I agree.While this is true, it is still relevant to other SP's that may be reading... Terb is a wealth of information for inquiring minds, on both sides of the Hobby spectrum.
IMHO, a good SP is genuine, sincere, offers good (if not great) services, is punctual and considerate, and who considers the client's time is as valuable to her as her own.
One of my biggest pet peeves is an SP that doesn't communicate properly and sincerely.
In addition, what makes for a good SP for me is one that pays attention to what I say I like and makes it happen without having me ask for it in future appointments.
I've had instances where I specifically indicated in communication prior to the session what I like in certain type of outfit styles, colours or certain things to happen in a session and it was completely ignored during the session even though it was acknowledged prior to the appointment. On the other hand, I recently saw an SP with whom I had made no advance request and she actually picked up one specific thing I liked from a review I did on a different lady and she made it happen with her session. That's an SP I am repeating with.