Afgan women disrupt Rememberance day ceremonies


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Making the world safe for western business interests ?
Okay, I'll bite.. What business interests? The place is geologically a toilet.. They have practically zero resources... Sure the's trade done with Afghanistan now that there wasn't before.. But it's not worth anybody fighting over...

Don't get me wrong.. I don't think it should ever be considered the "job" of another country to determine what other country's governments are or aren't good for their people.. But I'm not going to shed any tears for the Taliban..

I think there were plenty of people living in Afghanistan that were more than happy to see the Taliban ousted.. Many of those joined the ANA (albeit along with many Taliban sympathizers that wanted to avoid persecution or even do damage.. But that's beside the point.).

I'm pretty sure women protesting the war in Afghanistan were protesting the senseless deaths of an unknown number of civilians as a result of the war, and the way in which the war was conducted, rather than the fact that the Taliban had been removed from power.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Okay, I'll bite.. What business interests? The place is geologically a toilet.. They have practically zero resources...
Lapis Lazuli (the Kokcha River Valley), Pomegranates, and Heroin are the major exports. The proposed oil pipeline would have benefited India - so needless to say it was in Pakistan's interest to prevent that.


Jul 27, 2011
I'm pretty sure women protesting the war in Afghanistan were protesting the senseless deaths of an unknown number of civilians as a result of the war, and the way in which the war was conducted, rather than the fact that the Taliban had been removed from power.
My grandfather was in the French resistance and they killed Germans and blew up things. He died hating germans. I asked him why. He told me german's were pigs who invaded his country and took control of it. I learnt in school that WWII was really WWI part 2, and was inevitable because of the original peace treaty.

It is all about perspective. I do know that if you invade a country to save it, some people will get very angry. I am not wise enough to deal with right and wrong, or even what motivates a population. I do know that even if removing the Taliban was an answer to prayers, people will not be impressed by occupiers, by having their families killed, etc. :)

I am not saying what the protesters did was right or appropriate. I am saying it is understandable. I would suggest just putting all the generals and politicians into a big arena and fight it out. There would be fewer wars and fewer people hurt.


Apr 24, 2005
My grandfather was in the French resistance and they killed Germans and blew up things.
Yeah, I did hear that the French were outraged when the Americans, Brits and Canadians invaded Normany on June 6, 1944 and they have hated us ever since. Apparently, some innocent French civilians were accidentally killed in the fight with the Nazis.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Yeah, I did hear that the French were outraged when the Americans, Brits and Canadians invaded Normany on June 6, 1944 and they have hated us ever since. Apparently, some innocent French civilians were accidentally killed in the fight with the Nazis.
Yeah, there's a difference between liberating a country from an invading force and BEING that invading force...

... Don't you think?


Apr 24, 2005
Yeah, there's a difference between liberating a country from an invading force and BEING that invading force...
... Don't you think?
Afghanistan was already in a civil war. We just decided to help one side. If you were ruled by the Taliban, Idi Amin, Saddam or the murderous Iranian Mullahs, wouldn't you want an outside force to help. What about Syria? Should we just allow Assad to kill his own people becuase we don't want "to invade"?


Apr 24, 2005
The barbershop went as far as offering to get her a non-Muslim barber to cut her hair. She refused claiming it was the principle. Why must she have a male MUSLIM barber cut her hair? What sense does that make?
According to the story on Yahoo, all the barbers are Muslims. Maybe, we are going back to the future where we decide who we serve and who we rent to. There was a time not too long ago when there were signs that said "No Irish Catholics or dogs allowed".


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Afghanistan was already in a civil war. We just decided to help one side. If you were ruled by the Taliban, Idi Amin, Saddam or the murderous Iranian Mullahs, wouldn't you want an outside force to help. What about Syria? Should we just allow Assad to kill his own people becuase we don't want "to invade"?
It's not our place to invade other countries and arbitrarily decide which side is "good".

If that was our purpose then we should have been involved in hundreds of other wars (many against the USA).


New member
Aug 31, 2009
According to the story on Yahoo, all the barbers are Muslims. Maybe, we are going back to the future where we decide who we serve and who we rent to. There was a time not too long ago when there were signs that said "No Irish Catholics or dogs allowed".
Yes, the barbershop offered to bring in a NON-muslim barber specifically for this woman... She refused.

Refusing to do business with Irish Catholics because you're racist, and refusing to cut a woman's hair because your religion dictates that you not lay hand on a woman that is not your kin are two entirely separate things.

Don't confuse things just because doing so supports your Islamaphobia.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Yeah, I did hear that the French were outraged when the Americans, Brits and Canadians invaded Normany on June 6, 1944 and they have hated us ever since. Apparently, some innocent French civilians were accidentally killed in the fight with the Nazis.
I heard the same thing. Gotta admit I found it odd because the French normally just turtle and hand over their art when they are invaded...


Apr 24, 2005
It's not our place to invade other countries and arbitrarily decide which side is "good".
I actually mostly agree with you. When I mentioned that it was good we stayed out of Rawanda, a TERBie immediately said we had a "moral duty and obligation" to intervene (I assume by invading). I also said in another thread that Britain should not have declared war on Germany in 1939 and was immediately branded a "peacemonger" by other TERBies.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I hate to do this, but can you provide a source or link?
I agree, I hate it when people declare "proof or it never happened". But I believe we have read two entirely different articles on the subject so I'm more than happy to oblige.

The barbershop suggested a solution to McGregor toward the end of August, offering her a haircut from a barber willing to do so.
So it may not have been a "NON-Muslim" but rather a "moderate" Muslim? I don't know... But the barbershop attempted to make good.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
If you ask me it comes to down to what you consider an acceptable level of shit disturbing.

I can't see a barbershop at Bay & Dundas being terribly rude in the way they told this woman they had nobody to cut her hair..

Maybe I'm wrong, but this woman seems like she's out to prove a point... Not that she was so offended by what happened, but that she considers sexual equality to be extremely important to her.

I think most other people would just politely nod their understanding and go to the next barbershop.

Either way.. I find the whole thing facinating.. What do we care more about? Religious freedoms or sexual equality? In this case ONE has to trump the other..


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.

We go over there to Afghanistan, kill the men by the hundreds of thousands and expect all the women to be happy about it...WTF
We ? ..... WTF ?
Are you not an American ?


Apr 24, 2005
These type of conflicts do happen from time to time.

1) Policeman ordered to guard an abortion clinic. He refused.
2) Justice of the Peace ordered to marry a gay couple. He refused.
3) Rockslinger ordered to strip search a 22 year old woman. He refused.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
According to the article, this disturbance happened in Toronto. And unless I missed something, Toronto is still part of Canada. People have freedoms in Canada, like freedom of expression and freedom of speech. While it was pretty freakin' rude & thoughtless of them to do this, they have the right to do so. And while it was rude and stupid, I wouldn't call it cowardly; making provocative statements on the internet under an alias seems cowardly to me, but speaking up in public like they did took some particular form of courage. Canada long had a reputation of being a pretty tolerant place, and sometimes you've just got to tolerate the idiots. Thats part of a free society. If they didn't break any laws, if they didn't hurt anyone (hurt feelings don't count), there's not much to do about it. Even idiots can enjoy our freedoms.
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