First of all. Let's unpack who did this mass shooting. He was a convicted felon. Dishonourably discharged. It takes a special kind of person to be DD. So now, with that said, its already ILLEGAL for him to possess a firearm. What law would have prevented this tragedy?How would mandatory background checks or gun safety certifications affect your 2nd Amendment rights? For safety, I'm convinced that many US gun owners are totally clueless about handling their weapons. Eg: I've been in a gun shop and have personally witnessed a guy come into the shop and pull his handgun out of his appendix holster to show the person what he needed. That guy is going to end up shot because of his own stupidity. (eg: I'm imagining him being stopped for a traffic violation and pulling his weapon when the cop asks him if he's carrying).
My personal opinion is that all private sales should be banned. I'd go further and ban sales at big box stores too. Support a local dealer. If you want to buy or sell a gun - go to a dealer. I'd rather a grizzled veteran gun dealer (who's packing) check out a potential buyer vs Chip/Buffy at Walmart. Also - a dealer is more knowledgeable about maintenance as well as places where a new owner could learn how to use his/her weapon. NO second amendment rights would be violated with this type of change. Of course the argument will be that illegal sales will continue. So what? FORCE head cases like Kelley to buy illegally. Many of them won't know how and won't get a weapon.
I await your response.