Russia has always been anti-Semitic. The Zionism shit is a false flag. The anti-Semitic pogroms were occurring before the term Zionism even existed.OP points to how anti-zionism has its root in Soviet-Russia.
In another post OP comments left-wing anti-semitism is by nature Russian.
In OP's last post the KGB origin of the leader of Palestine is cited
presumably as more evidence of anti-zionism's Russian root.
Given Russia's anti-zionist stand it seems reasonabe to expect
Russia to be a strong supporter of Palestine like its counterpart
in the staunch supporter of Israel that the U.S. is.
Hence the question of whether Palestine is receiving financial and military
aid from Russia like Israel is receiving the same from its U.S. poodle.
The US is the only one to decide how they spend their money, to whom and in what manner. The same holds true for Russia. Their decisions are made independently of each other. One has nothing to do with the other in terms of Israel and Palestine. They are unrelated.