I would kill to be able to vote Tory..I've been noticing lately that the Tory haters are getting more shrill as the election continues. I suppose when you see something you want slipping away it happens to some people.
I think the Libs are idiots, and the Dippers are dangerous.. As such I usually throw my vote away on the Greens (at least I respect the bulk of their platform).
The Tories seem content to turn away my vote (and the vote of thousands of other fiscally conservative, socially liberal people).
I believe in Capitalism. I believe in the free market. I believe in small government and responsible spending.
I do not believe in the the government trying to silence government paid scientists because their facts don't jive with the current governing party line.
I do not appreciate the government labeling me a criminal because I've found a woman willing to have sex with me in exchange for money.
I don't appreciate the government labeling me a criminal because I want to grow and smoke my own pot.
I don't believe the government should trying to tell the public what they can and cannot wear to a fucking ceremony that is purely symbolic and (aside from its symbolism) has nothing to do with the actual process of vetting somebody for Canadian citizenship.