sex these days than at any time in the past. Sex - especially sex for pleasure - used to be reserved for the rich and powerful, while most people barely had any sex at all for their entire lives. Most of our time was spent trying to get enough food to survive, and people lived in much smaller communities, with fewer options. Sex is considerably more common than it ever has been before, and that's also because of things like condoms and the pill - sex and procreation are no longer inherently linked, which has allowed women to enjoy sex without worrying about getting knocked up.

- Sexuality is always defined in the context of the era in which we live. People with PVC or leather fetishes (I'm sure there are more than a few on here) couldn't have had those fetishes before the creation of PVC or the widespread use of leather, so it's impossible to say that someone was "born" with a PVC fetish. People definitely have intrinsic inclinations towards different people of different genders, but to say that someone's sexuality is entirely and exclusively hard-wired from birth is a pretty ridiculous statement. Who pops out of the womb with a PVC fetish?

- The word "homosexual" is only about 150 years old; before then, nobody was even considered to have a sexual identity of any kind. Sex was something you just "did" and didn't necessarily reflect who you "are" as a person.

- Sexuality changes over time, both for society in general and for individual people. Some people might limit themselves to certain types of acts from their first experience until their last, but most people have explored a variety of sexual tastes, desires and behaviours throughout their lives. Experimentation and variety do not inevitably lead to a change in how one labels themselves, and most of those labels are only for the benefit of other people who want to make everything as simple as can be (pretty common occurence over here, that's for sure).

- If you really believe that a guy who has had 1000 sexual experiences with women, yet sucked one cock out of curiosity, is "homosexual" or "gay" because of it, then you really need to open your eyes to the possibility of fluidity. That's like saying a guy who's eaten 1000 hambugers, yet just ate one piece of celery, is somehow a vegetarian.

- For all the gay sex that you guys talk about, you should really ask yourselves why you care so damned much what other people do, or what they should call themselves. If you were all as 100% straight as you claim, it wouldn't even be worth your time to think about it, let alone post about it.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
I was just browsing the casual encounter section of craigslist and have to say 90% of the ads are men in search of men >< I think society, aka lack of sex is pushing them over the edge and turning them gay xD

Since you can purchase sex and have it pretty much whenever you want I wouldn't say there's any lack of supply.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Since you can purchase sex and have it pretty much whenever you want I wouldn't say there's any lack of supply.
not everyone can afford it :)

I think I should've added a disclaimer to this post.... Some of you are taking this thread too seriously... To all that thought this was a hilarious/stupid post, you got my intentions.. Everyone else, have a chill pill or something. Most of us have enough drama in our 'real' jobs... terb is a nice place to let loose. Last thing we need is another serious drama in here xD

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Unless someone is sucking a rattler's poison out of your dick - that is about the dumbest statement I've read. If a guy is giving you a hummer and you are fully aroused (i.e. enjoying sexual contact with a male) you are gay or at least bi. Clinging on to some notion that you can enjoy males sexually but you don't like the label describing it is sad because you are in a conflict based on sexual prejudice.

You gay friends suggestions that straight men drop their drawers for hummers is just a clever ruse to get a homophobic gay male to overcome his inhibitions.

BTW: The frustrations of not having all the women I would like results in higher Internet bills and a sore right arm.

Me thinks you doth protest too much.

MayDay Malone

New member
Oct 26, 2010
You have homosexual tendencies and enjoy sexual activities with a male (that is the definition of a homosexual). I don't know why you are ashamed of your attraction - it's nobody's concern. What is very unfortunate is that you are prejudiced against homosexuals so to try and protect yourself .. you project your gay desires on heterosexuals so that you can keep the facade of being a man's man in place.

News alert: I would not stiffen up if a guy was in front of me sucking me off. That you can't comprehend my inability to enjoy gay sex is fine - I can't understand your attraction but guess what ? I can't get off with my Grandmother sucking me off either and she's a woman. We all have our own preferences.

BTW: You telling me that I would stiffen up with a guy is no different than a pedo telling me I'd like little boys, a serial murderer that I have the same desire to kill or even that I would enjoy the same foods. It is wrong to assume everyone has the same behaviour as you.

That's quite the leap you're making, Dr. Freud.

For the record, since you're so brilliant in your analysis, I'm not the least bit prejudiced against homosexuals, I fully support them. I am not ashamed of any feelings of attraction I may or may not have. In fact, I enjoy strapon play, make of that what you will. I am open to the idea that there are pleasurable activities that I have not experienced. I am not seeking a homosexual experience, but I don't feel any insecurities in admiting I might just enjoy the physical act of one. Call me what you want based on this, but the fact is I am not attracted to men, but I do enjoy being penetrated analy and am attracted to feminine-looking shemales. I've never had the pleasure of an experience with one, but I do fantasize about it.

My point wasn't that you would enjoy the experience per se, but it would be difficult to resist a physical reaction (an erection) if you were being sucked off.

I appreciate your attempt to diagnose me. I don't pretend to be a psycologist, so I'll leave your analogies to grandmothers and children to someone better qualified.

MayDay Malone

New member
Oct 26, 2010
For all the gay sex that you guys talk about, you should really ask yourselves why you care so damned much what other people do, or what they should call themselves. If you were all as 100% straight as you claim, it wouldn't even be worth your time to think about it, let alone post about it.
Perfectly said.


Apr 24, 2005
Sex is considerably more common than it ever has been before, and that's also because of things like condoms and the pill
If indeed, sex is more common now it is because of the INTERNET. I didn't realize sex existed until I discovered the INTERNET. Hee, hee, hee.

BTW: Even male penguins are turning gay.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
- The word "homosexual" is only about 150 years old; before then, nobody was even considered to have a sexual identity of any kind. Sex was something you just "did" and didn't necessarily reflect who you "are" as a person.

- Sexuality changes over time, both for society in general and for individual people.
Ha ha ha - do you seriously believe that?

Homosexuality has always existed (small minority at about 2% for homo - not including bi)

Homosexuality has always been seen as "not normal"

Have you ever read the Bible - well the Old Testament in particular?


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
And the other 10% of the ads are women looking to sell sex.

So yes, men are frustrated.

But it's never been any different. It's what makes the world go round. Everything a man does - he does to get laid. Men want sex. In order to get sex (after the age of about 18) you need money. No money? You get laid a lot less than you could if you had money. And as you get older, that number drops pretty much to 0. A 40 year old guy with no job, no car, no house, no clothes, no means to woo a woman - pretty much gets 0 sex.

So, we go out and work.


Cause we want sex.

No money = no sex.

And I'm not talking the hobby either. Men need to work in order to have a place, a means of survival, food, clothes you name it. The more money you have, the more sex you get (and yes, now you can even pay for sex). But the want of sex has driven men to fly to the moon and build the cities and everything in them and everything there is. Without horny heterosexual men, we'd all pretty much be living in caves still. Everything a man does, at its core, he does to get laid. All that grief for about 5 seconds of the little death and then the temporary calm that follows.
I couldn't agree more. I've always said that if women just "gave away" sex like men, we wouldn't even be civilized.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
Look at the prison population and I think the OP has a valid point. When men can't access women, they seem ok with using other men for physical pleasure.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ha ha ha - do you seriously believe that?

Homosexuality has always existed (small minority at about 2% for homo - not including bi)

Homosexuality has always been seen as "not normal"

Have you ever read the Bible - well the Old Testament in particular?
Actually, that is not true. If you read about some of the ancient civilizations - Greece, Rome, Sparta, you would know that homosexuality was not as big of a deal back then as it is now.

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
Ok, I really don’t want to spend a lot of time on this, because it’s been debated ad nauseum on this board, and I know it’ll just keep coming up again like it always does. But I’ll chime in one more time, then head out for the night:

Ha ha ha - do you seriously believe that?
Homosexuality has always existed (small minority at about 2% for homo - not including bi)
The popularization of the word “homosexual” is attributed to Richard von-Krafft-Ebing, who published 1886’s Psychopathia Sexualis; interestingly, he also coined the phrases “masochism” and “sadism”. It was one of the first attempts to medicalize and understand sexual behaviour as being an innate trait, which was largely resistant to outside influence or change. This led to a proliferation of theories on how “the homosexual” was a different type of person, hard-wired in a different way. Sexual difference was viewed as a form of pathology, rooted in the brain, like many other disorders that were being identified and classified (with mixed results). Others picked up this line of thinking, such as Freud, who essentially became the first gay rights activist by advocating for tolerance for “homosexuals” because they couldn’t control their desires (although according to Freud, the rest of us can’t either). Before then, sexuality was just something you did, and if you did something forbidden, then you were judged for your sexual behaviour, not your sexual identity.

Part of the reason that many people (myself included) reject the essentialist perspective is because it doesn’t usually hold true in the long run. Now that our lifespans are long enough, and our options are wide enough, the opportunity for change in one’s sexual tastes and habits has been increased. Sure enough, that’s what’s happening – the demographic with the fastest-rising rates of STIs are actually among people over 50. But I don’t need to tell that to TERBland, do I – if all your sexual tastes had stayed exactly the same throughout your lives, TERB wouldn’t even exist because you'd all still be with your (first) wives.


Homosexuality has always been seen as "not normal"

Have you ever read the Bible - well the Old Testament in particular?
Yes, I’ve read the Bible, mostly for historical context rather than faith. However, I’m not sure why anyone on TERB would consider the Bible the be-all and end-all in regards to sexuality... there are lots of books saying all kinds of crazy stuff about sex. Regardless, I once saw a poster that said, “Homosexual behaviour has been observed in over 465 species. Homophobia has only been observed in one.” I don’t know if the number is accurate, but I think it’s a pretty relevant point.

I think I should've added a disclaimer to this post.... Some of you are taking this thread too seriously... To all that thought this was a hilarious/stupid post, you got my intentions.. Everyone else, have a chill pill or something. Most of us have enough drama in our 'real' jobs... terb is a nice place to let loose. Last thing we need is another serious drama in here xD
I won't claim to know your motivations for starting this thread, but there are two types of questions - questions you ask because you want to learn, and questions you ask because you want to argue. Sometimes it's hard to tell which is which, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. :)

If indeed, sex is more common now it is because of the INTERNET. I didn't realize sex existed until I discovered the INTERNET. Hee, hee, hee.

BTW: Even male penguins are turning gay.
In old Greece, it was 102% homos (including bi).
No offense, but it honestly seems like every other post is “homo this” or “gay that.” Whenever there’s a thread about gayness, you’re like a moth to the flame. It seems like you post about gay sex every day – doesn’t that mean you think about it every day too? Just sayin’...

Anyways, I’ll leave you boys to talk about even more gay stuff, and I’ll go out and see if Halifax has anywhere fun to visit. Good night everyone! *muah*


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Wow, you guys are amazing - seriously, you spend more time talking about cock and ass and gayness than any of my gay friends do. Anyone ever wonder why that is? Sheesh.

Some things to consider:

- Men (and women) are having a lot more sex these days than at any time in the past. Sex - especially sex for pleasure - used to be reserved for the rich and powerful, while most people barely had any sex at all for their entire lives. Most of our time was spent trying to get enough food to survive, and people lived in much smaller communities, with fewer options. Sex is considerably more common than it ever has been before, and that's also because of things like condoms and the pill - sex and procreation are no longer inherently linked, which has allowed women to enjoy sex without worrying about getting knocked up.

- Sexuality is always defined in the context of the era in which we live. People with PVC or leather fetishes (I'm sure there are more than a few on here) couldn't have had those fetishes before the creation of PVC or the widespread use of leather, so it's impossible to say that someone was "born" with a PVC fetish. People definitely have intrinsic inclinations towards different people of different genders, but to say that someone's sexuality is entirely and exclusively hard-wired from birth is a pretty ridiculous statement. Who pops out of the womb with a PVC fetish?

- The word "homosexual" is only about 150 years old; before then, nobody was even considered to have a sexual identity of any kind. Sex was something you just "did" and didn't necessarily reflect who you "are" as a person.

- Sexuality changes over time, both for society in general and for individual people. Some people might limit themselves to certain types of acts from their first experience until their last, but most people have explored a variety of sexual tastes, desires and behaviours throughout their lives. Experimentation and variety do not inevitably lead to a change in how one labels themselves, and most of those labels are only for the benefit of other people who want to make everything as simple as can be (pretty common occurence over here, that's for sure).

- If you really believe that a guy who has had 1000 sexual experiences with women, yet sucked one cock out of curiosity, is "homosexual" or "gay" because of it, then you really need to open your eyes to the possibility of fluidity. That's like saying a guy who's eaten 1000 hambugers, yet just ate one piece of celery, is somehow a vegetarian.

- For all the gay sex that you guys talk about, you should really ask yourselves why you care so damned much what other people do, or what they should call themselves. If you were all as 100% straight as you claim, it wouldn't even be worth your time to think about it, let alone post about it.
Did you think all this lot up all in one go? There's so much insight here, I'm thinking these thoughts must have been brewing for some time. Thanks!
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