Amazing documentary on water


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
well, if they started going on about polarization, hydrogen bonding, the presence or absence of other ionic elements in water and how that related to cluster formation of h20 molecules, you would probably say it didn't make sense either. just because you didnt take intro to chemistry doesnt mean it makes no sense.
My chem base is fine. The factual jumps in the video are the problem. Key point in calling bullshit is when they attribute ideas to vague amorphous "scientists". Yes, water is a polar molecule and create hydrogen bonds which lead to some neat properties such as surface tension and affected by things such as KMT but the basis for their argument was not backed up in the least at least with anything other than a smooth con-job. I am sure if you look at the links and you will see their water cluster adjusting special treatment for only $2500 per mL.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

You guys might try having a more open mind, this is a new area of research, that hasnt been subject to the rigors of "science" yet and those rigors might not be the right way to approach it either....
In other words, there is no science involved. If you are happy living on faith, go ahead but don't call it what it's not.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
yup, and following that logic you drink your own piss every day!
Absolutely true but to put it in a larger sense, we are drinking the piss of historical greats like Caesar, Napolean, and Ghengis Khan.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
go back and read again. nowhere does it state that the molecular structure of an h2o molecule changes. i stated that the structure of a Cluster of h20 molecules changes, and this is documented fact.

not sure where you got religion out of this? :confused:
Because there is absolutely no basis to argue that the hydrogen bonds contain any information other than the fact that it has a specific force exerted on it at a specific time.
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