Apple and the FBI


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Apple has every legal right in the world to appeal the decision.

However, if the Government prevails on appeal and Apple still refuses to comply, both the company and Mr. Cook personally should be held in contempt.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Apple has every legal right in the world to appeal the decision.

However, if the Government prevails on appeal and Apple still refuses to comply, both the company and Mr. Cook personally should be held in contempt.
Great, then people will buy Samsung phones instead.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
Why doesn't the FBI simply turn over this ONE phone to Apple and ask it to be unlocked. Why do they (FBI) need the backdoor code? Should be on a case by case basis.


New member
Jul 27, 2013
Why doesn't the FBI simply turn over this ONE phone to Apple and ask it to be unlocked. Why do they (FBI) need the backdoor code? Should be on a case by case basis.
I think this the only way to make everyone satisfied. FBI I'm sure want the back door code or system. Apple will think of something.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Apple has every legal right in the world to appeal the decision.

However, if the Government prevails on appeal and Apple still refuses to comply, both the company and Mr. Cook personally should be held in contempt.
Perhaps they will be, but only after the currently hamstrung Supreme Court ends the appeal process and only if they still stubbornly refuse. If and when Apple caves, the Chinese, Russian and other unsavoury security apparats will be first in line to get the same access, by hook, crook or collegial sharing.

Certainly the Snowden and Wikileaks affairs have demonstrated American security services already share the same amoral imperatives to spy on all their own citizens.

Demanding Apple serve the Ministry of Love and reveal all the the secrets its agents say they can't find themselves seems very much like a scene from the end of 1984.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You don't believe the Japanese Government plays by the same rules?
All governments play by the same rules; rules are what defines them — until they try out new rules. The only differentiating factor among governments is the resistance of their citizens to serving the arbitrary needs of that government without concomitant, demonstrated proof their government is serving them.

Very few such recently, which is perhaps one of the reasons establishment/government candidates are doing so poorly all over the Western world.

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Every single CPU in every single phone. Other than Russian Security. Has a backdoor where the NSA, FBI, FEMA etc... can record and spy on your every move should they desire. This Apple, FBI thing is a distraction. Apple has been playing ball with the Security Agencies as soon as they got rid of Steve Jobs. It;s similar to what happened to RIM/Blackberry when they refused to hand over there encryption technology. They got blackballed from any Military contracts as well as sales in Europe.

Wakey wakey. These people are not your friends.


Mar 31, 2009
Bill Gates said that Apple has the info and should hand it over. Liberal lefties like Tim Cook and Snowden love to stand on their soapbox and fearmonger.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why doesn't the FBI simply turn over this ONE phone to Apple and ask it to be unlocked. Why do they (FBI) need the backdoor code? Should be on a case by case basis.
As a guess, the chain of custody thing requires the FBI to be the ones collecting the data.

And tech companies already collaborate with governments like in China and sells customer data to marketing agencies so this case is just hypocritical window dressing.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Bill Gates said that Apple has the info and should hand it over. Liberal lefties like Tim Cook and Snowden love to stand on their soapbox and fearmonger.
It's the FBI and NSA doing the fearmongering, claiming that the citizens can only be kept safe — from who or what they do not specify — by constant surveillance both wide and deep.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's the FBI and NSA doing the fearmongering, claiming that the citizens can only be kept safe — from who or what they do not specify — by constant surveillance both wide and deep.
Might be a logical argument if Apple, Google, etc, weren't already engaged of constant surveillance of their customers.

It's a well established concept that the government can subpoena phone records, content of text messages, ISP usage, etc. To me there is no difference.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry, guess San Bernardino, 9/11, Major Hasan, etc. never happened. Then there are all those thwarted plots.
Apple has said that they do give information when requested, and have done so 7 times before with the FBI. This time they said they couldn't do it because the password had been changed since the phone was in the hands of the FBI.

What the FBI wants is for apple to create an alternate IOS that they can install on any apple phone and use as a backdoor. Releasing such an IOS just means it would eventually be hacked and all iPhones would not be secure for their users. Apple is correct in their actions.

Otherwise you just recreate the Chinese governments Baidu brower.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Sorry, guess San Bernardino, 9/11, Major Hasan, etc. never happened. Then there are all those thwarted plots.
They happened, and all that spying illegal and legal didn't help one bit to stop any of it. So the spy agencies are trying to scare us into giving them even more secret power we must never question (and can't question) to spy on everyone, just like the Stasi had. Did they keep the wall from falling? Secret police oppress their society, they do not defend it.

What thwarted plots? Do name some. As for the present case, there's already all the evidence needed to convict the shooters without breaking into their iPhone.
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