Toronto Escorts

A Request to all my Brown Brothers


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004

So I went today to Oakville Drive Test. My jaw dropped to floor when I saw the line. And this line was just for Information / Registration. Anyways, so I get in line.

Well after about 30 minutes I had about five more customers in front of me. All of a sudden the door opened, in comes my fellow brown brother and as soon as the number 1 customer left the counter, he stepped right in front of the cashier.

I looked at the customers in front of me. All of them stayed quiet.

So I said from my spot:

Sir………........nothing happened.

I said, SIR……..........still nothing.


The guy finally looked back.

I said, "The line starts there" (pointing)

By now the line was about 30 mins behind me once again.
So then he walks back, looks at at me and says, "Oh thanks for letting me know."

Yeah, Right! There was no way to miss this many people when you enter.

Anyways, now I really don’t know why the people in front of me didn’t say anything. Might be they are all just shy. Whatever the reason, I have seen this over and over. Immigrants taking advantage of a situation and people who are born here don’t say anything.

People I left my home to come to N.America (20 years ago) to get away from people who are assholes and inconsiderate. Unfortunately, they have followed me here.

Canada has given me a lot. But first and foremost, I have learned that I am equal here (at least legally.) I have had my share of “Go back where you came from.”

But there are a LOT more good people here than bad. And I cannot, and will not let people ruin my new home. Especially new people coming here with ignorant attitude.

Note that some are bad, but some just need to be told. Someone has to teach them our better ways.

However, I cannot do this alone. I need help.

SO I request all my brown brothers to correct people from our background when they commit infractions. Teach them to respect others and others rights.

Lets be proud Canadian together. Keep Canada JUST.

Your input is appreciated.

My only request, keep your tone positive.
Contribute, rather than taking your frustration out.


Nazia Noor

New member
Jun 5, 2010
I laughed so hard when I read this. Have you visited India? The concept of a line does not even register in their minds. I remember it as being the person that yells the loudest and pushes the hardest gets served first. Ahhhh the memories of the Indian bus system. If anyone has travelled on an indian bus, you will know exactly what I am talking about.


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004
LOL Yes I know it very well.

Acutally its all of South East Asia. Education means only applied science there.

I suppose it is reverse cultural shock for me after living here for so many years. I prolly wouldn't last more than a week there now. lol.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
This explains a lot.

After an afternoon of sun tanning, I feel the urge to butt into the lineup for ice cream.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Come on spacy, this is not race thing. Anyone can do that. Also, anything could've happened. Maybe he did try to butt in on purpose, or maybe he really didn't notice. Either wasn't paying attention at the moment, having a bad day, or some people really is clueless when it comes to certain things. Leave your brothers alone lol


Jun 18, 2010
Thigh Land!
I laughed so hard when I read this. Have you visited India? The concept of a line does not even register in their minds. I remember it as being the person that yells the loudest and pushes the hardest gets served first. Ahhhh the memories of the Indian bus system. If anyone has travelled on an indian bus, you will know exactly what I am talking about.
One such scene

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
First of all to the OP, this is not your new home, you've been here 20 years. You've earned the right to speak your mind. And I can tell you something - if I ever heard any of my friends or family speak to someone like you and say "go back where you came from" I would disassociate myself immediately. I have not time for that kind of ignorance and hatred. And I think the vast majority of my fellow native born Canadians would agree.

I'm glad you spoke up, I wish more people did the same. But for some reason we are afraid to offend, to hurt people's feelings, but most of all of confrontation.

I can also say that this type of behaviour isn't limited to Southeast Asian. If you've ever gone on holiday with a bunch of German tourists around you know what I'm talking about.


Sep 23, 2006
Just a couple od days ago I was watching 'The Agenda" with Steve Paikin on TVO.

I forgot the name of the guest, but he was talking about how when he was in Israel,
and noticed that no one was lining up at the bus stop. They were all trying to get in at the same time.

Last month a Somali lady was trying to do the same thing at No frills store untill some one told
her to get at the back of the line.

This is a cultural thing not a brown thing.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
Nazi I am liking your sig :D

Might just try and sneak it into my office e-mail sig; I am thinking I would get my ass whooped if I do.


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008

So I went today to Oakville Drive Test. My jaw dropped to floor when I saw the line. And this line was just for Information / Registration. Anyways, so I get in line.

Well after about 30 minutes I had about five more customers in front of me. All of a sudden the door opened, in comes my fellow brown brother and as soon as the number 1 customer left the counter, he stepped right in front of the cashier.

I looked at the customers in front of me. All of them stayed quiet.

So I said from my spot:

Sir………........nothing happened.

I said, SIR……..........still nothing.


The guy finally looked back.

I said, "The line starts there" (pointing)

By now the line was about 30 mins behind me once again.
So then he walks back, looks at at me and says, "Oh thanks for letting me know."

Yeah, Right! There was no way to miss this many people when you enter.

Anyways, now I really don’t know why the people in front of me didn’t say anything. Might be they are all just shy. Whatever the reason, I have seen this over and over. Immigrants taking advantage of a situation and people who are born here don’t say anything.

People I left my home to come to N.America (20 years ago) to get away from people who are assholes and inconsiderate. Unfortunately, they have followed me here.

Canada has given me a lot. But first and foremost, I have learned that I am equal here (at least legally.) I have had my share of “Go back where you came from.”

But there are a LOT more good people here than bad. And I cannot, and will not let people ruin my new home. Especially new people coming here with ignorant attitude.

Note that some are bad, but some just need to be told. Someone has to teach them our better ways.

However, I cannot do this alone. I need help.

SO I request all my brown brothers to correct people from our background when they commit infractions. Teach them to respect others and others rights.

Lets be proud Canadian together. Keep Canada JUST.

Your input is appreciated.

My only request, keep your tone positive.
Contribute, rather than taking your frustration out.

Long story short: What can brown do for you ? :D


New member
Jan 15, 2004
Yes I agree. People should leave their bad habits in the Country where they came from.


New member
May 31, 2010
"Canadians" allow this ignorance to happen because we are for the most part passive. I agree we shouldn't allow this behavior to continue. Q: Can we crash through carts in the grocery store if people are blocking the aisle?:)


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
"Canadians" allow this ignorance to happen because we are for the most part passive. I agree we shouldn't allow this behavior to continue. Q: Can we crash through carts in the grocery store if people are blocking the aisle?:)
No, we can say, "Excuse me!" and be patient while they move their cart.


New member
May 31, 2010
Nope! People lounge w a cart each and blatantly block the aisle! That's why people do these silly things because we just stand there and say " umm can you excuse me pretty please" How about people stop being rude in all matters?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Some people are maybe too shy to say anything while others like myself justify my tolerance for others ignorance by saying to myself that they don't know any better.

When I lived in Brampton I noticed this as I waited for the bus where South Asians would rush past everyone including women and Children to the front of the line. Once on the bus they would break out oranges and peel them and proceed to eat while other would find nothing wrong with picking their noses.

I understand that North American Etiquette differs from theirs and the things they do were normal for them and some might have become such a force of habit that it's hard to break.

I don't expect them to be wannabes, but at some point in time they should recognize what the locals are doing and so mimic it for a positive betterment of oneself with regards adapting.

Even then, many are selective about what they wish to copy from the "Romans"(When in Rome do as .....) and while materialism and keeping up with the Jones is high on the list, etiquette seems to take a backseat most of the time.
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