
addicted to hobbying or addicted to terb?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
as long as you don't break your budget the hobbying is fine

as for terb as long as you aren't choosing to surf terb over other more constructive things you are fine


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
I go on here a lot to see what is happening because I find the posts to be interesting and I learn something new everyday. Obviosuly, I don't have a problem with spending money so can't say I am a hobby addict but I think I am a Terb reader and poster addict. I just plain like it. I like the people and the feeling it gives to me. Between appts., I find it fun to peruse. So I guess a little out of boredom, I am here and a little out of addicition. I have a fomo if I am not here. As Miss Jessica Lee would say "fear of missing out."


Dec 5, 2012
I am addicted to Terb and it goes and in hand with the hobby.
I like the discussions and it is key to plan the next date.

I joined Terb after my first time, so never had the chance to be a troll per se. Nonetheless I understand why someone would be here even if they do not have the means or will to hobby. What is shared here and discussed is not the average boring water cooler talk.
i was at a social gathering the other day and found myself saying to a group of people "so, what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?" followed by "have you ever had a bad boss?" realizing that these were conversation pieces i got from the lounge!!
So you get some conversation topics from TERB.. that's fine!

So long as you don't start discussing reviews of sp.'s during social gatherings.. LOL...

rajbabba Friend 01: "So the Jays lost again".

rajbabba Friend 02: "Speaking of the Jays, I got to pay my Rogers bill before they try to fuck me over again.."

Rajbabba: Speaking of fucking... Have you ever read the review of Jessica and Angela of Agency XXX. Apparently! It was dynamite sex. Fuck I want them. Apparently it was super cheap too. Hey what's the dumbest thing you guys ever done?

hahaha! Could get a few awkward looks, or even a few ... "yeah I read that! Sounded awesome!.... Rajbabba is that you?"


Dec 20, 2010
Interesting topic as it is something that I have been giving some thought too in recent months. Thanks for posting. I have been hobbying for a number of years now. As someone else pointed out the two are mutually exclusive. It has been 3 weeks since I last saw an SP however I do find myself on Terb and Backpage once or twice a day during the week "window shopping". Before my brief break I was seeing on average approximately one to two SP's a week over roughly two month period. I tend to go in spurts in terms of my frequency of spending time with SP's.

This hobby is extremely addictive. It's been 3 weeks I have had a somewhat difficult time controlling the urge to call an SP that catches my eye or one of my favourites that I have seen before. I try doing the watching internet porn and it sometime does the trick. However other times I watch porn I get to the point where I start to get bored but the images would also drive me to see an SP. Sometimes even after I wank off the urge to pick up the phone call is still there.

There are just so many amazing women who advertise I would like to spend time with at this point it would take a lot for me to stop completely from hobbying.

Thanks for posting the thread.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
My strip club visits vary between twice a week to once a month but am on here pretty much every day. Cheaper than seeing women every day but less satisfying.

I was pretty much in the same routine before I joined here but now I have a better idea of what's out there.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Rajbabba: Speaking of fucking... Have you ever read the review of Jessica and Angela of Agency XXX. Apparently! It was dynamite sex. Fuck I want them. Apparently it was super cheap too. Hey what's the dumbest thing you guys ever done?

hahaha! Could get a few awkward looks, or even a few ... "yeah I read that! Sounded awesome!.... Rajbabba is that you?"
Ever wonder how many of your friends are already here?


Mar 24, 2012
Glad to know I am not the only one with an addiction to this hobby and terb!

And at this point in my life, I am very happy these are my addictions.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I am, mostly in the lounge threads these days. Many interesting subjects !
And find myself thinking about what a poster said or commented on, during work !! Which is no no, for me, anyways.
Also when your seeing an escort who advertises and who is well acquainted with these sites, we tend to talk alot about review boards.

But if you use it, only as a source of information on the ladies. It can also be goldmine of information.
After all, that is how I met my regulars.

Whether your posting or lurking.
I believe. Yes, these sites, can become very addictive.
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