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Amazing documentary on water

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Water has memory and can change its structure but not its chemical composition !


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Water has memory and can change its structure but not its chemical composition !

interesting, except that the video is incorrect when it states that 1.5L of water is absorbed through the skin. water molecules go as deep as the most superficial layer of the skin (stratus corneum). it is not possible for water to enter the circulation through skin absorption.

also, where is this information being stored? i would assume in the bonds...


New member
Jun 2, 2007
i would be interested to find out more about these experiments. makes a lot of sense to me however, and i think its truly beautiful that science is coming to a point where it is starting to connect with the spiritual on a more profound and accessible level. quantum mechanics is too abstract for most people to grasp, but if the molecular structure of water is indeed affected by emotions, it just goes to further bolster the idea that the root of all dis-ease is emotional/psychological/spiritual/soulful.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not just water. My mind can control terb. When I'm having a tough day, terb gets stranger and stranger. All in the mind folks.

(and if you can't get the sarcasm in my post, I'll echo illuminati's thoughts - took about 1 minute of watching to recognize yet another snake oil salesman convincing people with scientific sounding explanations that make absolutely no sense)


New member
Jun 2, 2007
(and if you can't get the sarcasm in my post, I'll echo illuminati's thoughts - took about 1 minute of watching to recognize yet another snake oil salesman convincing people with scientific sounding explanations that make absolutely no sense)
well, if they started going on about polarization, hydrogen bonding, the presence or absence of other ionic elements in water and how that related to cluster formation of h20 molecules, you would probably say it didn't make sense either. just because you didnt take intro to chemistry doesnt mean it makes no sense.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
I wouldnt be so quick to call bullshit on it. At the simplest level of this concept is the fact that our brains emit signals, signals that can be picked up. Signals that clearly change with our emotional state. There is no reason that water could not pick this up and if flash frozen you might beable to capture enough samples to show that our emotional state affects water molecules. But by no means is this bullshit.
furthermore its saying that the waters current molecular cluster structure can exhibit a force on the things that contain it, ie people, animals, plants, whatever. if you consistently think negative thoughts, the water in your body will form deformed molecular cluster shapes and basically become unstructured, possibly affecting your health. if you think positively and with love, the opposite effect will occur. so following this line of thinking, you could purify yourself through your own thought and emotion.

You guys might try having a more open mind, this is a new area of research, that hasnt been subject to the rigors of "science" yet and those rigors might not be the right way to approach it either.

If you take a look at what Intel, IBM and the military are doing, its very possible to pick up our brain signals and process them. They are at the stage where if you think of a word, there is atleast 75% probablity the computer can figure out what the word is. If you are interested in more, start with the institute of physics (IOP.org) and neural engineering.

Now where I have an issue is with how water memory was described, you'ld have to be a retard to not know you are describing how all known memory works - put molecules in a known state and position and make a map of where you stored that. The problem this poor soul has is he has no map, so while he might be looking for the map, to me its uninteresting and the probablity of finding that map is low.
i think you have to think of the water memory as a holographic concept wherein all parts contain all the information of the whole. if you look at it this way, then when a molecule leaves one cluster and joins another, it takes with it all the "knowledge" of the original cluster and transmits that knowledge to the new cluster, and so on and so on. im assuming that the "knowledge" is actually stored in the hydrogen bonds of the molecular clusters, and in the bonds of the individual molecules themselves. hydrogen bonds share properties with covalent bonds and are not only electrostatic bonds, and to understand how two atoms can share an electron (as in a covalent bond) requires quantum mechanics, and quantum mechanics has been shown to be in line with spiritual teachings, ergo, water knows everything and therefore had godlike characteristics.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Memory in water? Meh, I doubt that water remembers that it was piss in my bladder not more than 10 minutes ago. Remember this - ALL the water in the world in all of its states is actually one large body of water. So theoretically, if one molecule remembered that it was piss in my urine then ALL the molecules would.
yup, and following that logic you drink your own piss every day!


New member
Aug 12, 2010
furthermore its saying that the waters current molecular cluster structure can exhibit a force on the things that contain it, ie people, animals, plants, whatever. if you consistently think negative thoughts, the water in your body will form deformed molecular cluster shapes and basically become unstructured, possibly affecting your health. if you think positively and with love, the opposite effect will occur. so following this line of thinking, you could purify yourself through your own thought and emotion.

i think you have to think of the water memory as a holographic concept wherein all parts contain all the information of the whole. if you look at it this way, then when a molecule leaves one cluster and joins another, it takes with it all the "knowledge" of the original cluster and transmits that knowledge to the new cluster, and so on and so on. im assuming that the "knowledge" is actually stored in the hydrogen bonds of the molecular clusters, and in the bonds of the individual molecules themselves. hydrogen bonds share properties with covalent bonds and are not only electrostatic bonds, and to understand how two atoms can share an electron (as in a covalent bond) requires quantum mechanics, and quantum mechanics has been shown to be in line with spiritual teachings, ergo, water knows everything and therefore had godlike characteristics.
Sorry to say but theres no way in hell that the structure of H2O is going to change from negative thoughts whatsoever. H2O from the other side of the world will still be H2O here. It is nearly impossible to deform a molecule structure just by negative events happening surrounding a molecule (unless like an atom bomb went off) but molecular structures like to form the strongest shape possible. IE: benzene

A molecule has no knowledge at all and whats even worse is that you believe that the knowledge is stored in the hydrogen bonds of molecular clusters. This isn't Avatar here. If that were true, a single hydrogen molecule would have the knowledge of since earth was created, since we all know that matter cannot be destroyed which is a fact.

Spritual teachings? Sounds more like religion to me.
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Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Sorry to say but theres no way in hell that the structure of H2O is going to change from negative thoughts whatsoever. H2O from the other side of the world will still be H2O here. It is nearly impossible to deform a molecule structure just by negative events happening surrounding a molecule (unless like an atom bomb went off) but molecular structures like to form the strongest shape possible. IE: benzene

A molecule has no knowledge at all and whats even worse is that you believe that the knowledge is stored in the hydrogen bonds of molecular clusters. This isn't Avatar here. If that were true, a single hydrogen molecule would have the knowledge of since earth was created, since we all know that matter cannot be destroyed which is a fact.

Spritual teachings? Sounds more like religion to me.

go back and read again. nowhere does it state that the molecular structure of an h2o molecule changes. i stated that the structure of a Cluster of h20 molecules changes, and this is documented fact.

not sure where you got religion out of this? :confused:


New member
Dec 12, 2010
sabiha, its called reading. Top to bottom left to right, you group words they form sentences..........


New member
Aug 12, 2010
go back and read again. nowhere does it state that the molecular structure of an h2o molecule changes. i stated that the structure of a Cluster of h20 molecules changes, and this is documented fact.

not sure where you got religion out of this? :confused:
Well obviously clusters of H2O will change or else it wouldn't be a vapour nor liquid. It has to change like any liquid as its one of the basic characteristics. If clusters of H2O never changed then it would just me a solid object with immovable molecules

what I really meant was: I love you sahiba, will you marry me :^)


New member
Jun 2, 2007
I can see your point with the analogy of holograms but its not a strong analogy. First you have to understand why it is that when you cut a holograph into tiny pieces all of the small pieces show the original image. Then you have to realize that this behavior stops when you reach 2x the wavelength of light used to record the image. That size is tiny, but still thousands of time bigger than a water molecule.
but its an analogy. it doesnt have to adher to the same mechanics of actual holograms.

So even if water picks up your vibes, or the vibe of other things, and that is somehow imprinted on a molecule it would have to be done at a subatomic level but its only imprinted on that molecule. Even if that molecule moved to another cluster why would it transmit its information? It doesn't follow. What does follow is that this part of the theory is weak and has no supporting evidence yet. Despite trying to shoehorn it into a model, even if water was recording everything, where is the map on what to read first.
i didnt watch the whole 10 parts so i dont know if this is the theory put forth in the documentary, but i am theorizing that sensing, imprinting and reacting to “vibes” does in fact occur on a subatomic level, in the bonds of the molecules and molecular clusters themselves.

why would the molecules transfer information between clusters? if the “knowledge” was in fact in the bonds, then by interacting with the matter, maybe it imbues the matter with the knowledge; we can consider the esoteric axiom, “spirit into matter”, in order to understand this.

in regards to a map, well the map is right there. we just dont have the scientific tools to access it, and i would presume that accessing it would be through things like meditation and prayer.

Quantum mechanics has not been show to be inline with spritual teachings. Quantum mechanics is math. Rather spritual teachers have clung to quantum mechanics heralding it as proof of spiritual concepts - often incorrectly.
from my basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, i wouldnt say that it is math. math is a tool used to explore and explain quantum mechanics. correct me if i’m wrong, but isnt the main premise of quantum mechanics that something can exist in many places at once, (ie: the electron shared between two atoms in a covalent bond)? that when observing a particle at a sub-atomic level, you cannot measure both the location and motion of something at the same time? that seems pretty spiritual to me, and in line with the idea of oneness and unity in the universe.

if oneness exists in the space between matter, cant it imbue matter with oneness? cant that oneness be transferred to other matter?

obviously none of this is testable or verifiable, but i think its interesting to think about, and just because we dont have the tools to measure it doesnt mean its not a possibility.

Also we humans are usuaally about 60% water, therefore we know everything and are godlike :) ...
i would agree with that statement. i think its totally plausible for human beings to become godlike because we are imbued with that “oneness”, and we also are lucky to have prefrontal cortexes that help us contemplate our relationship with it, and discern between our base emotions/urges/instincts and our true higher functions. i think that’s our true purpose of existence. if you look at other living things, they all live in harmony with their environment - they dont have the thinking capacity to act much outside of what their dna tells them (hydrogen bonds also play a big role in the shape of dna).

kurt vonnegut often lamented in his novels about humans and their “big brains” that made them do silly things, like make dumb mistakes, kill people, be jealous, selfish, whatever. we as humans are both blessed and cursed with our big brains, because in our attempts to define our egos and individuality, we lose track of the bigger idea of unity and harmony in existence. humans are the only living things that destroy their own environment for no good reason, it just doesnt make sense to me that that is the proper and natural way to exist.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
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