So you against say environmental laws?
Huh? First you remove a single sentence of mine from its entire context, then you respond to it with an partial sentence that merely names an entirely unrelated topic. A hopelessly broad and generalized one at that, compared to the topic: laws compelling individual women to endure nine-months of pregnancy and child birth.
Do you think the law forcing us to pay taxes makes us a better society, a worse one, or do they have no effect either way? What about a law forcing you to house and feed a genuinely reformed ex-con — or some MP's kid from outta town — for nine-months while she finds a job?
The state can't make people good, and shouldn't try. That's what morals, religion, culture and ethics do. The state just keeps us orderly and functioning as it directs the social traffic in the direction it was going anyway. That's why every 'good' conduct imposed only by law has failed: Prohibition, Established Religion, War on Drugs, laws against Birth Control, and …, Abortion. Legal or illegal, people will do what they want.
But the state can successfully limit, control and regulate, because people don't want danger, ill-health, or other evil consequences, and will accept lawfully imposed inconveniences if they're needed to prevent them.