Am i the only one that finds this disgusting


Aug 13, 2007

Anyone remember this Carpenter hit from the 70's...

Bless the beasts and the children
For in this world they have no voice
They have no choice

Bless the beasts and the children
For the world can never be
The world they see

Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them
Give them love
Let it shine all around them

Bless the beasts and the children
Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm

Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them
Give them love
Let it shine all around them

Bless the beasts and the children
Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm
Pretty grim, but there are also videos of Kosher slaughterhouses that are at least as bad as this. The cattle are forced into hoists, flipped upside down, throats are slit while the animal is alert and then dumped out to bleed to death. As are some regular slaughterhouses... not necessarily more barbaric, but because of the sheer number of animals killed...


Stoo said:
Pretty grim, but there are also videos of Kosher slaughterhouses that are at least as bad as this. The cattle are forced into hoists, flipped upside down, throats are slit while the animal is alert and then dumped out to bleed to death. As are some regular slaughterhouses... not necessarily more barbaric, but because of the sheer number of animals killed...

i totally agree with u ..

but the crazy thing is this happens on the streets in all muslim nations or places with many muslims

infront of kids

so if u goto pakistan or bangladesh, ull see this on all streets and infront of all houses...ive been before and trust that are 3-4 playing and laughing

just somewhat of a possible reason why muslim religious kids when get older can have violent tendencies

just like they say kids in west get influenced by video games

but this is REAL BLOOD and HAPPINESS associated with the blood and slittin of throats


Lustology said:
Maybe we should slaughter you superman, who gives a $h!t.
who gives a shit about anything then...

if u like watching this primitive barbaric shit...then go to saudi arabia

im sure most ppl on here find this disgusting and its no better than killing dogs in korea


New member
Sep 5, 2008
I give a shit, but do think should clarify some things. Spent time living in Egypt, and NEVER saw animal slaughtered in front of my face. They always took it around back, where others (i.e., kids) wouldn't see.
Also, remember that the lives of North American cows, chickens, etc. really SUCK, result of mass production. Animals in other countries raised for meat are much more normal, more free, etc.
Another point: I'm a vegetarian, BUT I'm much more in favor of people who eat meat seeing where it comes from. Helps you appreciate the animal's life before it's taken away. Can't do that at McDonald's.
By the way, kosher slaughter is designed to be more humane because the animal supposedly dies the fastest when the jugular is cut. Don't know if that's true, but that's what I've heard.

Enough. Pass the carrots.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Lustology said:
Maybe we should slaughter you superman, who gives a $h!t.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Sukdeep said:
I'm pretty sure that the "festive" sacrifice of turkeys by Christians isn't so pleasant either. The only difference is that we have the decency to have the killing done by professionals behind closed doors at the abbatoir (sp?) so we don't have to deal with the gore.

Oh we have to deal with the gore all the time.

He and that fuc*ing global warming scam truly are sickening though.



Apr 9, 2002
While I can't see the video because it's been taken down, I believe Halal and Kosher standards are there in order to be more humane to the animals.

You wanna see disgusting stuff - go see how chickens are treated in mass breeding farms. Go see how cows are treated. Go take a look at the slaughter houses we get our everyday meats from.

I'm not a vegetarian like Dance over there, but I do agree that seeing where your dinner comes from would not be such a bad thing. Now, I'm not saying I'd be totally happy to see my steak killed before my eyes 30 mins before eating....

I guess what I'im trying to say is, if the video shows what I think it shows, this seems like the typical north american reaction to just about everything that goes on in the world.

In a few words: we're too closed off from how things are normally done and used to getting things packaged in plastic which is probably why this world is in such a mess to begin with.

To mirror Dance again - I'm done. Pass the carrots.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
dance said:
Another point: I'm a vegetarian, BUT I'm much more in favor of people who eat meat seeing where it comes from. Helps you appreciate the animal's life before it's taken away. Can't do that at McDonald's.

Enough. Pass the carrots.

I know exactly where a large percentage of the meat my kids and I eat because we get ourselves. My kids love to fish and we eat much of what we catch. I hunt and the kids truly enjoy the duck/goose/turkey, etc and they know how I get it.
red said:
thats because they taste good.
Umm, the seals that are being clubbed to death and skinned on the ice are not eaten. Their pelts are only used for really expensive clothing. The corpse is left behind.

If you're going to try to be witty about this stuff, at least have your facts straight.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Stoo said:
Umm, the seals that are being clubbed to death and skinned on the ice are not eaten. Their pelts are only used for really expensive clothing. The corpse is left behind.

If you're going to try to be witty about this stuff, at least have your facts straight.

when I was on the ice, we took seals (not many) back for personal consumption as well. There is not much of a market for the meat but there is some.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Stoo said:
Umm, the seals that are being clubbed to death and skinned on the ice are not eaten. Their pelts are only used for really expensive clothing. The corpse is left behind.

If you're going to try to be witty about this stuff, at least have your facts straight.
He (red) was trying to be funny, he failed miserably.
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