AIDS from DATY???!!!??

save me

New member
Nov 5, 2004
you have to decide what risks you are willing to take, it's your life and you should live it the way you want to.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
hornyharry said:
I am thinking that this one went over old hornyharry's head...tossed salad???.....can someone please explain this one to a older, balding, horny guy...please.
The next time you are in the '69' position with a woman, put your tongue where your nose would normally be *winks* ...that's salad tossing.

Love Technician

New member
May 18, 2004
I always find it interesting that men are so willing to try DATY without using any protection...why is there such an emphasis on using condoms for FS and BJ, but not when it comes to DATY? From what I've read, the best way to protect each other when doing DATY is to either cut a condom down the middle or use a dental dam ( essentially a piece of latex) and cover the area. This also goes for safe play when rimming a partner. And as far as I know, the CDC also approves good old saran wrap as a barrier method. From what I understand both parties are more at risk for contracting things like herpes, warts, chlamydia, or gonnorrea doing daty as opposed to HIV, but why not the enjoy peace of mind that comes with having protected orgasms?


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Sep 30, 2003
3rd rock from the 3rd rock
baci2004 said:
The next time you are in the '69' position with a woman, put your tongue where your nose would normally be *winks* ...that's salad tossing.
Ahhh...thank you baci2004...from this description I think it is safer to know where your "salad" has been.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Love Technician said:
I always find it interesting that men are so willing to try DATY without using any protection...why is there such an emphasis on using condoms for FS and BJ, but not when it comes to DATY? From what I've read, the best way to protect each other when doing DATY is to either cut a condom down the middle or use a dental dam ( essentially a piece of latex) and cover the area. This also goes for safe play when rimming a partner. And as far as I know, the CDC also approves good old saran wrap as a barrier method. From what I understand both parties are more at risk for contracting things like herpes, warts, chlamydia, or gonnorrea doing daty as opposed to HIV, but why not the enjoy peace of mind that comes with having protected orgasms?
Seems to be the smart way,but maybe men dont do it because they dont have dental dam on hand, or will offend the woman.HIV can be transmitted by daty,one of the easiest ways,so be careful.


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Jul 29, 2002
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Drunken Master said:

david may have been a little indiscriminate in what info. he chose to believe, but I don't think that qualifies him as an idiot.
I guess I agree , however what does qualify him as an idiot is that he's internet literate enough to do all this "research" but....

1. He hasn't done enough to get more than this one bit of incorrect info , nor has he researched the topic here ( it has been discussed to death ....sorry for the pun ) but...dispite this ..he feels perfectly comfortable lobbing this bombastic little softball into our midst of a group of people who do this as a "hobby" . Does he believe that this group is so ill informed or so stupid that we were taking a 1 in 24 chance of contacting HIV ? C'mon how insulting is that ?

2 After obtaining this info he hasn't sat down and said to himself ok 1 in 24 ...yikes . This implies on a simplistic level that if you contacted HIV 100% of the time that you had DATY with an infected sp that 1 in 24 sp's had HIV . Taking this one step further , if the average sp saw 5 customers a week and if there were 288 (ease of multiplication the number could be 2 or 3 times that for all I know ) sp's in TO then 12 of them would be HIV positive and 60 new "infections" would result every week , or 3120 per year . Now if those 3120 has sex with 2 other people a year........and so on and so on .
Wouldn't the average person think...."Is this reasonable ?Why haven't I heard more about this , gee this is an unbelieveable epedemic maybe I should check this out further there must be something wrong "

The above is what makes him an idiot .

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
hornyharry said:
I am thinking that this one went over old hornyharry's head...tossed salad???.....can someone please explain this one to a older, balding, horny guy...please.
Comes from a Chris Rock video where he was describing a documentary he saw on HBO about prison life.

They were interviewing a con and he was talking about rape and said that you can be forced to suck another guy's cock, and you can pretend you are sucking something else, so the cons (in order so that you don't forget what you are being forced to do) have started forcing (raping) guys to lick their dirty asses.

And that way, there's no way you can pretend you are doing anything but what you are doing.

They call it, "tossed salad"

Here's a link that works Rock/Tossed salad


Sep 23, 2004

"he feels perfectly comfortable lobbing this bombastic little softball into our midst of a group of people who do this as a "hobby" . Does he believe that this group is so ill informed or so stupid that we were taking a 1 in 24 chance of contacting HIV ? C'mon how insulting is that ?" Train.

Wasn't told about your exclusive terb club. I am a member, a hobbyist and expressing a concern. If you would have taken the time to maybe do the test yourself, you would realize that the 1 in 24 ratio does not apply to everyone! Who's the Idiot?


Sep 23, 2004
Yes,right on!

Good point angelina,......seems Train wants to shoot the messenger instead of facing reality!!!!


a muddy reclining Buddha
That online test is totally fucked up.

Here is what I did... picked Thailand as the country. Sex partner has had sex with 125 or more people in the past year.

I selected that I only have unprotected ORAL sex with a GIRL and nothing else and it said I would be infected after 3 girls!

Then I selected everything exactly the same except my partner is now a MALE and I'm sucking him off and guess what? It tells me I can do that safely up to 550 times!!

So eating pussy is 183 times more dangerous then sucking gay guys off? Come on now!!!!
Love Technician said:
I always find it interesting that men are so willing to try DATY without using any protection...why is there such an emphasis on using condoms for FS and BJ, but not when it comes to DATY? From what I've read, the best way to protect each other when doing DATY is to either cut a condom down the middle or use a dental dam ( essentially a piece of latex) and cover the area. This also goes for safe play when rimming a partner. And as far as I know, the CDC also approves good old saran wrap as a barrier method. From what I understand both parties are more at risk for contracting things like herpes, warts, chlamydia, or gonnorrea doing daty as opposed to HIV, but why not the enjoy peace of mind that comes with having protected orgasms?
There are tongue teasers, oral condom that covers the tip of tongue but no guarantee on its effectivness. And useless against intake of fluids.
angelinamassage said:
I'm appauled at the ignorance displayed in this thread regarding STD's and AIDS. That so many men who see SP's are so unconcerned or un-educated how these diseases are spread. Makes me thnk I might cut DATY from ANY of my sessions completely!! To think that there are so many guys who probably have STD's and don't even know it cause they're not worried about getting it. Well, I care about my own safety and that of my clients and It's not worth the risk...really! xoxox

Angelina ;)
So true. It seems many guys here think DATY is somehow safe from STD and Aids. Ladies beware!


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: Yes,right on!

davidmarch said:
Good point angelina,......seems Train wants to shoot the messenger instead of facing reality!!!!
The reality is that the odds are not 1 in 24 .


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Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: rebuttal

davidmarch said:
" If you would have taken the time to maybe do the test yourself, you would realize that the 1 in 24 ratio does not apply to everyone! Who's the Idiot?
Your original statement is " If you visit a sp and you have safe FS and BJ and do DATY you have a one in 24 chance of getting AIDS ". Sorry I assumed because you said it you meant it .

Am I to understand that you wish to modify this statement now that you realize how ridiculous it is ? Just answer yes or no whether you think that for the average hobbyist the 1 in 24 stat you previously quoted is accurate .

Your responses continue to make little sense . You seem to be desperately trying to shift this discussion to a position where people who don't believe you either do not believe that the HIV virus cannot be contacted through DATY or don't care . I have never said this and neither has anyone else here . All I have said is that anyone with even the slightest amount of sense would realize that the odds weren't one in 24 ( the unlikely scenerio of an insect infested brothel in Bankok and women with open sores notwithstanding ).
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New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
angelinamassage said:
Makes me thnk I might cut DATY from ANY of my sessions completely!! To think that there are so many guys who probably have STD's and don't even know it cause they're not worried about getting it. Well, I care about my own safety and that of my clients and It's not worth the risk...really! xoxox

Angelina ;)
I'm confused here ....why did you think it was safe to offer this service before this thread ? This position is quite illogical on the surface without further explanation . Did you think that your customers only did DATY on you and no one else ?

No one here is saying that you can't contact HIV through DATY . All anyone is saying is that the odds given the parameters outlined are far far greater than 1 in 24 .How you turned that into guys not caring about "getting it " was a bit of a leap .

If a woman actually believed these stats and still offred DATY then they could be called "imbalanced" because they clearly would have a death wish . Is that what you think of your fellow industry workers ? Yourself ? ( the statement about cutting it from your sessions implies that you do offer it now ) .

I would appreciate if one of the many intelligent sp's on this Board would weigh in on this topic . Some very bright ladies with very carefully thought out service menus are on this board .
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train said:
...No one here is saying that you can't contact HIV through DATY
According to posts from MP and SP board, seem to suggest DATY to be generally accepted by guys, if not often requested. Many guys there seem to think DATY or DFK are somehow risk free.


Jun 17, 2004
DFK is risk free. The HIV virus cannot survive in saliva, and there has never been a documented case of contacting HIV from kissing, French or otherwise.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
shinyam said:
DFK is risk free. The HIV virus cannot survive in saliva, and there has never been a documented case of contacting HIV from kissing, French or otherwise.
True. The same reason - HIV and saliva don't mix - is (so the speculation goes) the same reason why DATY carries a much lower risk than BBFS.
Non Gay Bi Men a big problem

shinyam said:
DFK is risk free. The HIV virus cannot survive in saliva, and there has never been a documented case of contacting HIV from kissing, French or otherwise.
Actually there are one or two caes of HIV transmission whre both had bleeding gums and there was direct gum gum contact so contact as made before killed by saiva. It was quite a uniqe sitiation factually. Not what should make folks go crazy saying oral sex is riskk. Just be sure partner doesn;t bleeding gums or you stay near of them

There are many STD's that are far easier to pass than HIV. In the U.S..Canada, tje data is clear the biggest risk is to less educated perosn who is bi but doesn't think he is at risk since he doesn't classiyfy himself as a gay where he thinks all the riskis That is why we have a increase in HIV due to bi sexual anal sex whiich is very high risk for getting HIV.

Providers beware of HIV bi-male AZ Truckers ! Well they all aren't this ignorance about HIV
This is unbelievable ignorance but true:

HIV in Az Truckers
Example of why Bi Men increasingly getting HIV - Since they think anal sex is safe if they don't consider themselve gay! How accredibly dumb and right here in AZ not a third world country where this ignorance is so common.

Across State Lines - Truckers and HIV
Yorghos Apostolopoulos, a sociology Ph.D and a researcher at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, has been studying the spread of the HIV virus between truckers through behavior patterns and networks - with astonishing results.

Backed by the National Institutes of Health, Apostolopoulos launched a mission to determine in the United States what had already been found in sub-Saharan Africa: that many truck drivers become infected on the job. Alongside a squad of ethnographers in 2001, researchers began to study the phenomena of rural truck stop interaction in Phoenix, Arizona

The study also deduced that some truck drivers - when questioned about their knowledge on AIDS - indicated a belief that condoms were ineffective in prevention of the disease, and that AIDS was only a threat to gay males.

It should come as no surprise, then, that straight-identified male truckers who participate in sex with other men feel relatively safe from contracting the HIV virus.

According to Donna Smith, one of Emory University's researchers, "Many of these truckers identify as straight. Because they define risk as being associated with identity - and because they are not gay - they believe they are not at risk. We've collected ethnographies in which truck chasers are asked by truckers, 'Are you married?' They perceive safety in a sexual encounter with another married man."

One truck-chaser in particular revealed in an interview with Apostolopoulous, "Sometimes [truckers] will ask you if you are married because sometimes they feel safer having sex with other married men. I don't know why they think they are not going to contract HIV from having sex with other married men. I think they feel like they are not having sex with gay men, so it is going to be okay."

And as far as knowledge about protection against HIV goes, another truck-chaser declared, "It's definitely a trust issue. Using condoms means no trust. I carry condoms, so if someone asks, then yes, I'll use it. But I never take it out myself. I do look their bodies over for karposis sarcoma, drainage, red marks, anything out of the ordinary. I don't do anything unless I can see their body. But I'm trained in health."

The Emory research team called the truck-chaser's confidence that he could tell if someone was HIV-positive by looking at them, "a shocking level of ignorance regarding HIV transmission."

One prostitute, when asked what she did if a customer refused the use of prophylactics, reportedly responded, "Well, I make sure I use baby wipes."
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