For me its also about good healthcare access, political stability, contact with family and friends. We plan to use it as a base and travel from there. One thing Covid taught me was how important having that base is.
I think the world is about to change. A lot. Several nations are closer to failure than people think. A world recession is coming and with that hunger, war, refugee migration and movement toward political extremism. I see Canada as an oasis in that scrnario.
I understand the need for heath care. the great thing is that many of the countries have excellent health care. pay as you go or you can get insurance. its not backed up like in canada but its like a US system. thailand I know have excellent healthcare if you are in a big city.
I get the base. its a retreat to a safe haven if shtf.
I would agree that the world is changing. one of the things I did notice is that non western countries dont have nearly the same financial crisis and inflation. yes they have seen price increases mostly on imported item from western countries; but for the most part, have little felt the ill effects we have. I dont think the smaller countries will experience hunger, or war, refugee migration or political extremism since most of them can self sustain since they produce pretty much everything themselves(we dont produce nearly enough to feed ourselves in the west), war is unlikely in a developing country(of course it really depends on the country), migration is totally frowned upon since they dont have the resources and are not as rich as the west(unlike canada who appears to let anyone in a drop of a hat) and not tolerated, political extremism not likely due to it being rule by a royal. as well woke ism just isnt a priority there. it really depends on where you pick.
I really see canada as being a magnet for bad shit, since the government has been making really poor decisions imo.
the more I travel and learn from other expats I begin to see the advantages of living in other countries, as well the disadvantages of living in our own. I believe that many of us have been taught that other countries are not safe, do not have amenities and cannot provide an equal or greater lifestyle. the only way to test this for me is doing the 6 in and 6 out, Im sure after living 6 months in a country you can get a relatively good feel. after a couple visits maybe become permanent.
the great thing about retirement and plans is that they can always be changed and readjusted.