There are potential side effects to all vaccines. I for one have never said otherwise. However the chance of suffering from a serious side effect is extremely low, and so I will choose to get my one or two shots (depending on which vaccine is available) when the opportunity presents itself because unlike people such as yourself I choose not to live in fear and paranoia. Instead, I live responsibly.
I don't go around spouting ridiculous nonsense to try to pretend that this isn't a serious disease and health situation. If I'm in public around people I wear a mask and I don't complain about it even though I'd honestly rather not. Even though I'm allowed to go to my office in the city (and would prefer to actually) I accept the encouragement to work from home most of the time. When I do go to my place of work, it's generally only 3 of us present (in different offices) for now and we have a mutual agreement that we won't wear masks, although we still try not to come into very close contact with each other or to enter each other's offices - choosing to meet or talk in common areas. I even see escorts from time to time. If I remember correctly I've had seven sessions since the industry re-opened with two different girls. I usually leave time between my sessions (at least three weeks - especially if I'm not seeing the same girl - to be sure I haven't developed any symptoms before going into another session. I've researched and I've decided that for the most part one on one encounters with anyone (even with an escort who's been in a number of one on one encounters) is sufficiently low risk that I can afford to play the odds - this industry is always about playing the odds, after all. Actually it's working out so well for me in so many different areas that pandemic or not I might stick to the once a month (approximately) schedule. I've realized that I don't really need more than that and there are other things I can do with my time and my money.
So, as you see, I don't live in fear or hide out in my basement or any of the other ridiculous stuff you accuse people of. I live my life and I try to do so responsibly as I learn more about this disease.
The great irony I've seen over the last year is that those who accuse others of living in fear are the most paranoid people around - scared of vaccines, scared of masks (remember when they were going to kill people), suspicious of everyone from political leaders to small town family doctors who are 99% on the same page on the seriousness of the situation.