Anyone out there?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
Berlin, Germany
There use to be a chatroom on the board but it died due to lack of participation.
Yea seems like a lot of things are dieing around here. No one out there interested in sharing their thoughts or ideas or experiences around the hobby. More of a news forum than a hobby forum.


International Courtesan
Nov 4, 2014
New York/Toronto
Do not know much about twitter but it seems that it is very much about short chatter and hard to have a real exchange.

Lot of one or two lines. I want more of a connection. Maybe I am missing something.
You're definitely missing something. That's not really what it's about.

Some of my most memorable date nights have blossomed from real exchanges via Twitter.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I don't get this thread.

There are over 1.4 million posts in this lounge section alone. Every day members share experiences, create events, talk about interesting topics, and then this thread says there is no one out there, it feels like its dying etc...this is so confusing....

90% of the time when I need Intel I can PM members and I get it. There are a ton of industry ladies participating.

How much more do you need?

This board is by far the richest, most diverse board out there for adult play and its good just to shoot the shit or discuss the current topics at hand or even ask for help. I stopped going to other boards cause there is so much interesting discussion on here, and there are a lot of ladies hanging out under hidden handles...


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
Well you are one of the fine genglemenen I have ,Not everyone is as much wanting to share as you.

QUOTE=GGGDickson;5389717]Yea lets hope![/QUOTE]


Oct 23, 2012
We are on an anonymous board with nom de plumes only known to the user. I'm not sure why users would spill their identity outside this board (a deal for favorable reviews ?) So if you are a member, an 'attack' can only be verbal abuse ... words .... only words .... and possibly from either a 15 year old living a make believe life in the basement of his parents home or a lonely anti-social loser timidly striking out the only way his cowardly ego will permit. So post your thoughts and if a thread is going in a direction your not comfortable with - change threads.


Very well said. There are a few losers in here who rarely review but come out and dump their anger and frustrations on others. A different kind of hobby I


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Wow compared to some boards in smaller market it is pretty quiet around here.

I am starting to think there is no one else on the board. What is going on or not going on?

Very little interaction on this board. Maybe every one is on holidays? Or working? Even the SPs are not responding. Starting to wonder if it me.

Hello......hello........hello.......hello. Any one home?
You joined here around the same time I did (which makes us kind of old). I think the general tone of the conversation has degraded in the last five years. As soon as someone disagrees with someone else, they're flamed. Plus a lot of the posts are deliberate trolling to provoke a response which a small minority always respond. They have an opinion on everything.

But having said that, the reviews section is very good. Lots of respect for SPs and MPs. Check out periscope instead of twitter for some interesting live feeds.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
Compared to other boards I am on I can never actually keep up with all the new threads started here.
This is the only board that is good. Its for members only. The other board that ends in 411 is now open for public. Not good. They are way to brave with current laws. The Independent girls on their are ok, but the board itself to be in question. I would not go near it being this way.
Terb has been around from the beginning of time and the best board always.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
This board definitely has the most members I've seen. A lot of times the topics in the lounge can be random and often only interest small groups of people, so the majority of members will not comment.

Twitter has more of a live, constant interaction option available for getting to know new clients and ladies. A way to have many more conversations on different topics every day, plus the ability to get to know the ladies better. Review boards are more for the guys and a lot of times there's little for us ladies to comment on without it seeming like interjecting.
I always go by ads and ladies I know. Great idea. How would a man like me find INdys on Twitter in Toronto

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
So what's the point? Ask us for opinions, then run when you don't get the answers you were looking for. I though it was a mixed bag and some very supportive and some very critical. Is it because they scratched the truth that you deleted your threads? If I was in your situation and knew I had issues, I would want to hear all sides and opinions so I can fix it, otherwise its just a downwards spiral for you if you just keep running and it will keep getting worse. Also, there is never only two sides to a story, it is always 3 sides. Yours, theirs and the truth, and this always holds even when you say it and think are saying the truth there are still 3 sides. I think the community was trying to help you by trying to get deep into your psychy so maybe you can see yourself what your problem is, but you choose to run because you can't handle criticism when it's not how you wanted it to go, even though you were seeking opinions.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So what's the point? Ask us for opinions, then run when you don't get the answers you were looking for. I though it was a mixed bag and some very supportive and some very critical. Is it because they scratched the truth that you deleted your threads? If I was in your situation and knew I had issues, I would want to hear all sides and opinions so I can fix it, otherwise its just a downwards spiral for you if you just keep running and it will keep getting worse. Also, there is never only two sides to a story, it is always 3 sides. Yours, theirs and the truth, and this always holds even when you say it and think are saying the truth there are still 3 sides. I think the community was trying to help you by trying to get deep into your psychy so maybe you can see yourself what your problem is, but you choose to run because you can't handle criticism when it's not how you wanted it to go, even though you were seeking opinions.
I may have been Mods deleting as well.

That being said. If it was the OP then I'm sure the thread ended like his events. Disappointingly for him because it didn't go exactly as planned and whining didn't help either.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
Berlin, Germany
I may have been Mods deleting as well.

That being said. If it was the OP then I'm sure the thread ended like his events. Disappointingly for him because it didn't go exactly as planned and whining didn't help either.
Ok fellows you were right. I heard you and learned my lesson. No more events with SPs in your city. You guys saw right though me. I am the monster you uncovered. I did a terrible thing and there was no point in further discussion. It was a huge mistake.

I promise no more dinner dates, overnights, gifts, spa days, flowers or anything that could be seen as shock grenades. Certainly no more wedding rings or fantasy weddings. If I hire a SP it will be for an hour of straight sex. Nothing more nothing less.

Not sure what more you want? You want my right arm for my crimes against humanity. I am sorry. I do not live here so not sure why my going back to Europe is running away. I will lick my wounds and my scars will be a reminder never to do such role plays again and I promise never to do anything for SPs again that could remotely looks like this. If you wish to start a fund for the young lady I sent to the spa and took to dinner and hired the SPs for and let sleep in the suite and let her go home early great. My contribution was $2,500. You can PM me and I give you her name and you can contribute.

You did a great job of straighten me out. I asked for your opinion and you gave it. Great job. I guess I need to thank you. THANK YOU for putting me in my place. I think I can be a much better person as a result of your well balanced approach. I appreciate it.

I promise no more reviews and I will not use another agency and no more fantasy fulfillment events.

We good now? Or do you need more flesh? What more can I do?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Ok fellows you were right. I heard you and learned my lesson. No more events with SPs in your city. You guys saw right though me. I am the monster you uncovered. I did a terrible thing and there was no point in further discussion. It was a huge mistake.

I promise no more dinner dates, overnights, gifts, spa days, flowers or anything that could be seen as shock grenades. Certainly no more wedding rings or fantasy weddings. If I hire a SP it will be for an hour of straight sex. Nothing more nothing less.

Not sure what more you want? You want my right arm for my crimes against humanity. I am sorry. I do not live here so not sure why my going back to Europe is running away. I will lick my wounds and my scars will be a reminder never to do such role plays again and I promise never to do anything for SPs again that could remotely looks like this. If you wish to start a fund for the young lady I sent to the spa and took to dinner and hired the SPs for and let sleep in the suite and let her go home early great. My contribution was $2,500. You can PM me and I give you her name and you can contribute.

You did a great job of straighten me out. I asked for your opinion and you gave it. Great job. I guess I need to thank you. THANK YOU for putting me in my place. I think I can be a much better person as a result of your well balanced approach. I appreciate it.

I promise no more reviews and I will not use another agency and no more fantasy fulfillment events.

We good now? Or do you need more flesh? What more can I do?
Glad to see you aren't acting in a passive aggressive and whiney way anymore........

Enjoy Germany!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
You are blowing things out of proportion GGG.

Someone had your previous threads deleted. I am assuming either due to privacy reasons or you decided to have them deleted.

But your reaction of taking your ball and going home is completely over reacting.

You came looking for a discussion and you got one. People weighed in based on the information you gave us. And unfortunately you didn't like the opinions being shared that perhaps you were the problem. Since you are choosing to refuse to acknowledge that you are setting yourself up for future disappointments. I never intended any of my comments to be hurtful. You sound like you are trying to fulfill a fantasy but your expectations are so stringent that it is impeding you from realizing the fantasy.

As for the lack of activity on this board I assume you are referring to why you most recent post with the prelude has gone unanswered. I think again it is due largely to the fact that people took a lot of time to answer your thoughts in two previous threads and have run out of things to say...... especially since you behave like you don't want to hear what we have to say.

Look if you want sympathy yes I feel bad you spent a lot of money, yes I feel bad that you didn't get what you want BUT it seems like at some point in your planned event YOU took a dark turn and the woman reacted badly towards it. The other red flag is the number of bannings you have had be it agencies, indies or other forums...... that is not normal and it is something you need to really think about.

I hope you find what you are looking for but honestly you would do yourself a big favour by being able to go with the flow and improvise during your sessions rather than getting upset that things are deviating from your script. Or perhaps you need to look at exactly what is it that you want and is there another way to get it without an elaborate and costly wedding fantasy that is extremely difficult to execute. Or maybe you need to do more screening and communicating to be clear on what you want. Point is something is not working and you need to figure out a solution.

I've had far more good than bad sessions and it's because I treat each session as its own thing. I don't go in expecting a certain look, type of massage, level of mileage etc.... there are low mileage girls that have blown my mind, less than super model women who turned out to be more beautiful etc etc etc.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Also, the lounge is more for general topics that don't fall under all the other subtopics out there.

So for more SP focused discussions the incall, outcall or classifieds areas are probably better.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
GGG, you are missing the point.

The majority of us are not saying for you to stop the role playing, we are not calling you a monster, you are doing this on your own and trying to victimized yourself.

The message is if you are role playing and are breaking into their emotions, do it carefully and try not to hurt them. Have a mechanism to protect yourself and them from hurt if you sense it may go there.

Also, you have been banned from other agencies and providers, so the there is something wrong with how you go about it. Figure it out and try to get better if you consider your self a gentleman and want to make them feel good like to claim.

Its simple as this.
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