memike said:
by hurryhard
This is true, Hamilton is an execellent place for SPs. Here's why
1. Apts and motels are cheap in Hamilton. Low cost for any SP setting up INCALL service.
2. If you provide good service like Zoe, your phone will ring none stop and with the high prices here, any SPs with good reviews will make lots of money. If you provide average service but lower prices, you will still make lots of money.
3. Hamilton is a MP town, lots of MPs but few good competition. I think the reason that MP is doing so well here is because lack of SPs.
4. Hamilton is an excellent location surrounded by Ancaster, Dundas, Burlington....lots of customers.
So, calling all SPs to Hamilton...especially SPs from Montreal...good place to setup shop.
Those points are true, and they are the main reason why I chose Hamilton for my indy location...but I feel the need to shed some of the light on the flip side of the coin...
1. There are a lot of unsavory clients in Hammertown. I find myself refusing to see more clients then ever this days. and the majority, (around 90%) come from the view. And when I say 'unsavory' I refer to clients who:
A: Are verebally abusive and insulting on the phone...
B: Creeps who feel they can tell me I am not worth charging as much, then to continue on to tell me what I should charge, and the rate being disgustingly low!
C: Clients who call for last minute appointments. I get a lot and I mean ALOT of calls for last minute appointments (within 15mins) and then When I am not available they just hang up, no goodbye, just click...I find that insulting, to just assume I am sitting around waiting for someone to come **** me and then when they hear "no" they then have no use for me, not even to properly say thank you or goodbye...! ****Advice****It is polite to book at least an hour in advance. It shows respect for your potiential partner and it allows her time to mentally get ready for your arrival.**** Tell me is I am wrong,but is that too much to ask?
D: Clients who make an appointment and then don't show up. I have spoken to many girls in HAmilton and they all say Hamilton is the worst for no shows. I go into work knowing I will be stood up 3 times during my 6 hr shift. It is just a fact. I wish it wasn't.
E. Hygiene is a definite problem in Hamilton. I have worked in NF, and did a stint in TO. Hamilton is the only place where I can honestly say the majority of my clients will have smelly breath, underarms and hair. Half will have a bad smell to their skin and about 30% will have a dick so smelly that I wouldn't be able to continue without washing. Eww. TO had the best smelling clients. I loved it. No one smelled! LOL.... Come on Hamilton wash up!
F. Last but not least another potiential problem to Sp's who want to work here, the TERB community is harsh, and there are females in this city who will not hesitate to call the cops. One in particular was sooo stupid to call the cops on a few girls then brag to other girls about what she did, only to have it get all over Hamilton! There are some girls in Hamilton who can't handle compitition and it makes it dangerous for the busy SP's/MPA's to work.
So for the girls looking for work...just heed this advice: Wear perfume under nose (you can't smell the smelly), develop a thick skin (I finally learned how) and don't let anyone push you around. It is a great city to work in, (I didn't mention the up sides, as this wasn't the purpose of my post)...I don't mind working here!