Afgan women disrupt Rememberance day ceremonies

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.

We go over there to Afghanistan, kill the men by the hundreds of thousands and expect all the women to be happy about it...WTF

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Not everybody wants gay power, they don't want women to wear the "pants". They are happy how their maybe "fuck up" life's are.

Who are we to go around and shove our beliefs on them ?

Lets not forget we go shoving alcohol and other drugs on to their society..heroin, they mostly just grew it and sold it to the west and it was getting knock down until the west went over there


Sep 19, 2008
Why are we surprise about this they claim to be Canadian but refuse to integrate with in the Canadian society. It's people like them needs to be kick out of the country. It's disgusting to see these PEOPLE behave like that.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
Just disrespectful and cowardly. If they dont agree then dont go to the ceremony. Plain and simple, and if you dont like that then go back to your homeland and live.

If you dont stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them!!

Between this and the idiots that desicrated the war memorial, a bunch of morons. Why couldnt a real Canadian catch this creep in the act and kick the living the crap out of them. I know I would have boot stomped the fucker, and used their blood to clean off the magic marker. Just makes me sick to my stomache.


Active member
May 3, 2006
Not everybody wants gay power, they don't want women to wear the "pants". They are happy how their maybe "fuck up" life's are.

Who are we to go around and shove our beliefs on them ?

Lets not forget we go shoving alcohol and other drugs on to their society..heroin, they mostly just grew it and sold it to the west and it was getting knock down until the west went over there
Did I miss something? Was there a Remembrance Day party in Kabul with free booze and hookers?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.

We go over there to Afghanistan, kill the men by the hundreds of thousands and expect all the women to be happy about it...WTF


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Not everybody wants gay power, they don't want women to wear the "pants". They are happy how their maybe "fuck up" life's are.

Who are we to go around and shove our beliefs on them ?

Lets not forget we go shoving alcohol and other drugs on to their society..heroin, they mostly just grew it and sold it to the west and it was getting knock down until the west went over there
It's about treating women or gays or whatever as equal citizens and granting them the same rights as any human is entitled to. It's called human rights which you obviously have no concept of whatsoever. You must be ignorant to defend the right to grow poppies for opium or heroin which is illegal in all civilized countries.


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.

We go over there to Afghanistan, kill the men by the hundreds of thousands and expect all the women to be happy about it...WTF
Yes we do expect them to be happy, because we give them the choice. If they want to stay submissive slaves to their husbands they are free to do so, but if they want to drop the shackles of abuse, violence and being treated like a dog they should be entitled to.

I don't support the mission in Afghanistan, but since we're there, that's the least we can do for those women. These cunts, who disrespect our veterans disgust me and so do you.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.

We go over there to Afghanistan, kill the men by the hundreds of thousands and expect all the women to be happy about it...WTF
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Well-known member
Rememberance day was traditionally a day to honor the service of the vets of WW1 and WW2. I wonder how those two ladies would have done under the iron hand of the descendants of Adolf Hitler.Incredibly ignorant view of history they have. I've never been a big fan of the "professional protesters " like that bald guy in the vid .


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Huh, the soldiers have killed their men and really believe all those women hate their lives in say Saudi Arabia and Iran..dream on. I'm sure some women feel suppressed but many more might well be happy.
If they're so happy over there, why are they here? I find it very disrespectful that they choose Rememberance day to protest.


Jul 27, 2011

It seems that people have been invading other peoples countries to "free" them from their tyrants, customs, for as long as their were countries. They then seem shocked that the inhabitants occasionally resent them.

Occupiers do not seem to understand that killing their husbands, brothers, and fathers if not something women appreciate. Killing their children pisses them off.

The "absolute truth" of any occupiers point of view often goes over the heads of the people they claim to be helping.

For many their daily loves are what they know. For some the western ideas are repulsive and being forced on them. Occupiers like to talk about greater good and necessity. Women like to talk about our children not being killed. So I think it is pretty easy to understand why some would protest.

Right and wrong is too complicated for me. I just can understand not wanting some foreign occupiers killing my family.

In North America the military are the people who stopped others from dropping bombs and rockets from the sky and butchering families and destroying homes. So remembrance day is a time to honour them. In other parts of the world the military are the people who dropped bombs and rockets from the sky butchering their families and destroying their homes. I wonder why they are not equally excited about honouring them?

Universal truths are seldom universal or true :(


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
It seems that people have been invading other peoples countries to "free" them from their tyrants, customs, for as long as their were countries. They then seem shocked that the inhabitants occasionally resent them.

Occupiers do not seem to understand that killing their husbands, brothers, and fathers if not something women appreciate. Killing their children pisses them off.

The "absolute truth" of any occupiers point of view often goes over the heads of the people they claim to be helping.

For many their daily loves are what they know. For some the western ideas are repulsive and being forced on them. Occupiers like to talk about greater good and necessity. Women like to talk about our children not being killed. So I think it is pretty easy to understand why some would protest.

Right and wrong is too complicated for me. I just can understand not wanting some foreign occupiers killing my family.

In North America the military are the people who stopped others from dropping bombs and rockets from the sky and butchering families and destroying homes. So remembrance day is a time to honour them. In other parts of the world the military are the people who dropped bombs and rockets from the sky butchering their families and destroying their homes. I wonder why they are not equally excited about honouring them?

Universal truths are seldom universal or true :(
Well said.


New member
Aug 31, 2009

How did a Canadian/Afghan's opposition to the war in Afghanistan become a "pro-Taliban" move??

I was opposed to the war in Iraq.. That didn't make me pro Saddam Hussein..


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Their point was what? That people are killed in war - where are the Dutch, Belgium, French, Korean even German protesters at Remembrance Day activities. That they disagree with Government Policy - this was Toronto they can't get to Ottawa?
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