A new record: CO2 levels in the atmosphere hit an all-time high


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Making up ridiculous claims doesn't help justify your victim complex.
I am not making this up
What is wrong with you?
A simple two minute search on the names I provided will show how these people have been treated

Scientists are currently investigating many different aspects and from many different perspectives and 'activists' aren't shutting them down.

July 8, 2004. From Phil Jones to Michael Mann.

“The other paper by MM is just garbage. [...] I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow -- even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!
Phil Jones was no ordinary activist. he controlled at lot of the peer review in this subject (IPCC member??) and it should be obvious he placed a greater importance on his cause to spread propaganda than on the pursuit of scientific truth

only reason why we hear a heck of a lot more about those who acknowledge the anthropogenic greenhouse effect isn't from any kind of censoring but simply because the few who disagree don't have the scientific basis to convince others.
No the real reason is they are denied the funding , the ability to publish as well a platform to discuss alternative theories

Einstein faced significant pushback when he first released his theory on special relativity from scientists uncomfortable with dismissing some of Newtonian physics but we now accept it because the science spoke for itself.
Yes a hundred rival physicists attacked his work

And in today's age of the internet, propaganda and mis-information, it is very questionable if Einstein would have fared as well as he did then
What you omit is one of Einstein's theories was later proven experimentally

No experimental proof of the greenhouse gas theory of the atmosphere has been completed

Dr. Soon for example has had his theories out there for a while and the reason they haven't caught on is because the science doesn't merit it (and that he's admitted that he was explicitly paid by the oil lobby for each of his appearances). About 15 year's ago, I though Soon's theory interesting but his explanations why data from 2005-2015 didn't match his expectations didn't make sense.
Maybe Dr Soon is right, maybe his is not
Either way, he does not deserve to have his lectures interrupted by screeching activists , nor does he deserve to be labelled as a stooge for big oil because he graciously accepted $10,000 from Exxon to hire a grad student for a summer.
As I mentioned funding is not available to those who do not tow the alarmist line


Absolutely despicable

I bet you do not watch it, preferring to ignore it
If you watch it, .. ask yourself, what if Willie is right?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
CO2 absorbs in approx 16% of the infrared frequencies
Water vapor absorbs in way more frequencies and absorbs in almost all of the same frequencies as CO2
And it is 20-40 more abundant in the atmosphere.
The one absorbing frequency of any significance & partially unique to CO2 is 15 micrometers (wave number 666- the devils number).
Too bad for you this is on the fringe of the escape window and the entire distribution curve shifts to the left as temperature increase , cutting off & reducing co2's impact - Natures safety value
larue is still unable to tell the difference between a feedback effect and a forcing effect on the climate.
High school level errors.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Another issue is if a CO2 molecule manages to absorb a photon of IR radiation (each CO2 molecule is competing with 20-40 water molecules for that photon within a given space of atmosphere) any energy in the form of heat generated is transferred via inter molecular collisions to the other 2500 non CO2 molecules within that space. 400 ppm => it is one of 2500 molecules within a given space.

Any system of a hot object in contact with a colder object will tend towards thermal equilibrium.
The energy of IR is sufficient to make a molecule bond vibrate & rotate, however not sufficient to break molecular bonds
The impact on the other 2500 molecules will be limited
Any heat is quickly dispersed via these collisions and then via convection. (Hot air rises)

this is a physical process , not a chemical process (no bonds are broken or formed)
Are you aware of another physical process where a concentration of 400 ppm can generate enough energy to heat up the planet ?
Think about it


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
here's a little graphic illustration how CO2 is a bit player in the greenhouse warming effect
The dominate greenhouse gas is water vapor,dominate by orders of magnitude
A fact which has been downplayed or purposely omitted by the alarmists and sadly by climate science

It backs up what I have stated

Take note of the blue shaded "escape window"



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
here's a little graphic illustration how CO2 is a bit player in the greenhouse warming effect
The dominate greenhouse gas is water vapor,dominate by orders of magnitude
A fact which has been downplayed or purposely omitted by the alarmists and sadly by climate science
Its not a 'downplayed' fact.
Water vapour is a feedback effect on the climate while CO2 is a forcing effect.
The little fact that you are unable to understand what this means or why it happens shows how far off you are from understanding the science.

Its pretty hopeless that you really can't understand high school level science.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh yes I do

You have it ass backwards.
A scientific hypothesis must hold under any and all tests & challenges
It requires only one negative result to invalidate the hypothesis....
Actually not. That contrary evidence also has to stand up to scrutiny. For example, the experimental data which showed neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light could have invalidated parts of special relativity but when that evidence was examined, it turned out to be flawed (a calibration error in one of the GPS systems measuring location).

More significantly, unless you have an alternate theory that better reflects observations, you are NOT engaging in science. All you are engaged in is creationists and conspiracy theories.

Do you actually want to discuss the GWP of different gases, I'm happy to engage. We can start with the fact that the scientific community haven't been able to quantify the GWP of water, mainly because the impact of evapourative cooling but estimates seem to be a fraction of that of CO2 (10^-3 range vs 1 for CO2). Water vapour is more common in the atmosphere though so it does have a large impact.

More importantly, we don't have much impact on atmospheric water vapour other then the impact in positive feedback loops. We do have a huge impact on CO2 though and therefore indirectly on water vapour. I know I'm only an engineer but we were taught to address factors withing out control and not give up simply because there are other factors acting.

p.s. the fact that you refer to a devils number makes it more obvious that you are in the same category as creationists, simply wanting to bitch about science because you don't like what is says and don't understand it, even if you throw in random facts that are well known and not relevant to the discussion.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I am not making this up...
Are you claiming that scientists aren't researching mechanisms for climate change other than anthropogenic CO2?

That's strange because I've seen plenty that propose solar activity or other non-human induced factors. Are you saying that they aren't actually being published? Are they self funding their work?

In fact most scientific work is done simply to discover new things and doesn't have the partisan political expectations that you like to pretend. Anyone with any experience knows that post graduate work requires unique research so a huge variety of things are being studied, even far flung ideas like diapers to trap bovine methane or adjustable orbital heat shields.

I agree that people shouldn't be disrupting Soon's lectures, even though they are usually paid for by the oil lobby. His work had its chance in the scientific community and failed on it's merits. Maybe he will continue work and find factors he missed (that's the way science works). It is also funny to see you dismissing science you don't like because there are factors it doesn't account for while defending Soon's work despite its significant failures.

BTW. Anyone with any sense knows that solar activity plays a role in climate but similarly, sensible people can't look at data that shows a warming trend that Soon can't account for and claim solar activity is the major driver of change.

I will say it's good that you are no longer arguing there is no upward trend in global temperatures.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Lets take a look at a another example of the climate alarm-ism which has become ridiculous. It would be comical if it were not so abusive and intentional misleading
Ocean Acidification -- Yikes !

The phrase conjurs up images of ones skin burning and peeling off after a dip in the ocean

The concept of ocean acidification has resulted in an explosion of journal articles, media reports and alarmist publications from environmental organizations.
These predict that ocean acidification will result in the mass extinction of marine species that employ calcification, including corals, shellfish and many species of plankton, and that this, in turn, will result in the extinction of many other marine species
Assumptions about pre-industrial ocean pH beginning around 1750 and laboratory studies that cannot adequately emulate natural oceanic conditions are the basis for the doom and gloom predictions of the future pH of the oceans

Well there are some huge issues with this propaganda

1. We know that past CO2 levels were well in excess of todays 400 ppm (2000 to 5000 ppm) and the oceans did not turn into acid. Corals, shellfish and plankton, did just fine then
2. We also know that the oceans will never become acidic as the oceans contain mineral salts which act as buffers.
Recall high school chemistry: A buffer solution (more precisely, pH buffer or hydrogen ion buffer) is an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa. ... Buffer solutions are used as a means of keeping pH at a nearly constant value.
3. the oceans are filled with minerals salts in the form of ions such as chloride, sodium, sulphate, magnesium,potassium and calcium. These elements make up about 3.5 per cent of seawater by mass, much higher than fresh water.

This next item shows how messed up climate science has become:

The predictions of change in ocean pH owing to CO2 in the future are based on the same assumptions that resulted in the estimate of pH 8.2 in 1750
However No one measured the pH of ocean water in 1750. The concept of pH was not conceived of until 1909, and an accurate pH meter was not available until 1924. The assertion that more than 250 years ago ocean pH was 8.2 is an estimate not an actual measurement.

On Ignore: Frankfooter


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Actually not.
Actually yes

Richard Feynman, perhaps the most brilliant mind of the latter half of the 20th century
“If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.”

That contrary evidence also has to stand up to scrutiny. For example, the experimental data which showed neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light could have invalidated parts of special relativity but when that evidence was examined, it turned out to be flawed (a calibration error in one of the GPS systems measuring location).
Sort of like the fact that water vapor is in fact the dominate greenhouse gas rather than the advertised CO2?
More significantly, unless you have an alternate theory that better reflects observations, you are NOT engaging in science. All you are engaged in is creationists and conspiracy theories.
That is so messed up!!!!
There is no law that states arguing against a flawed theory MUST be accompanied by an alternative theory

A defense lawyer is not compelled to provide an alternative theory of a crime. All he need do is prove his client did not commit the crime.

the case against CO2 is just not supported by the laws of physics or the geological record

BTW since the IPCC & apparently you decided to look only at man made causes, demanding I must offer up an alternative is pretty damn arrogant.
BTW I have already mentioned two possible scenarios - natural variability and UV via ozone depletion
Non explosive volcanic activity and possible variability in incoming solar radiation are two possible other routes that could be explored further . too bad climate science will ensure they do not get funding or publication

The other issue is the timeline. 200 years of very suspect temperature data is not at all sufficient to fully understand a climate which has been changing for billions of years and which has so many inputs

Now let me explain one more time. Climate is likely the most dynamic and complex system man has ever attempted to study (other than the human brain)
What mankind truly understands about climate is far less than what he does not fully understand

Do you actually want to discuss the GWP of different gases, I'm happy to engage. We can start with the fact that the scientific community haven't been able to quantify the GWP of water, mainly because the impact of evapourative cooling but estimates seem to be a fraction of that of CO2 (10^-3 range vs 1 for CO2). Water vapour is more common in the atmosphere though so it does have a large impact.
thats nice, So CO2 cools the system better then water on a mole by mole basis. Kinda goes against the grain of CO2 heating the planet up
More to the point it is the absorption of infrared radiation by water vapor and CO2 which is the far more relevant issue here
And as you point water vapor concentration is much greater than CO2

More importantly, we don't have much impact on atmospheric water vapor other then the impact in positive feedback loops.

And there it is.
your analysis begins with the premise of looking only at what man could possibly have caused, rather than trying to gain an understanding of the entire scientific system.
You will only see what you shine the light on
Re feedbacks: I have already explained to you that there are positive and negative potential feedback's, which are impossible to isolate and know with any certainty in such a complex system
Climate modelers assume they are net positive , hense the poor predictions

We do have a huge impact on CO2 though and therefore indirectly on water vapour. I know I'm only an engineer but we were taught to address factors withing out control and not give up simply because there are other factors acting.
So it is a guess then.
Perhaps a good guess, perhaps not so good, given the results
Sorry that is NOT SETTLED SCIENCE !!!!
And certainly not good enough to justify trashing others who have a different view point nor is it good enough to climb on a high horse and demand others must change how they live

p.s. the fact that you refer to a devils number makes it more obvious that you are in the same category as creationists, simply wanting to bitch about science because you don't like what is says and don't understand it, even if you throw in random facts that are well known and not relevant to the discussion.
the 15 micrometer wavelength, just so happens to be the 666 wave number. I saw a very intelligent scientist mention it and I happened to recall that fact.

Having trouble arguing against real science as presented , so you need to make it personal?

On Ignore: Frankfooter


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Are you claiming that scientists aren't researching mechanisms for climate change other than anthropogenic CO2?

The IPCC original charter explicitly stated their mission was to prove anthropogenic CO2 and only anthropogenic CO2 causes Global warming. That is puedoscience
30 years and billions of dollars later, they claim to have completed their mission
It is no coincidence any alternative theory get trashed & funding is cut off
Not only that but they use "Peer Review" as their primary justification. Phil Jones & other fanatics masquerading as scientists corrupted the Peer review process in climate science long ago

The vast majority of the IPCC directors are members of Greenpeace or the World Wild life foundation. If you believe they are objective, I have a bridge I would like to sell you

That's strange because I've seen plenty that propose solar activity or other non-human induced factors. Are you saying that they aren't actually being published? Are they self funding their work?
Published & then trashed . Oh too bad cant get by Peer Review with that!
Case in point Herman Hinde & Murray Salbey

In fact most scientific work is done simply to discover new things and doesn't have the partisan political expectations that you like to pretend. Anyone with any experience knows that post graduate work requires unique research so a huge variety of things are being studied, even far flung ideas like diapers to trap bovine methane or adjustable orbital heat shields.

Well in climate science good luck getting any money or getting past peer review if you do not support anthropogenic CO2
Ask Willie Soon or Richard Lindzen
Climate Science is corrupt as hell and so is the Peer review process

I agree that people shouldn't be disrupting Soon's lectures, even though they are usually paid for by the oil lobby.
True scientific discovery does not ask who paid for the research
If you are looking money tied to an agenda, perhaps you may wish to ask about Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund or the Tides foundation
US money paid to protesters to show up & disrupt the Canadian Oil Industry
If they did this in Texas they would get shot
You seriously can not be this naive

His work had its chance in the scientific community and failed on it's merits.
Actually if that were the case there would be absolutely no need to mention oil money funding his research at all. (even if it was only $10K)
No Willie got crucified for being on the wrong side of the argument & sadly the merits of his work will remain buried long after he is gone

Maybe he will continue work and find factors he missed (that's the way science works).
No way. His reputation has been trashed.
Mention any of his new work and Frankfooter will post a rebuttal within minutes about how he took oil money or he has been dis-credited
John Cook will do a number on him two days after he publishes

It is also funny to see you dismissing science you don't like because there are factors it doesn't account for while defending Soon's work despite its significant failures.
I do not dismiss science because I dont like it
I will however point out when the physics or chemistry has been mis-represented such as the exclusion of water vapor from the discussion of infrared absorption
however it is the trashing of scientists which gets my blood boiling. It is not sufficient for climate science to say, "No I disagree or you missed this important fact".
Nope that is not good enough, they intentionally destroy anyone who threatens the CO2 theory

BTW. Anyone with any sense knows that solar activity plays a role in climate but similarly, sensible people can't look at data that shows a warming trend that Soon can't account for and claim solar activity is the major driver of change.
Actually the sun is the primary source of 99% of the energy so I suspect it has a lot to do with any changes. Too bad any promising theory will get attacked regardless of its merits

I will say it's good that you are no longer arguing there is no upward trend in global temperatures.
That is still debatable. The surface temperature record is a mess, incomplete and contaminated
satellite records show a modest upward trend, but again 30-40 years of reliable data?? that is not sufficient to declare this settled. Not by a long shot

On Ignore: Frankfooter


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The IPCC original charter explicitly stated their mission was to prove prove anthropogenic CO2 causes Global warming
Propaganda statement.

The IPCC's mission:
Created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the objective of the IPCC is to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use to develop climate policies.
All they do is collect and assimilate all the research across the planet and summarize it for politicians and the general population.
Larue just doesn't accept the science.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
here is the ipcc original governing principles1

as per ross mckitricks comprehensive review


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, www.ipcc.ch) was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
Its governing principles1 state that its role is “…to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

On Ignore: Frankfooter


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
here is the ipcc original governing principles1

as per ross mckitricks comprehensive review


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, www.ipcc.ch) was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
Its governing principles1 state that its role is “…to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

On Ignore: Frankfooter
Mckitrick lies about the mission statement, larue doesn't do basic fact checking and falls for propaganda again.

https://www.ipcc.ch/about/#:~:text=Created in 1988 by the,use to develop climate policies.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually yes

Richard Feynman, perhaps the most brilliant mind of the latter half of the 20th century
“If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.”

Sort of like the fact that water vapor is in fact the dominate greenhouse gas rather than the advertised CO2?

That is so messed up!!!!
There is no law that states arguing against a flawed theory MUST be accompanied by an alternative theory
Law? What world are you living in?

But yes, in the scientific world, a reasonably successful theory is not replaced unless there is a more successful theory presented. I think there's an expression about a baby and bath water that reflects your anti-science viewpoint.

In case you are unable to understand, the reason why people looking to change something tend to look at the things they can change. We are interested in the impact of human created CO2 because it is the significant factor that we can control. Do you carry the same fatalistic point of view into the rest of your life? Do you refuse to invest anything because you can't predict precisely what the market will do? Do you reject prescribed medications because they can't guarantee exactly how your body will react to them? If we took your view, we'd still be living on the plains, chasing antelope and wondering if the berries we picked had anything to do with people dying.

Reality shows that our understanding of CO2's impact on the atmosphere matches observations better than any other theory and science will continue to support that view unless someone develops a better theory to replace it.

Maybe one day you will be embarrassed enough that you'll put me on ignore too.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The IPCC original charter explicitly stated their mission was to prove anthropogenic CO2 and only anthropogenic CO2 causes Global warming. That is puedoscience ...
Speaking of pseudoscience, where do you get this bullshit claim from?

In their own words, "The objective of the IPCC is to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use to develop climate policies".

It is pretty clear you are full of shit again. Is this your way of saying you deny there is climactic changes due to the overall warming of the Earth?

p.s. Yes, Soon's reputation is trashed because his science failed to measure up and he accidentally exposed his work as "deliverables" to the oil lobby. Sad that you think that guy's conclusions might prove to be true but refuse to admit there are so many papers showing CO2 is the major driver in change.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Law? What world are you living in?
The real world

You seem to think an argument against your position is invalid if it is not accompanied by an alternative theory

Well too bad for you that is NOT a hard fast rule or law
Wrong is wrong. offering up an alternative is optional and whether one is offered up or not does not change the fact that the original theory is wrong

But yes, in the scientific world, a reasonably successful theory is not replaced unless there is a more successful theory presented.
Absolutely not
What part of “If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.” are you having trouble with ?

They use to bleed people in a futile attempt to relive numerous ailments
George Washington died because some fool believed bleeding him would fix his fever from the common cold and fever. Apparently this remedy was held by many as the "consensus view' of state of the art medical advise
After having 40% of his blood removed from his body he died.

Still no cure for the common cold , but clearly that theory was just plain wrong and George would have been better off if it had been previously proven wrong with or without a substitute theory

Now lets focus on what you describe as "reasonably successfully"

Imagine the thrill of the Apollo astronauts if the chief scientist described the theory of their re-entry trajectory as based upon "reasonably successful theory" which "has some flaws"
if there is not an alternative available they just would not climb in the space capsule at all
And if the chief scientist insisted this was the best available theory and insisted this is the one to go with... they would get a new chief scientist or not go into space.

Your an engineer
If the engineering plan for a proposed bridge is determined to be flawed you do not continue working on it. That plan is scraped and that bridge is not built
You do not stick with that plan because it is "reasonably successful"

The word "reasonably" has absolutely no place in scientific theory.
If there are doubts or flaws, the theory is wrong! period.
If the experimental data does not support the theory in all experiments. The theory is wrong. Period

I think there's an expression about a baby and bath water that reflects your anti-science viewpoint.
Accusing me of being anti-science after you insist a scientific theory is valid if it is "reasonably successful" ??
If you are an engineer, you should know better

In case you are unable to understand, the reason why people looking to change something tend to look at the things they can change.
are you sure you do not mean"looking to change other peoples behavior"?

We are interested in the impact of human created CO2 because it is the significant factor that we can control.
So you put constraints on the scientific inquiry because you have predetermined what the possible solution is?
That is ass backwards and not at aligned with successful scientific methodology
The vast majority of real scientific inquiry is spent attempting to remove / isolate bias from experimentation. It takes a long time and a lot effort to design experiments without biases

yet you and the IPCC want / need to inject a massive bias right upfront

What if CO2 is not the demon and warming is caused by some other force which we can not control. Say non explosive volcanic activity deep in the oceans as an example
OH! Gee sorry about that. We did not look at that because .... well man did not cause that

Do you carry the same fatalistic point of view into the rest of your life?
If the laws of physics does not support a theory, then yes I will bluntly state that theory is wrong
If I observe science is being misrepresented, then yes I will speak out
if I observe hard working scientist being abused and mistreated because of ideological dogma ,then yes I will speak out

Do you refuse to invest anything because you can't predict precisely what the market will do?
What I do not invest in are companies which mis-represent themselves to the investing public

Do you reject prescribed medications because they can't guarantee exactly how your body will react to them?
I would not take a prescribed medication if there are a lot of unanswered questions about the diagnosis and there is a high probability the cure might be worse than the ailment
I certainly would not take it if the prescribing doctor were an activist first and a sawbones second

If we took your view, we'd still be living on the plains, chasing antelope and wondering if the berries we picked had anything to do with people dying.
Actually if you were to eliminate all that Greenpeace and The Tides foundation want to get rid of , you have described how life might be like
although you missed the cholera problem as Greenpeace also wants to ban chlorine

Reality shows that our understanding of CO2's impact on the atmosphere matches observations better than any other theory and science will continue to support that view unless someone develops a better theory to replace it.
No it is pseudoscience and it will always remain pseudoscience as long as there is an on going effort to silence opposing views
Why the need to silence opposing views ?

Any scientific theory that can not stand up to questioning, opposing views or debate and instead relies on silencing of its critics is not worth a bucket of piss

This is quickly turning into the most expensive scientific (propaganda) mistakes of all time

Maybe one day you will be embarrassed enough that you'll put me on ignore too.
Embarrassment has nothing to do with me putting Frankfooter on ignore
He has proven himself to be a scientific know nothing, incapable of honestly, and absolutely void of any integrity.
I found his character assassination of Judith Curry and other skeptical scientists to be particularly despicable
Since I was not permitted to deal with him as he should be dealt with, putting him on ignore was the best option

If you display the same loathsome character faults I will be obliged to put you on ignore as well
I suspect you are more level headed, however time will tell

On Ignore: Frankfooter


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
What part of “If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.” are you having trouble with ?
Climatologists have decades of 'experiments' where they built computer models of the climate and modelled what was projected to happen with the amount of CO2 projected to be put into the atmosphere.
This chart includes the different 'experiments' in the form of projections from differing models charted against what the climate did through global temperature recordings.

It answers larue's claim with evidence and clearly shows that his claims are totally nonsense.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Speaking of pseudoscience, where do you get this bullshit claim from?
The intial mission statement in 1988.
here is the ipcc original governing principles1
as per ross mckitricks comprehensive review


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, www.ipcc.ch) was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
Its governing principles1 state that its role is “…to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

Changing the mission statement did not change the dysfunctional culture
A wholesale turnover of the leadership would be required to change the culture, instead they have just become more aggressive and more political over time

The last few months have shown how corrupt the WHO is , and they are doctors
Are you so naive that you think activist scientists from Greenpeace, and WWF are above reproach ?
You are smarter than that

n their own words, "The objective of the IPCC is to provide governments at all levels with scientific information that they can use to develop climate policies".
I bet the WHO's current mission statement is just as re-assuring sounding

It is pretty clear you are full of shit again. Is this your way of saying you deny there is climactic changes due to the overall warming of the Earth?
Multiple Ice ages tells me climate is constantly changing
200 hundred years of flawed temperature data and 30-40 years of satellite data relative to billions years of constantly changing climate tells me the science is not settled. Not by a long shot

refuse to admit there are so many papers showing CO2 is the major driver in change.
Again water vapor is by far the dominate greenhouse gas. CO2 is a bit player
A paper which just looks solely at anthropocentric causes is biased before the ink dries

p.s. Yes, Soon's reputation is trashed because his science failed to measure up and he accidentally exposed his work as "deliverables" to the oil lobby.
He accidentally exposed his work???
No I am pretty confident that was the result of fanatical activists investigating a paper trail of money flows at a university or institute
Neither Willie nor the oil lobby would have any incentive to revel that information.

He did not deserve that. Nobody does
Can you not see how messed up this ideology has become?

On Ignore: Frankfooter
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