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Anal Sex..


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
genintoronto said:
As far as I know, the mouth is not biologically or reproductively designed to give blowjobs.

I personally think that god put guys' 'G-spot' up their ass as a form of poetic justice.
lol! ^_^ Wonderful statement. :D


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well hell...

genintoronto said:
I think we're having one of those online discussion which would actually have been over in 5 minutes if we were discussing it in person.
..why don't we just arrange that?? ;)
massman said:
as others have said. Lots of lube go slow, and only try after she is good and warmed up eve after a nice daty/o induced orgasm.
Two or three litres of wine works pretty well too.... :D

EDIT: Just noticed Hammertm's advice... drunk sex is always fun, even though it might not be pretty...

Not to change topics, but is that you in your signature picture genintoronto? If so, you're hot. If not, please post a picture so we can get a better idea of the whole nipple-pinching thing. I'm terrible at visualizing!


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Stoo said:
Not to change topics, but is that you in your signature picture genintoronto? If so, you're hot. If not, please post a picture so we can get a better idea of the whole nipple-pinching thing. I'm terrible at visualizing!
Yes it's me. Hope it helps with the visualizing ;)


New member
Dec 8, 2005
They say that Anal sex is like turnips and squash. Theres a good chance you will love it as an adult, as long as you were' forced to have it as a kid.


Feb 17, 2007
genintoronto said:
With a partner who knows what s/he is doing, I do. It just feels good. Even without a prostate.

I've had anal sex with female lovers, so I can't be accused of doing it to 'please my man'. And while I can play submissive, at heart I'm a Top/Dominant. But I also don't see any particular sexual act as de facto 'submissive' or 'dominant'. For instance, many people see a woman giving a blowjob as being submissive. But from where I'm standing -- or kneeling ;) -- when I give a blowjob, it's my show baby. I'm the one in control, I'm the one who's making your knees weak, I'm the one who's teasing you, I'm the one who's giving you the visuals and sensations you're getting, I'm the one who can decide to make you cum right now, or slow down and make you wait. Same goes for anal sex, or any other kind of dirty fun. Fucking someone up the ass can feel very dominant (dominating?) for the person doing the fucking, but it can be very 'humbling' too. Try fisting someone's ass and feeling your hand being swallowed -- when you start wondering whether you're ever going to get it back is when you start questioning your 'dominant' position as the penetrator.

Which brings me to the mental aspect of it. Of course there's a mental aspect to the pleasure of anal sex. Like there's a mental aspect to the pleasure of any kind of sex. I don't know really how to separate the mental part from the physical part. But I don't really want to either. Sex without that mental dimension would be quite boring I think.

Does that answer your question?
wow, who are you and can I book you?


Question Authority
Oct 16, 2006
Tri City
centurygirl said:
Emenia are ok, and female docuhes just make sure that you empty out the contents and put in warm water. if you have a shower head that is dettachable that helps also.

Some sex stores sell the shower head attacthment and anal douches.

Also avoid eating the night before before 6pm or 9pm that way your body will be empty the night you decide to get it in the poop shoot.

Also sleeping wiht the butt plug helps. I personally love anal sex more then regular sex.
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