Ashley Madison



Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Eggs to be legally reclassified as chicken in Alabama restaurants
I'm not an expert on chickens or their eggs but my understanding is that store bought eggs are not fertilized. This would be like arguing that a woman's dormant eggs (that have never seen sperm) is the equivalent of conception. Surely you can understand how stupid that is?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Huh? First you remove a single sentence of mine from its entire context, then you respond to it with an partial sentence that merely names an entirely unrelated topic. A hopelessly broad and generalized one at that, compared to the topic: laws compelling individual women to endure nine-months of pregnancy and child birth.

Do you think the law forcing us to pay taxes makes us a better society, a worse one, or do they have no effect either way? What about a law forcing you to house and feed a genuinely reformed ex-con — or some MP's kid from outta town — for nine-months while she finds a job?

The state can't make people good, and shouldn't try. That's what morals, religion, culture and ethics do. The state just keeps us orderly and functioning as it directs the social traffic in the direction it was going anyway. That's why every 'good' conduct imposed only by law has failed: Prohibition, Established Religion, War on Drugs, laws against Birth Control, and …, Abortion. Legal or illegal, people will do what they want.

But the state can successfully limit, control and regulate, because people don't want danger, ill-health, or other evil consequences, and will accept lawfully imposed inconveniences if they're needed to prevent them.
My point being people are are happy to see the state intervene when they agree with a policy and to demand the state stay out when they disagree.

Im completely for unrestricted access to abortion. But you have to own it.

I admit we are killing human beings at some point. I admit we are doing this because it lowers poverty and crime levels, and gives women more control over their lives.

The recent tragic case of a woman 8+ months pregnant and the ex stabbed her, she lived the baby died is an example on the dark side. No charges filed on the death of the baby due to Canadian law not recognizing them as human beings. And the family told this.

Meanwhile if it had been a preemie in an incubator and the ex had walked in and strangled the baby he would have been charged.

And I own that as a horrific compromise due to its rarity as opposed to the societal cost of tens of thousands of unwanted kids.

That's my point. I don't hide behind the what I believe is the fallacy that they aren't alive. They are. But I won't tell that lie to myself.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I'm not an expert on chickens or their eggs but my understanding is that store bought eggs are not fertilized. This would be like arguing that a woman's dormant eggs (that have never seen sperm) is the equivalent of conception. Surely you can understand how stupid that is?
We acknowledge that you are no expert.

Eggs to be legally reclassified as chicken in Alabama restaurants, unless the restaurants guarantees that their eggs are not fertilized.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
My point being people are are happy to see the state intervene when they agree with a policy and to demand the state stay out when they disagree.

Im completely for unrestricted access to abortion. But you have to own it.

I admit we are killing human beings at some point. I admit we are doing this because it lowers poverty and crime levels, and gives women more control over their lives.

The recent tragic case of a woman 8+ months pregnant and the ex stabbed her, she lived the baby died is an example on the dark side. No charges filed on the death of the baby due to Canadian law not recognizing them as human beings. And the family told this.

Meanwhile if it had been a preemie in an incubator and the ex had walked in and strangled the baby he would have been charged.

And I own that as a horrific compromise due to its rarity as opposed to the societal cost of tens of thousands of unwanted kids.

That's my point. I don't hide behind the what I believe is the fallacy that they aren't alive. They are. But I won't tell that lie to myself.
All pretty much unexceptionable, although not quite my view. I don't understand why you're telling me. Nor can I quite see how all the detail connects with you invoking environment laws in response to my sentence about legislating virtuousness. Let that be, unless you really want to talk reforestation and single parents.

Prohibiting abortion, like other prohibitions on birth control or on various drugs like alcohol, simply does not work. Worse than that, because you have driven it underground and made it criminal, you've made every ill-effect and bad consequence that much worse, connected ordinary folks with criminals, and wind up criminalizing and punishing ordinary people who have harmed no one.

Individual women are the only ones who conceive, bear and birth; no one has any business forcing them to, certainly no man. That's equivalent to rape, slavery and physical abuse. It cannot be justified as protecting the possible child, unless that unwanted child will be fully supported in a decent life. If not, then that forced birth is the first act of blatant child abuse.

Of course the real grey world presents many more indistinct choices than that black and white simplification, and difficult decisions aplenty have to be made and precedents and restrictions allowed for, but the sky did not fall after aRoe or after Morgenthaler. Women and their doctors can sort this stuff out and they have. If the legislators listen to the people involved, they can give everyone all the legal protections they want and need.

But the laws can no more force desperate and unwilling women to be good mothers, than they forced Al Capone to be a good citizen, stop selling bathtub gin and pay his taxes. Laws haven't stopped murderers yet, why would declaring one woman in four a murderer be any more effective? But if she could simply ask the pharmacist for a Morning After Pill, or attend a quick clinic why would anyone resort to a coat-hanger?

If the antis were really pro-Life, thy'd be focussing on what we should give the babies they claim they want to save, and helping their mothers, not turning them into criminals.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm not an expert on chickens or their eggs but my understanding is that store bought eggs are not fertilized. This would be like arguing that a woman's dormant eggs (that have never seen sperm) is the equivalent of conception. Surely you can understand how stupid that is?
Don't give the self-righteous any ideas, or they'll be prohibiting hysterectomies, tube-tying and other forms of anti-Life birth control, like condoms, coils, pills and diaphragms. They don't understand how stupid that argument is.

They used to be prohibited you know, right up until the time of Trudeau the Elder.


Feb 26, 2020
Montreal, Canada
Well, I agree that abortion is an awful choice. But sometimes it is necessary. What if a woman can die because of the baby? What if the baby's heart stopped and it is not time to give birth? I mean, if such banning is provided, all possible cases should be taken into account. Moreover, there should be a great campaign to educate people, so they know about all possible Birth Control methods.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Well, I agree that abortion is an awful choice. But sometimes it is necessary. What if a woman can die because of the baby? What if the baby's heart stopped and it is not time to give birth? I mean, if such banning is provided, all possible cases should be taken into account. Moreover, there should be a great campaign to educate people, so they know about all possible Birth Control methods.
I agree it's an awful choice. But it's a choice that should be decided by women for women (least I know men do not give birth). So any men should shut it up on the issue and let women decide.

Makes me sick to see an old fart with 35 years of corrupted political career decide that an illegal abortion should be punished more then a rapist. A society simply cannot go lower than that.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Anyone who has spent time living on the corner of crack and hoe in Hamilton [King and Emerald] or in my wee cesspit of a town would turn into a huge fan of abortion. Sadly much like the movie Idiocracy it's the people who should be getting abortions don't. The stories I could tell.

Also I doubt if any anti abortionist would carry a bowling ball in their guts for months and then have it cut out if it meant saving me from getting a bullet to the brain so STFU about the sanity of life.

There is also the element of self defense. I find it's funny when a gun person talks about being able to shoot a rapist but than get triggered when someone wants to avoid pregnancy. They are both pretty fucking invasive when you don't want it to happen.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
The PRC had a one child policy until they were food self-sufficient. Then they went to 2 children and now 3 children per family. That is responsible child bearing.

Meanwhile, I see pregnant women and newborns in tent cities here in Toronto.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You realize that these states which are legislating allowing late term abortions are also allowing non doctors to be able to perform them. That is their way of getting around the medical doctor ethics question. Yes the vast majority of abortions are done before 20 weeks gestation but even at say 1% of 750,000 abortions each year that is 7,500 viable fetuses terminated each year.
If they are properly trained why do they need to be doctors?
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