"Alternative" medicine?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001

Guy Lafleuer

New member
Jan 16, 2004

I guess I'm going to continue to believe in " that alternative crap ". I'll give you an example. My daughter was sick for a month two years ago. Her mother took her to the doctor. One round of penicillin for ten day's was prescribed ( $40.00 ). Ten days later, she's still sick. Mother goes to the doctor again. Another round of penicillin is prescribed. Ten day's later ( and another $40.00 ) she's still sick. I get hold of my Chinese doctor. He meets with her. Takes al ook at her tongue. He says she has an infection of the upper respiratory trac. We go to the local Chinese market and drop $8.00 on herbs, vitamins, and tea. Two day's later...no cough, no illness.

If you want to know about how he treated my sister in law after she had 4 miscarriages and 2 invetrofertilizations in an attempt to get pregnant at the age of 40. And now has a healthy baby boy. Let me know and I'll tell you. But I guess you don't want to know because it's all " crap "...right ?



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Placebo's a real effect, if it works for you, great! Traditional medicine can and will quote you odds based on science for their treatments. That's because doctors are scientists and have been studying their stuff a long time. Odds are what science predicts with.

The alternative (and you could put diet/allergy treatments in there. The science is still developing) guys tend not to quote odds, it's not how they work. If your problem still wants a solution, give them a try by all means, but consider it something like going to the Casino. If it doesn't work, you don't want to be adding an unbearable cost to your woes. At least you can get the positive benefits of believing you're doing something rather than sitting and suffering.

But don't keep your MD in the dark. Some alternative cures, especially interacting with prescribed drugs, may be dangerous. She should be in the know.
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